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The Queen Of Sheba
60-0110, The Queen Of Sheba, Tift County Courthouse, Tifton, GA, 124 min

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L-1 Bow our heads now just for a moment of prayer before we start the further part of the service.
Our heavenly Father, we are grateful, indeed, for this grand privilege of assembling ourselves together on this lovely Sabbath evening to worship Thee, and to give Thee thanks and praise for all that You have done for us. We look back down the trail of our life; we can see the many things that Your kindness has granted to us, Your hand of mercy in time of trouble, and we thank Thee for it.
And we pray, Lord, that You will receive our thanks tonight. And as we are going into the closing of this little, three night service, we want to thank You for all that You have done for us, for the greatness of Your Presence, for the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, and for the hungering and thirsting of Thy children. Lord, it is written, if we ask for bread, we will not get a rock. If we asked for a fish, we would not get a serpent. Thou has granted this to us, that we are thirsty for the Bread of Life. Oh, Lord, feed us with Thy goodness and Thy mercy. Forgive us of our sins and our trespasses against Thee. [Matthew 7:9-10], [Matthew 5:6]
L-2 And we pray, Lord, that because of this little gathering, that it'll start such a thirst in this city and around about, that there'll be an old fashion revival break out through the city and go nationwide. Grant it, Lord. Hear us as we pray, and as we read the Word, and speak of the Lord Jesus. We pray that You'll open every heart.
We would not forget those that are sick and afflicted and so in need, tonight, Lord, of Your healing power. Some of them, Your beloved physicians here of the earth, has done all that they can do for them. And they're at the end of the road, so as to speak. But Thou, O Lord, Thou art our stay. Thou art a refuge, a very present help in the time of trouble. We have the God-given rights and privilege to call upon Thee. And we pray that You'll heal the sick tonight. In the hospitals, the convalescents, we pray for them, that You'll heal them also, Father. Get glory unto Thyself.
And when we leave the service tonight, may we say like those coming from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us along the way?" For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. You may be seated. [Psalms 9:9], [Luke 24:32]
L-3 There's just one regret tonight, that this is the last service of this little meeting. But it would be the Lord's will and the people's desire, I would like to come back to Tifton sometime for a meeting, when we can have more time to stay.
I want to say that what people I have met since I've been here has been some of the nicest people I've ever met in my life. I do not say that to be complimentary. I only say it because it's in my heart and it's true. Lovely, fine people...
You know, I know that some of the truest hearts that beats is under an old, blue shirt, perhaps with a patch on it. But there's where you meet real men. I'm so glad to meet that type of people.
L-4 I want to thank each and every one of you for your kindness and cooperation. There was one thing they did, that I did not agree with, but that was last night taking an offering for me. And they taken up a hundred and some dollars, seventeen--hundred and seventeen dollars or something, brought it to me. I don't know how to give it back to you. See? I--I never come for that purpose. I never took a offering in my life. Money is not the subject; it's your soul. It's the good that we can do.
I've been in the ministry thirty years. I'm an old man. And I--I have never yet taken up my first offering. And if I would've took offerings, I would've, or taken the people's money... I perhaps, had one time give me one and a half million dollars at one time from the Mission Bell Winery of the Mr. Arkelian, the owner, his wife being healed of cancer. I refused to even look at the check or the money draft. What would I want with a million and a half dollars? There's only one thing I could do with it: Give it away. And if I take it; it's taxable; the government takes the biggest part of it before I could give it away.
L-5 So, see, if we don't want the money; we just want you to believe God. Believe the Bible and live right. 'Cause all that we have on this earth, we're going to lay down and leave it one of these days. It's just those things that's eternal that counts. So...
But being that it was given, the hundred and something, seventeen dollars something, the brethren told me, thank you, my precious friends. I will take that right straight to the mission field to feed some hungry children. See them laying on the street with their little bellies swelled up from starvation... Do everything I can to make it count.
And at that day, when the rewards are given out, you'll see where it went. God ever bless you. That's a portion of your living that we share with others.
L-6 I want to thank the ministers. I suppose this is their line, wherever they are, for their fine cooperation in this little, three days, just almost unnoticed. I've got three, four, five more of them, just little spots before going over the seas for a worldwide trip: Africa, and Asia, and Europe, and around the world. Thank you, my brethren, for your fine cooperation.
If we ever get to come back, we'll come first and consult all of you brethren, and find when you haven't got any meetings going on, and maybe come and pitch a tent outside the city or something like that, so we can stay a long time, and all of us together, working together, for one great cause: The Lord Jesus.
That's the only way that we can ever... We go into cities; it must be a--a cooperation with all churches, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Nazarene. You can surely get together for a revival for the saving of souls. And I believe we can if we just pray and ask the Lord.
L-7 Then I want to thank the court for this place. We--we were just going to drop by and went out in the country here. And some precious brother that let us have his church, the people were standing in the cold. And then they changed it right quickly, and brought it here. And tonight, I noticed cars all up and down the street here with people in them, standing out back in the back, down in the halls, couldn't get in. And so we are thankful to the court for their fine cooperation.
Someone said today (I am just quoting someone else) that the judge came and said, "Well, you need some more room or you might need my office. Here's the key."
