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Frequently Asked Questions about the End Time Gospel FAQ

Living Word Broadcast - End Time Gospel FAQ Question: Has the rapture already happened?


“I wish there was some way I could let the people see what I'm talking about. We've got to have a wakening right quick or you're going to MISS the RAPTURE, friends. It could happen at any time. How many would like to make a consecration to God, raise up your hands. Stand up on your feet. Consecrate yourself newly to God. How many feels you need a consecration, raise up your hands.” [El Shaddai, Los Angeles, California 59-0416]

“The hour has arrived now, that He wants to get a Church ready. I'm going to say this with a prophetic voice, I trust. I'm not saying it in the Name of the Lord, but I believe this is true. The RAPTURE, you'll be talking about the RAPTURE, when the RAPTURE has been gone, a long time. Yeah. You'll be saying, "Bless God, the RAPTURE is come." It's done past. Didn't Jesus say about John? "Why does the scribes say that John, first? Or, how did he say that Elias must come?" He said, "He's already come and you didn't know it. But you done just exactly what you said he would do." One day there will come a judgment upon earth. And the first thing you know, you're going to find people here looking for the RAPTURE, and they done been gone a long time ago. It'll be such in the minority. He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. As it was in the days of Lot!"” [An Absolute, Phoenix, Arizona 63-0127]

“While I believe, with all my heart, the seat's still open. I believe He's still on the throne of God, but soon He's going to rise now and come forth to claim what He has redeemed. He's doing the work of Kinsman Redeemer while Ruth is waiting. But soon, you know, after Boaz done the kinsman work, then he come and claimed his possessions, and that's exactly what the Bible said He done. He come forth and took the Book; then intercession is over. He's off the throne. There's no more Blood on the mercy seat, and then what is it? Judgment seat. Don't let it be said some of these days. "I thought the RAPTURE was supposed to come," and hear the Voice say back, "It's in the past." God help you. Now, let's bow our heads.” [The Fourth Seal, Jeffersonville, Indiana 63-0321]

“A fellow come in and said, "Say, brother, you know what?" He said, "I'm going to give you the second set of keys. I've bought a new car." He said, "I'm going to give you the second set of keys," told his pastor. Said, "I'm going to give you the second set of keys 'cause the RAPTURE might come, you know, and said I won't be needing it any more." Pastor was going to MISS it. You see? So that's making ready, isn't it? All right, but that's--that's the way it is. See, we mustn't be that way. We must be a--a sane, solid Christian (See?), that I'm put here to work right up to the last minute. I've got a job to do, and I want to be right found faithful at the post of duty. If He comes this morning, I want to be standing right here in the pulpit.” [Questions And Answers On The Seals, Jeffersonville, Indiana 63-0324m]

“Something happened the other day. You read, or heard the tape, "the seven thunders," What Time Is It, Sir? See? It happened the other day. You know these things. The time is at hand, church. The time is at hand. Don't, don't, don't wait any longer. See? How do you know the RAPTURE is not going on all the time? First thing you know, it'll be past, one disappearing here and there. It'll be gone, the first thing you know. And you'll... Judgment will strike the world. You say, "Well, I--I thought this." "It's too late now." Remember, they didn't know it until the day they entered into the ark, and then it was too late. The foolish virgin didn't know until she come back and found the wise virgin gone, then she was left for the Tribulation period.” [God Hiding Himself In Simplicity, Albuquerque, New Mexico 63-0412e]

“That's something like the church today. God has shook every kind of gift before the church, that He promised to shake, and still we stare in space. See? "Sirs, we would... Sir, Master, we would desire a sign from Thee." See? "Master, we would desire this." When, He's done everything, in the Bible, He promised to do. We're at the end time. And the first thing you know, you're going to find out, you say, "Well, isn't it written that we should have a RAPTURE?" And it'll be like it was by John the Baptist. They said, "Isn't it written in the Scripture that there should be, first, there would be Elias come?" He said, "Elias has already come and you didn't know it." One of these days, when Tribulation sets, you'll say, "Wasn't there to be a RAPTURE first?" And it'll be, "It's already past, and you knew nothing about it." See? It'll come like a thief in the night. I tell you, it's time for believers to trim their lamps, get on their toes. The calling time is at hand. We should remember that.” [Greater Than Solomon Is Here, Tucson, Arizona 63-0605]

