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Frequently Asked Questions about the End Time Gospel FAQ

Living Word Broadcast - End Time Gospel FAQ Question: What are the elements of the communion bread as taught by Bro. Branham?


“..We would pray that You'd speak to us for a few moments in the Word, then bless us in the communing service afterwards, as we take the broken parts of this kosher bread and wine, that represents Your broken Body and shed Blood for the remission of our sins…” [What Does Thou Here Jeff .IN 59-0301E]

“...Wine and bread is the communion. They took communion after the battle was over. Sure, one of these days we're going to take communion again when the battle is over. When we brought back the lost children, the lost sheep of the fold, have brought them back into reconciliation, and life is finished, then we'll have communion again with the Melchisedec of heaven, Christ. He will bring out the bread and wine, and we'll enjoy it together.” [The Faith Of Abraham LA, CA 59-0415E]

“...the Lord Jesus the same night... he was betrayed took bread: And when he had gave thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, and eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: do this in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, and when he had supped, saying,... (the cup now)... This is the cup of the new testament in my blood: this do... as oft as you drink it, in remembrance of me. For as oft as you eat this bread, and drink this cup, you do shew forth the Lord's death till he comes. See? It's a communion. I do realize and do agree that the--the body of the Lord, the living Word is Christ Himself. But these are symbols just like baptism, and footwash, and other ordinances of the church. But communion is absolutely essential for the bread, now, bread and wine.” [Questions And Answers Jeff. IN COD 59-0628E]

“Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily,... Now, the question was asked here: "You taking--you taking wine and crackers, sickness and sleep on you." See, that... I believe that the question is, that the only worship there is, is in the Holy Spirit, worshipping in the Holy Spirit. That is exactly the truth. You have to worship... All worship's in the Holy Spirit, and Paul's trying to say here, that you must be in the Holy Spirit before you do this or you eat and drink damnation to yourself (See?), before you do this, before the order's carried out.” [Questions And Answers Jeff. IN COD 59-0628E]

“Now therefore, I believe that the eating of the cracker... Now, I do not believe that kosher bread should be substituted for a cracker. I believe that it should be a holy unleavened bread, the type of the unleavened bread that was made in Egypt. And I believe that the Blood should not be grape juice, but it should be wine. Grape juice sours and spoils as it gets old. But wine gets better and stronger as it gets old; it never loses its strength. And the Blood of Christ doesn't sour and spoil; as it gets older, it gets stronger and better as the days goes by to the believer. And it is a literal wine and bread. Communion bread should be made by people who's dedicated themselves and consecrated themselves to God. I went to a church once where they taken this old loaf bread, where sinners cursing and carrying on, and filth, and cut up that old bread and stuck it out there with some kind of a juice to drink. To me that was--that was ridiculous. I believe it should be just exactly the way the Scripture said it should be and not vary one speck from the Scriptures, stay right with It.” [Questions And Answers Jeff. IN COD 59-0628E]

(Answer provided by Brother Donny Reagan, Pastor, Happy Valley Church, TN, USA)

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