I just hung my coat in Judge's office. God bless that man. I pray that his court of justice grow. And he will be served so well that in the day that when he has to stand before the Judge of the earth and the trials of his court be brought before him, that the Master, the great Judge, will say, "It was well done, my good and faithful servant." [Matthew 25:21]
L-8 May the Lord bless you all. Hearing testimonies... Last evening, I gave a testimony of some brother that met me on the street with a... Told me that his little girl having our eye scratched out. And I come and repeated it right behind him here last night not knowing that he said anything about it.
Billy was telling, I believe, of some couple that he had met that's got a Assembly of God's school, out here. My son went to Waxahachie, Assembly of God's school in Texas, Waxahachie, Texas. And they were...
This girl said many years ago, the woman, the boy's wife, minister, that when she was such a little girl, just a little, tiny tot, that they brought her to Pensacola (I believe it was) where we was having a meeting. And I prayed till I couldn't stand no longer. Many times I'd get so weary. The visions would leave, and I--I'd just have to stand and the ministers would lift my hand and lay it on the people as they passed by.
L-9 And she said she had so many ulcers. So it was thought that she couldn't live. And her mother brought her by, took her hand and laid it over on my hand. Went by, the ulcers left, and she's in just perfect health.
See, it wasn't my hand that done it. That had nothing to do with it. It was the mother's faith, her faith in God.
Jesus said, "It isn't I that doeth the works; it's the Father dwelleth in Me. He doeth the work."
And you'll only get from God the things that you're expecting from God in the way you approach God. You approach Him with reverence, with faith, and every Word is true. [John 14:20]
L-10 Now, there's handkerchiefs laying here, I want to pray over. Now, many of you, you know the Scriptures on that. Many times, ministers anoint those handkerchiefs with oil and send them to the people. That's perfectly all right. I believe that anything the Lord Jesus will bless, I'm just for it.
But Scripturally in the Bible, Paul didn't anoint the handkerchiefs. They taken from his body handkerchiefs and aprons. I believe Paul was a fundamentalist. You know where I think he got that in the Scripture? When Elisha sent, or Elijah, sent the staff with his servant, Gehazi, and said, "Lay it on the baby."
Elijah knew that everything that he touched was blessed. And so he had the staff that he'd--he'd walked with. He said, "Go lay that on the baby."
But the woman's faith wasn't in the staff; it was in the prophet. So she wouldn't leave until the prophet laid his own body on the baby, and the baby come to life. It depends on where your faith lays. But in the handkerchiefs... [Acts 19:12], [II Kings 4:29]
L-11 I remember in South Africa in the last trip at Capetown. And I was there. And I believe there was ten or fourteen of sack-fulls of handkerchiefs and letters in this great, what we call, grass sacks, burlap sacks. And the writer of the paper said, "Brother Branham is superstitious. He was praying over handkerchiefs." Just not knowing the Scripture, of course.
But we're glad to pray over these, and if you don't--do not have one up here, and you're on outside of the building, or anything, if you wish me to pray over one, just write me. I'm not trying to get your address. We have nothing to sell, no radio broadcast, no nothing, nothing at all. It's absolutely free. Just anything that we can do to help you make life a little better for you, make the way, the rough places, a little more plain. That's what we're here for. Just write us, Jeffersonville, Indiana. We'll send it to you as quick as we possibly can.
L-12 Now, if I've missed anything, the little brother that played the music, and the different ones, and the ministers, the Lord bless you richly for your kindness and everything. If I've missed someone, well, I didn't mean to. The Lord be with you all.
And I'm going to ask you one favor. That is, over in Africa and India while we're standing there where there's twenty times as many witch doctors as in this building tonight. And they're there trying to cast spells on you and everything. You better know what you're talking about. You better be sure that He sent you.
But when the winds are blowing hot and heavy, I'm under a lot of pressure, can I be thinking of Tifton, Georgia, that the people are praying for me? Will you be doing that? Thank you.
L-13 Dear heavenly Father, I pray that You'll help us now as we journey together. Many here tonight I'll never see again. If I come back in six months, in a crowd like this and old people, even young that might be killed in accidents. There'll be somebody missing. I'll never see them no more until the judgment. I pray, Lord, that there not be one person missing, that all will be there under the blood of the Lord Jesus ready to go into Eternal Life with Him forever.
Help us now as we open the Word. We realize that the Word is Your Word. And It's of no private interpretation. The Holy Spirit wrote the Bible. So we pray that the Holy Spirit will interpret the meanings of the Scriptures to us tonight in such a way that He might plant seed of the Bible in every heart, that when this service shall be ended, that each person will receive that what they come for. For we ask it in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
L-14 I'm sorry that the people they're standing. No place to sit down to listen, you'd be comfortable and could get more out of the service, of course. But to you who are now got their Bibles and you like to kindly follow the Scriptures, turn with me to the Book of Saint Matthew 12th chapter and we'll--we'll begin from the 12th chapter at the 38th verse for just a portion.
Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee.
But he answered and said unto them, An evil and an adulterous generation seeketh... sign; and there shall be no sign given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
The men of Nineveh shall rise in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.
The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here. [Matthew 12:38-42]

May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word.
L-15 We find Jesus tonight, as we move in upon the scene of His sermon and His speech to the people. He was a bit disturbed with the people, because of the cities that He had been into to and had been preaching and showing them the sign of His Messiahship and the attitude that they'd taken towards it.