“You know, one time Jesus was asked a question. He said, "Why does the scribes say that Elias must first come?" And Jesus said, "I say unto you, He has already come, and you didn't know it." One of these days you're going to say, "Well, I thought the Church was going, had to do this, that, and the other. I thought there would be a RAPTURE. I thought... See, it'll be a secret catching away. If He took one here in Hot Springs, and one somewhere else, and one down there, and one there, will make up literally millions of those that come up out of the ground. And there is at least five hundred people, every day, MISSED in the world, and we don't even know where they went to. See, the RAPTURE is going to make up of all those who sleep in the dust of the earth, that's right with God. They'll say, "Well, I thought a RAPTURE was to take place." "It's already passed, and you knew it not. You are left." See? "Well, everything is going..." Yes, sir. It's a secret Coming, the RAPTURE is, comes to steal away. Like that book I read that time (what was it), Juliet and Romeo. He come at nighttime, when the people were sleeping in worldliness, and the church all in worldliness. And all of a sudden, the cry come, and away they went.” [O Lord, Just Once More, Hot Springs, Arkansas 63-0628m]

“And that's the same thing they're doing now. They got a church, and they "believe in Jesus Christ," and say they do, and things, but deny the hour we're living in! Still brings the old proverb back again: man always praising God for what He has done, looking forward for what He would do, and, or will do, and ignoring what He's doing, and being condemned by it. See? They think, "God is wonderful. How great He is! What He's going to do: He is going to come, and be a RAPTURE, someday, and go Home," and denying the very signs and wonders right here at the time that the Scripture says that He'll be doing it. MISS the whole Thing! "If the blind lead the blind," Jesus said, "they'll all fall in the ditch." Just pray God to open our eyes in this last days.” [The Indictment, Jeffersonville, Indiana 63-0707m]

“Therefore, we know that we're at the end time. We're here. I don't know how far away, I--I... He'll never let us know that, because His Coming will be "as a thief in the night." My friends, my brother, sister, let's just be ready, regardless. Let's just chaste ourself. See? Because, the world will go right on. They'll never even know it's happened. When the doors of mercy is closed, preachers will be preaching salvation, be--be causing people to repent, going right on just like it always did. It did in other ages, and it did in... It will in this age. And the RAPTURE will be so sudden and so quick, that the world will never even MISS them, that they're gone. Right. They'll know nothing about it. He comes and slips Her away. It'll be gone, they'll know nothing about it. So, be in prayer. Pray for me. I'll pray for you. We don't know when that hour will be, but we believe it'll be soon. Stay away from shiny things. Stay with the Gospel, see, stay right there now, and pray.” [He That Is In You, Jeffersonville, Indiana 63-1110e]

“What we need today is a rooting out. We may root out too late now. The hour might be passed. We never have another revival. I know you're looking for it, but I don't see it in the Scripture. I look for a RAPTURE, for just a handful of people. That's right, just a handful of people. They'll never be MISSED in the world. When they go, you'll never know it's gone. That's right. It'll come like a thief in the night.” [The World Is Again Falling Apart, Shreveport, Louisiana 63-1127]

“And, think, people will go right on preaching, saying they believe they're getting saved, and adding in the church, and building churches, and going on just like they did in the days of Noah, and so forth, and not know it; and the RAPTURE done past, "it's already happened and you didn't know it." There is hundreds of people disappear from the earth and people know nothing about where they went to, they can't account for it; somebody was going somewhere, they never hear from them no more. And that could be the RAPTURE.” [The Presence Of God Unrecognized, Topeka, Kansas 64-0618]

“He makes three Comings. He come in three Sons, Names. He come in a trinity; Father, Son, Holy Ghost. See, all of it the same Christ, the same God, all the time. Now, we know He come to bring three works of grace; justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost. Everything, in God, is completed in three's. And so He come, first, to redeem His Bride. He comes, second, as a RAPTURE, to take away His Bride. He comes, third, with His Bride, King and Queen; after, that's when many people are expecting the Coming. But when He comes this time, hardly none but those who are ready will know when He comes. There'll just be an absence of people. They won't know what happened to them. They'll just be caught away, in a moment, and that they just come up MISSING. "Changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye." So just be ready for that. It'd be horrible some morning to MISS a loved one, no one can find them. Wouldn't it be too bad to know it's done past and you MISSED it? So just keep before God.” [Broken Cisterns, Jeffersonville, Indiana 64-0726e]

“While we have our heads bowed, our eyes closed, and please bow your heart at the same time. Will you? I want to ask you a question. Do you really look at yourself, to God? And do you feel that you're not where you--you ought to be at this hour? Cause the RAPTURE could come at any time. See, it'll come. There'd only be, if--if that statement I made a while ago is true, there'll only be about five hundred people in the RAPTURE, that's living, they'll be changed. Why, taking all Christendom together, Catholic and all, there's only five hundred million people, see, claims Christianity. And one out of a million, be five hundred people. There's that many people MISSING every day, across the world, that we can't even account for them. See, it'll come, and you won't even know it. People'll go on preaching, and saying... See, and it'll all be past. Like Jesus said. They said, the disciples said, "Why say the scribes, say, 'Elias must first come'?" He said, "He's already come and you didn't know him, but they did to him what they said they would do." [Leadership, Covina, California 65-1207]

[Answers provided by Bro. Ken Andes, Minister, Lynden, Washington]

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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