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Frequently Asked Questions about the End Time Gospel FAQ

Living Word Broadcast - End Time Gospel FAQ Question: During communion, we take wine. Isn't wine alcoholic? The Bible does not explicitly say that Jesus drank wine. He said "take this cup" and mentioned the "fruit of the vine". What's the difference between "wine" and "strong drink"? Some take unfermented grape juice. Also when should it be done? In the evening as the Lord did it during the passover meal or as often whenever we meet - even during the day?


“ Now, Christ doesn't anoint ministers to preach the Gospel just to have it return back to Him void. But He expects you to receive the Word. And in receiving the Word, be ready. Take that old cowhide you been living in over there in that old formal condition and swap it off for a sheepskin that's flexible to the Word of God. And everything the Bible says, you'll say, "Amen." But it must come from the Bible, for the new wine only ferments wine. It only verifies the--the elements that's in there. The yeasts only presses forth the bulb of the alcohol, which makes it a bursting profession, as the yeast bursts it's little bubble to make it a more perfect, to give it the better taste, to give it the better substantial holding, to make it more stronger, to make it so it can't sour. Amen.”[The Impersonation Of Christianity, JEFF, IN, 57-0120M pp38]

“And when the leaven of the human element, that's brought into the new wine that seeks to burst the bubble that spreads forth its strength of the alcohol, it shoves from the church all the worldly elements like that, and preserves the church. Grape juice will sour in twenty four hours, but wine will never sour, 'cause the germ of life is in the wine fermenting, and pushing, and sterilizing. And the older it gets, the better it gets. So much for that, the new wine. It can only be put in new Pentecostals bottles. God had a hundred and twenty of them gathered into the upper room after He had oiled by His Word, and had softened up, and had renewed, and got all the old orthodoxy out of them of the old system. And God had a hundred and twenty bottles laying in the upper room when with their necks up and a funnel on the top. And when the Holy Spirit begin to raise, these bottles got so alive, until they begin to run outside preaching the Gospel, bouncing from place to place. And one jumped on a stump and said, "This is that," right back with the Word, "This is that, which was spoken of by the prophet Joel. And it shall come to pass in the last days," saith God, 'I'll pour out My Spirit, My new wine into My new body.'" [The Impersonation Of Christianity, JEFF, IN, 57-0120M pp39]

“Now therefore, I believe that the eating of the cracker... Now, I do not believe that kosher bread should be substituted for a cracker. I believe that it should be a holy unleavened bread, the type of the unleavened bread that was made in Egypt. And I believe that the Blood should not be grape juice, but it should be wine. Grape juice sours and spoils as it gets old. But wine gets better and stronger as it gets old; it never loses its strength. And the Blood of Christ doesn't sour and spoil; as it gets older, it gets stronger and better as the days goes by to the believer. And it is a literal wine and bread. Communion bread should be made by people who's dedicated themselves and consecrated themselves to God. I went to a church once where they taken this old loaf bread, where sinners cursing and carrying on, and filth, and cut up that old bread and stuck it out there with some kind of a juice to drink. To me that was--that was ridiculous. I believe it should be just exactly the way the Scripture said it should be and not vary one speck from the Scriptures, stay right with It.” [Questions And Answers, JEFF, IN COD, 59-0628E]

“The Bible said, "In like manner He took the cup, and when He had supped, saying, 'This is the Blood of the New Testament.' As oft as you drink it, you show forth the Lord's death till He come." I hold in my hand the--the fruit of the vine that represents the Blood of the Lord Jesus. It's been said by many that they wouldn't take wine, regular wine, because that it was a--an alcoholic, that it was a beverage, and they should not take the wine. They take grape juice. The reason we take wine is because the Bible said, "wine." All translations gives it "wine." Another reason: older wine gets, the better and stronger it becomes. Grape juice sours within a few hours. The Blood of Jesus Christ gets sweeter and better as the years go by. It never sours or contaminates.” [Ordination, JEFF, IN, 62-1104E]

“But communion, it's called the Lord's supper. Now, a lot of people, they want to take it in the morning. It didn't say in the Bible it was His breakfast. And how these people today, how they can still say "Lord's supper," and they don't... They've cut out supper, and omitted it, and called it "dinner," nonsense:” It's supper. [The Key To The Door, JEFF IN, 62-1007]
(We truly appreciate the help of Brother Donny Reagan in researching answers to the question above)

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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