Last evening, we spoke on what was the sign of the Messiah. What type of a sign would it be? And how the people were to know, and how that He gave that sign to the Jews, and those that received it had Eternal Life... Those that rejected it was turned away into condemnation to everlasting separation from the Presence of God. [Matthew 12:38-42]
L-16 Then we find also that He went to Samaria. And the Samaritans received that sign as He spoke to the woman and told her of her condition. And the Samaritans believed the testimony of the woman. Jesus did not perform any miracles in Samaria, because we find out later that Philip went down after Pentecost, and there he healed the sick. Jesus laid the foregrounds for it.
And if you'll notice, it's very strange in the proceeding--or the previous Scripture of this text tonight. When he was quoting Isaiah, the prophet, how that Isaiah said that he would be a Light unto the Gentiles.
That's very outstanding, for the very sign that He was showing was otherwise... In Doctor Scofield, in his Bible, in the footnotes, predicts that it will be at the last day when the Gentiles will receive the sign of the Messiah. Christ, being Messiah, they didn't get it in their day. We've only had day of theology, of...
We come in in the reformation of Luther. The Protestants and the Catholics come in after about six hundred years, or three hundred years after the death of the last apostle. They failed to get the Messiahic sign. 'Course they were Romans and Anglo-Saxons. And now... [John 4:4, 21-30]
L-17 But in here Isaiah spoke that it would be for the Gentiles in the last day. But Jesus was upbraiding these people, because that they had rejected to understand the Scriptures with all their great churches, and their great, mighty leaders, scholarships, priests of a certain lineage of priests, holy men that no man could lay one finger to their immorals of their lives.
But yet, in that, all that they failed to see the real thing. Now, if goodness and mercy, if holiness and righteous living pleases God, then He had to accept the Pharisee.
But, you see, my precious friend, sin is not immoral living. Sin is not drinking whiskey; sin is not committing adultery. You do that because you're not a believer. That's the attributes of unbelief. You do that because you're not a believer. But if you are a believer, you do not do those things. So there's only one original sin and that's unbelief. The Scripture says, "He that believeth not is condemned already." [John 3:18]
L-18 You can't even get to the first base. You're condemned before you start, if you're not a believer in every Word of God. For if the Holy Spirit is in you, you are a believer. And the Holy Spirit that wrote the Bible would say, "Amen" to every promise. Everything that God says It'll "Amen" it back.
But if the Holy Spirit isn't in you, and you're just intellectually trained... Which I have nothing against it... Intellectual training, schooling, college, that's wonderful if you've got the Holy Spirit with that to back up what you're talking about. See? But as the Scripture said in the last days, "Having the form of godliness and denying the power thereof..." [II Timothy 3:5]
L-19 Now, Jesus had met this type of people, and the sign had been given them. And they had classed it as an evil spirit doing it. They said, "This man is Beelzebub," in the same chapter that I just read. "This man does this; he's a fortuneteller."
Beelzebub was a devil, and anyone knows that fortunetelling is of the devil. But you see, it's a spirit. And the Bible teaches us, that in the last days that those spirits will be so close, it would deceive the very elected if possible. But watch them by the fruit that they bear. Fortunetellers are out there on the street making money. And they're guessing; and they're taking telepathy and mental psychology.
But the power of God preaches the Gospel and warns of the hell that there is before you, and a heaven to go to, and calls sinners to repentance, and heals the sick, and does good things. Then by their fruits you shall know them. [Matthew 24:24], [Matthew 12:38-42]
L-20 But these men could not give an answer to their church. The thing had been done, and--and there was something wrong, and they had to give an answer. So they just placed it off and said, "Why He's a prince of all the devils."
Jesus said, "I forgive you for it, speaking that word against I, the Son of man. But when the Holy Ghost is come (referred them back to Isaiah's Scr--Scripture of the Gentiles in the last days), one word against it will be never forgiven in this word nor the--this world or the one that is to come."
So it behooves us in these last days that when we are seeing strange sights, to be careful. Place it on the Scripture. And if God said so, then believe it. If He did not say it, then be real careful, if it isn't in the Bible and a promise of God. [Matthew 12:24], [Luke 12:10]
L-21 Now, God, in all generations, has always never been without a witness. He's always had a witness somewhere, though it's gotten down sometime maybe to one person. But God has always and always will have a witness, somebody He can lay His hand on. And Jesus was His witness in that day. And His witness today is the Holy Spirit. God's the witness in the earth.
Now, we find that they was rejecting Jesus. And Jesus was speaking how they had rejected the other witnesses, and predicted that they'd still reject it in the days to come. But there would be some that would receive it. "Straight is the gate and narrow is the way and few there will be that find it. 'Cause broad is the way that leads to destruction and many will go in thereat." [Matthew 7:14], [Acts 1:8], [I John 5:10-14]
L-22 And He referred back, we notice, to men who'd God had sent before Him. And He spoke, what we read a few moments ago, of Jonah. I feel sorry for Jonah, because so many people condemn that prophet. He doesn't deserve to be condemned. He was a prophet of the Lord and did just exactly what God led him to do.
I was reading one time before he was sent to Nineveh, but taken a ship to Tarshish, and got in trouble out on the sea, and was throwed out of the ship. Bound hand and foot and throwed into the sea and swallowed by a whale... And then when the whale they said, went down to the bottom of the sea to rest hisself at the bottom... That's the way a fish does when it eats. Feed your little goldfish and watch them. They'll go right to the bottom and rest. [Jonah 1:2, 15], [Jonah 2:3], [Luke 17:24-30], [Matthew 12:38-42]
L-23 And this great whale had been prowling through the waters, and he--he found this prophet falling through the waters. And he'd picked him up and his great, huge mouth and had swallowed him.
Scientist sometime don't want to believe that. But God had prepared this fish. This was a different kind of a whale. God prepared this one to swallow a preacher. So he... It was a different fish.
And notice, know when he had his hands and feet bound, and he was in the belly of the whale in the bottom of the sea and a storm on top... Now, some people look at their symptoms.
"My pastor prayed for me last night, but my hand's no better. That has nothing to do with it." If you are really a believer, that--you don't even look at that. It's already settled forever. God healed you.
What if Abraham would've looked that next month to see if Sarah was going to have the baby. He never noticed that. He just noticed what God said. And any true believer looks to the promise, not what symptoms are around them. They look what God said. [Jonah 2:1-10]
L-24 And Jonah, down there in the vomit in the whale's belly--speaking of symptoms, he had a right to have them. If he looked this way, it was a whale's belly. He looked back this a way, it was a whale's belly. All around him was whale's belly.
But what did he say? He didn't believe any of them. He turned hisself over in the whale, and he said, "Lord God, once more will I look to Your holy temple." Not at his symptoms, not at the condition, not how sorry his hopes had gone, but he said, "I'll look to Your temple."
'Cause when Solomon dedicated that temple, he said, "Lord, if Thy people any time, be in trouble and will look towards this holy place and pray, then hear from heaven."
And he believed that God heard Solomon's prayer. And Jonah in those conditions... There's no one here in that condition, as bad off as that. But in that condition, he could refuse to look at his symptoms. And so "I look towards the temple," a natural temple, where a natural man built, where a natural man, a real man, that was just a sinful man, that later backslid, and could believe God that He heard the prayer... How much more ought you and I under these conditions to look to heaven where Jesus sets at the right-hand of God to make intercessions upon our confession. We refuse to see the symptoms, have nothing to do with it. [Jonah 2:4-5], [II Chronicles 7:14], [I Kings 8:44-45], [Colossians 3:1], [Luke 20:42], [Acts 7:55]
L-25 I want to straighten Jonah in your mind to think. The people of Nineveh, if you study the history, they were fishermen--very wicked. And they worshipped idols. God knows how to do things. Just follow the leading of the Spirit.
Jonah had to take that, because (that ship)--because he was led to. And now, after three days and nights, he stayed in the belly of the whale. The people of Nineveh worshipped the idols. And their god of the sea where they made their livings was the whale.
And now, they were all out in their fishboats, fishing. Here come the god up and licked his tongue out, and the prophet walked out on his tongue like a gangplank with a message of repentance, of miracles. God always performs miracles when He's around. Sure they would believe it. The god spit the prophet out. Sure. And they repented at the preaching of Noah--of Jonah. [Matthew 12:40], [Jonah 3:1-10]
L-26 And Jesus said that a greater than Jonah is here. He said, "Those people who didn't know which was right and left hand would rise in the judgment and condemn this generation." Because they repented at the preaching of Jonah. Nothing like that was ever said in the Scriptures that he would do that. But he did it. But here was Jesus, from Genesis was predicted to come with being the Messiah, and He would be a God prophet, and they failed to recognize it. Said they'll--they'll rise in the day of the judgment and condemn this generation. One more little quotation on Jonah before we go somewhere, a different case.
Did you notice they said, "Sir, we would seek a sign of thee." Now, listen at him. And if some critic might get a hold of it, they put a wicked and a--an evil, and an adulterous generation seeks after signs. If that prophesy was ever fulfilled, it's today. When did we ever have more evil and an adulterous generation? When the divorce courts are full of marriage and divorcing, marrying and giving in marriage, Jesus said it would be. A Reno, Nevada, leading people, they had four or five different times, just leave wives and marry another one, and leave a husband and marry another one. Just like... Worse than animals. When was there a more evil and an adulterous generation? [Matthew 12:41], [Matthew 12:38-39], [Jonah 3:1-10]
L-27 He said, "They'll seek after a sign, and they will get it." Look at the Scriptures. He said, "They'll get a sign. For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and nights, so the Son of man will be in the belly of the earth or the heart of the earth three days and nights."
What kind of a sign will that wicked and evil adulterous generation get? The sign of the resurrection, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's the sign that they were promised. God keeps His Word. They get--they are getting, and they've gotten it, the sign of the resurrection, the Lord Jesus manifesting Himself amongst people, the same signs and wonders that He did when He was on earth. They will receive a sign. [Matthew 12:39-40], [Hebrews 13:8]
L-28 Then He said, "The queen of the south shall stand in the day of judgment with this generation and condemn it, for she came from the utmost parts of the known earth at that day to hear the wisdom of Solomon."
Now, you're speaking of the time, Solomon. Now, any theologian, Bible reader, knows that that was the Millennium almost for the Jews. It was when Israel prospered, and great wonders were done, and great signs, and so forth taken place. And they built the temple in the reign of Solomon, which was the son of David, a type of the Lord Jesus. And it was all... David had fought down the nations, till they all feared Israel. And to make their golden age for them, God sent a mighty gift amongst the people. [Matthew 12:42], [Luke 11:31]
L-29 When God sends a gift to the people and they'll recognize it, it's always a golden age. But when they refuse it, there's nothing left but a chaos for that generation. Now, listen closely. If God had sent the Holy Spirit in this age for a sign, and we reject It, there's nothing left but a destruction. But if we refuse it, we'll sure to be blowed off the earth. The atomic bombs are hanging ready now, each one afraid to pull the trigger.
But someday, they'll have too much vodka and press the trigger. And when that--that bomb passes through that radar, sound... When it goes through there, there'll be others go the other way. And you know what will take place? The world can't stand it. And the Gospel's been preached, and Christ is being made manifested to the people, just before the rapture of the taking away of the Church. Before that can happen, the Church will be gone.
And if we know that that could happen before morning... And before that happens, the Church will be gone. Before one drop of rain fell, Noah was in the ark. Before one speck of fire fell from the heavens, Lot was out of Sodom. Before that atomic bomb can...?... the nations, the Church will be gone to glory. As it was in the days of Noah, and in the days of Lot... See the preparation we spoke of last night? We're here. [Luke 17:27-28]
L-30 And all the people, with one accord, rallied around that great gift that God gave Solomon. Everybody believed it. What if we all believe it today? Not one would take the whole nation; what if all the churches would believe the Holy Spirit and rally around the Holy Spirit the way they rallied around Solomon. And which is the greatest: Solomon or the Holy Spirit? A greater than Solomon is here. And the people doesn't want to believe it.
Kindy tears down, worldly prestige... The Holy Spirit makes you do things that you didn't think you would do. But we go to school, and we get highly educated, and we feel like that we have to go according to that trend. And the Holy Spirit comes in and works through the humble, little bunch of people.
And then, somebody that's a little higher tries, or a little longer, got a bigger name, begins to say, "Oh, they're just a bunch of common, oh, backwash." [Matthew 12:42]
L-31 Reminds me of my little girl. I've got two little girls. And one of them's name is Rebekah, the oldest. And the other one's name is Sarah, a little, short fellow. And they're both daddy's little girls.
And here sometime ago, I'd been out on a meeting. And--and mama and the girls were waiting up to see me. And I was too late getting in, around three o'clock in the morning. So the little girls climbed in their little pajamas and went to bed. Waiting for daddy, their eyes got heavy, and they had to go to bed. I come in, and I was tired from a big campaigns. And I slept a little while, and got up early, and set in the chair.
L-32 After while, back in the their bedroom, I heard a noise: the pillows and cover a flying. You know what I mean. And they were just a carrying on, 'cause it was daylight, wondering if daddy had got home yet. And through the floor they come running, and I was setting in the parlor in a chair. And Rebekah was longer legged than Sarah, so she could outrun her. She's about four years older.
And she come running through just as fast as she could, and jumped to straddle on my knee, and throwed both arms around my neck, and begin say, "Daddy, we're so glad to see you home." Oh, you know how that makes your heart feel. And then coming behind her, her little sister, her pajama feet too big... Becky's old pajamas, she was wearing. And you know, the hand-me-downs, how it is in the family. And she had Becky's pajamas, which was too big for her. And she was stumbling and falling. Becky beat her. So she jumped up, and straddled my l--leg, and her legs was long, and she could reach down to the--the floor.
And she balanced herself well, and throwed both arms around my neck, and said--looked around and said, "Sarah, my sister, I want to tell you something. I've got all of daddy, and there isn't any left for you."
Now, that's the way some people try to spend a long time, way back when the early age was starting in the churches, think that they've got all of it, because they're--been here on the earth a little longer.
L-33 But poor, little Sarah, I felt so sorry for her. Her little eyes dropped down, her little--her little lip dropped down; her little brown eyes begin to shed like a tear. She started to turn away because her sister had all of daddy. And Becky leaning her head over on my shoulder just a hugging me, 'cause she had all of daddy. I looked at Sarah, and her little countenance dropped down. She started to cry. I winked at her, and motioned my finger, and stuck out the other leg. Here she come as hard as she could and jumped right up on my leg.
She was too short-legged. She was a young church, you know. She isn't... She's topsy-turvy, and she just gets to shouting and screaming, you know, don't know where she... But, see, I knowed she might fall off my leg, so I just took both arms and held her like this because I was afraid she might fall.
And I hugged her, and she got up into my bosom, and she turned over to her sister and said this: She said, "Now, Rebekah, my sister, I want to tell you something." She said, "It may be true," she said, "that you've got all of daddy. But I've want you to know that daddy's got all of me."
So that's what it is. It isn't... I want Him to have all of me. God's take me all. Whether I know my ABC's or not, whether I know whether I can compete the rest of them, don't try, just surrender yourselves and let God have all of you. That's what we should do. God take all of me.
L-34 So in the days of Solomon, God had His church all together, like He did at Pentecost, only He had the nation. What would happen tonight, if all the nation would rally around the Holy Spirit? Why, it would be the best bomb shelter they ever got today.
I said once before that I had a bomb shelter. It wasn't made out of steel; but it was made out of feathers: under His wings. That's the best bomb shelter I know of: is under His protection.
L-35 And everybody come by. The strangers passing through Israel, going up to Jerusalem, they'd hear about the great gift of God being in operation. So they'd come and look. And there's nobody can ever see God's gifts operate but what it thrills them, if they've got anything about God at all in them.
So these people had scattered worldwide. Everybody begin to hear across the world about God's operating with His people, a great gift He had sent.
Now, it'd be the same thing today if we just all rally around Him. But what we do, we pull a little bunch off here and say, "I'm Presbyterian."
"I'm Methodist."
"I'm Pentecostal."
"I'm Nazarene."
Oh, my... You're trying to rally... Now, the denominations are fine. Every one them's good. But the thing that it is; you're trying to make your denomination. Make Christ your center. You're denomination's fine, but make Christ your center. When you do that, all men is your brethren that's of like precious faith that believe in God. You got room for God. Don't never end your doctrine with a--with a period. End it with a comma. "We believe this plus as much as the Lord will show us." See? Just keep on going. [Matthew 12:38-42]
L-36 Now, that's all right then. But when you say, "This is the only thing. It's got to be just the way. We believe it," then--then you're wrong. See? God comes in, and just upsets the little apple cart, and shows that you're not the only pebble on the beach. So, then, that--God does it. He does it always. That's what He did to the Pharisees, taking a Baby borned in a manger, raised up with a bad name behind Him as the illegitimate Child, and poured His Fullness into Him. He done signs and wonders, that believers was watching for and they knowed He was the Messiah.
Now, watch just a minute. Finally the word got all to the utmost parts of the earth to the queen down in Sheba, is where it really was. And you know, everybody would come by this queen. They didn't have television, and radio, and the press then, so it would be from lip to ear. So finally, the word got down to the queen that--that she was--that up in Israel there was a great gift of God. And it was in operation. God had showed a great sign to that generation. [Matthew 12:38-42]
L-37 Faith cometh by hearing. That's how you know. It's when you hear. And everybody talking about it, it made a hunger come in the little queen's heart.
Everybody would come by and say, "Oh, you should stand up there in the courts while Solomon, the servant of the Lord God of Israel, stands up there. And you've never seen such discernment. It's beyond anything." You know if they've got any inkling of God in you, well, that begins to give you a hunger. And finally she made up her mind that she'd come, see for herself. She just wouldn't take everybody's word; she'd come, see for herself. That's a good thing to do. Come, see. [Romans 10:17]
L-38 So I'd imagine, she'd bought up all the Hebrew Bibles that she could find, and she read in them what Jehovah God was like, because she was a pagan.
Now, in order to go to visit and see whether this sign of God was right, she had to get permission from her church. So I can imagine her going over to the church and she said to her pagan priest, "Father, I've heard that there is a God in Israel that's alive, and He's took one of His servants that's manifesting Himself through that church."
Oh, I can hear the pagan priest say, "Now, wait a minute, daughter. If there was anything supernatural to be done, it would come through our church (See?). It would be through us. Don't believe those kind of things."
But you know, when you start to meet God, the devil's going to throw everything in your way that he can throw in your way. That's his duty to do it. And he's going to hinder you in every way. But if you are determined, God will make a way. Let's break in on their conversation, her and the priest. [Matthew 12:38-42]
L-39 Supposing that they said this. He said, "Now, don't get mixed up in some fanaticism now. (See?) Better be careful what you're doing, because I've heard them Israelites screaming and hollering around a ark up there. So you don't want to get mixed up in that, my child 'cause you have big prestige. You are a queen."
She said, "But, father, there's something in my heart, burning. I must go."
"Oh," he said, "maybe you had better come and take confession of your wrong or something. And you know, you mustn't do that, because (You see?) we--we've got the--the history here of our bible of our history of our god."
And I can hear her answer something like this: "Yes, my grandmother heard that. My mother heard that. I've heard that since a little child. You've got words; you've got writings. But up there, they've got a living God. I want to see something that's real, something that's alive. We got all kinds of writing but I want to see One that can write and then come fulfill it."
So do I. I don't want to serve a God that just wrote something, went off and died. I'll gladly serve a God tonight, that can write and return and fulfill what He said He would do. Though they killed Him, the grave couldn't hold Him. He rose again. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. [Hebrews 13:8]
L-40 And then, oh, she turned her back on the priest and walked out. If you're determined to find Jesus, to get to God, God will make a way for you.
Now, she sets down and thinks it over, "It's a long ways up there. So now, what if I go up there and it is right? And it really what I've been told that God, their God, is God. He'd only have writings, but He has confirming that writings. He makes His promises true. And that is a Spirit of God working. If it is, I owe all I have to It."
That's exactly right. If God is God, we owe our life to Him. We owe our all to Him. We owe everything to Him.
So she said, "If it is so, I will support it."
So she ladened camels with gold, and--and with spices, and perfumes, many riches. She thought this: "If it is of God, I will support it. If it isn't of God, I can bring my gifts back. (And that's good, sound sense.) So I will make ready whether if it is, I'll be prepared."
Now, with all this gold, she had to travel... Mark on your map from Jerusalem down to Sheba. It'd taken three months to make the trip. Not in an air-conditioned Cadillac, or in a coach, or in an airplane, but on the back of a camel. No wonder Jesus said she'll stand in the day of judgment and condemn this generation. Some won't come across the street to hear it, to see a gift of God. They'll turn their nose up at it and walk away. [I Kings 10:2, 10], [II Chronicles 9:1, 9], [Luke 11:31], [Matthew 12:38-42]
L-41 But she was determined. No wonder Jesus said, "No man can come unless My Father draws him. And all the Father has given Me will come to Me."
Now... And another thing if she had all that riches, wasn't she a--simply a prey to the children of Ishmael who were robbers on the desert in those days? Those fleet-footed horses, why, they'd fall in on her little caravan there and murder her and it would be... Why it would--they'd take everything she had, all those golds and things.
But you know, there's something about it when you want to meet God, that there's nothing will stand in your way. You're going on anyhow; you're blind to the dangers. You're blind to the criticisms. You're blind to anything else. God is your only motive. And you're going to find Him.
You let every person in here tonight seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit be that determined. Don't care what anyone says. You're going to see it anyhow. Anyone in here that's sick, don't care what anyone says. You're going to be healed anyhow. Watch what takes place. That's where it lays, friend. [John 6:37, 44]
L-42 She was determined. She never thought of dangers. The only thing she thought of was getting to God. And she ladened her camels, and she got her princes, her--her bodyguards, hero-guards to walk with her. And they must have traveled by night, three months to see a gift of God.
I wonder if there's that much sincerity in the world today. And Jesus said, "She's going to stand with us in the day of the judgment."
Wonder what she'll do to the United States in that day? What will her testimony weigh out against the Americans, after we've had thousands of years of testimony of God with all the schools and churches and things? What will her testimony weigh against the Americans who'd condemn, and call it the devil, and walk away? And a greater than Solomon is here. The Holy Spirit is here. Wouldn't walk across the street, only to laugh at it. Many, thousands, millions of them... [Luke 11:31], [Matthew 12:42]
L-43 But she made her way across the desert, not thinking of the troubles, but she made her way. Finally, she arrived at the palace yard. I can see her unladen the tent off her camels, and put up her tents and so forth. So they was in the courts, and the next day she wanted to go attend one of the meetings to see what it would be. She'd, finally, after three months of travel, after, maybe, a year or more of hearing about it, she finally arrived. And she got to the place she might've have to stand, too.
But that morning when they brought Solomon out, the servant of the Lord, and the elders gathered, and she said, "Now, I'm not coming to criticize. I'm just going to set down and look for myself, and just compare it with the Scriptures and with the testimonies I've heard."
And when the hymns were sang and, so forth, and the service started, well they brought someone up to Solomon. He looked just an ordinary man; that's all he was. But there was something about him that he wasn't himself that morning. God came down. And they'd never seen such discernment, how every case, he was perfect in it.
She said, "A man can't be that perfect, just can't be. There has to be something." [Matthew 12:38-42]
L-44 Out to the tent she goes. And I imagine all night long she read those Hebrew scrolls again. The next morning she goes back. Now, she never come just to say, "Well, I'll go in and set down five minutes. If I don't like what he says, I'll get up and go out." That's the American attitude.
But she come to stay until she was convinced. She wanted to examine it and stay with it. She come prepared for that. So the next day, and perhaps the next day, and for many days...
Of course she didn't, but let's say she had a prayer card and she was waiting. Finally come her time to come before Solomon. Now, she said... See, she'd watched so many others so she said, "I believe it's going to be all right."
And when she got before the gift of God whatever was in Solomon, why, Solomon told her everything the Bible said. Said their God never withheld one thing, but told everything that the woman had desire of in her heart.
And when she seen it done on her, she turned and she said to the audience, a pagan; she said, "All that I've heard was right and more than I heard." Said, "Truly God is with you." She said, "Blessed is the men whose face which can see things daily. Blessed are the people and blessed is the God that you serve, Who's give these great things as a witness." [II Chronicles 9:2], [I Kings 10:2], [II Chronicles 9:6-7], [Matthew 12:38-42]
L-45 She believed it. She had an awful time getting to it in her age. That's all God had in her age for her. She believed it.
And they were standing there watching greater things then Solomon did. And yet they did not believe it and called it the devil. He said, "She'll rise in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, because she came from the utmost parts of the earth to see a spirit of discernment. And a greater than that is with you."
I say tonight, friends, though Jesus Christ being the Son of God standing where He was, He was not yet glorified. [] He had not yet been proven. He had a chance at Gethsemane to turn it down. But He hadn't been proven. But today He's proven by God. He died, and was buried, and rose again. And after two thousand years, He's alive yet tonight, a greater sign than it was when He walked on the earth. A greater than Solomon is here. [Luke 11:31], [Luke 12:42], [Matthew 12:38-42]
L-46 Oh, my. I believe the honest in heart wants to see something real. Words are fine, but will that Word work? If God made a promise of healing, will it work? If He made these promises, will it work?
If He said, "The things that I do shall you do also, and more than this 'cause I go to My Father," would it work? I know the King James says "greater," but nothing could be, if you'd watch the original, it said "more." He stopped nature, He raised the dead. You could do no greater, but you could do more of it. He was in one person then, His Son, God was, Jesus. And now He's in the church universal around the world. "More than this shall you do because I go to My Father." [John 14:12]
L-47 Real, honest hearted people, you Georgian's, I believe you to be honest and sincere, honest-hearted. That's the reason you're here tonight. Not as I'm condemning a man's church, every one of them is fine. We're brothers. But the hour has come when we've got to lift up above our denominational feelings and come into brotherhood. We're brotherhood with one another and with Christ. And that's what these things are for. God send something real to draw the honest heart to Him.
I am a hunter, as many of you know. I used to hunt in the north woods. And I hunted with a man called Burt Caul, one of the best shots I ever hunted with. And I'm a guide in many of the states, licensed guide.
My mother's a half-Indian. She come off the reservations. Her mother did. My father's Irish. Just enough of the blood to make me long for the outside... I'd like to preach to you sometime on my experiences, how I found God in nature. God lives in nature.
L-48 And I used to go up there and hunt with him, because you never had to worry about Burt ever being lost. He--he knowed where he was at and a good shot. But he was the meanest man I ever seen. He was so cruel-hearted.
And one year I went up there. And he used to shoot little, baby fawns just to make me feel bad. And I said, "Burt, you don't have to do that. There's no need to be shooting the little, baby fawns. We got plenty of time. Hunt a deer, one that is old."
"Oh," he said, "Preacher, you're chicken-hearted. That's what's the matter with you bunch of preachers." Said, "You're just chicken-hearted."
I said, "Burt."
He said, "I thought you was a hunter."
I said, "I'm a hunter, but I'm not a killer." I said, "That's wrong. I was a game warden for seven years just before coming into the ministry." And I said, "I'm a conservationist, and I don't believe in doing that." (Though it was legal to shoot a fawn, but not a dozen.)
L-49 But he--he would do it just to be mean to make me feel bad. You know, there's people like that in the world, will just make fun of you just to make you feel bad, say something evil about you. It isn't a person; it's the devil in that person. That's all. That person loves his wife just the same as you love yours and so forth, likes to eat, and sleep, and drink, and--and be sociable, and things... But they just do it because the devil has control of them.
That maniac in Gadara, that man loved and everything, but he was so possessed of the devil, until the--the devil used his tongue to speak, "We know thee, thou holy one of God. Why do you come to torment us?" That wasn't that man; it was the devil using his voice.
And a man can be so full of God, till God can use your voice, too. Did you ever notice a maniac, take several men to hold him; his power's so great, because he's so possessed with the devil. This man could break chains. If the devil can give a man that much power, how much more can He can give you in these wheelchairs, power of His Spirit to rise? Wheelchairs or nothing could hold you, if God really gets a hold, not when a preacher gets a hold. But when God gets a hold something takes place. Now, I'm not beside myself; I know right where I am. But I just feel religious.
If God really could take a hold of this church tonight, what would take place? He's here. His Spirit is here. He wants to do it. He longs to do it. If we'll just let Him. "I can if you will."
L-50 Now, notice. One year I went up to hunt with Burt. And we started hunting.
He said, "I want to show you something, Billy."
I said, "All right."
He reached down in his pocket (And he had eyes looked like a lizard, anyhow), and he looked over with them lizard-looking eyes. And he blowed this little whistle, and it sound just like a little, baby fawn crying for it's mama.
I said, "Burt, you wouldn't do that."
He said, "Oh, preacher, get next to yourself." Said, "Sure, I'm going to do it. I'm going to hang a string of fawns all the way across this room just to show them to you."
I said, "Oh, Burt, you're so wicked." And I said, "Why don't you be a Christian. You'd stop that stuff."
He said, "Aw, go on, Billy."
L-51 We went hunting that day, and there was about six or eight inches of snow, just enough to track good. It was a little late in the season... And--and so I had to work late, and I didn't get up there, for time my vacation.
And we started up over the White mountains, off of Highway Two coming from New Hampshire, down through New Hampshire from Berlin coming down through--going over to Lancaster, by the highway crosses only one through the Presidential range. We was going up towards Mount Washington. And it was a little chilly.
And we hunted all morning long. Deers were very scarce, been hunt--been hunted. And there were... Them little fellows, when a gun fires, they'd take for cover. You don't see them no more till the next spring. And they were hiding. And we hunted all morning and did not even see one track.
L-52 And we come to a little opening where there was a snow drift. The wind had blowed and the snow had drifted up, oh, three or four feet high. And Burt just kindy (as we'd call it) hunkered down. He reached back in his bosom here. It was about eleven o'clock. We always carried a thermos jug of hot chocolate, where if we got hurt, or got real cold, or--or something, we'd drink this hot chocolate. And kind of... The--the candy, the sweetness like in there would kind of warm you up. And maybe a sandwich...
Well, I thought Burt was getting hungry, so we'll just eat a sandwich here. And he just kind of hunkered down and went back in his bosom, but when he brought it out, it was that little whistle. And we were at a little clearing about three to four times the size of this--of this courtroom. And he looked up at me with that lizard-looking eyes of his. And he laughed to himself.
I said, "Burt, you wouldn't do that."
And he gave it a blow. And to my surprise, just across the place, a big mother doe stood up. Now, that's unusual. Oh, she was a pretty animal. Now, the doe is a mother. And she was standing there. I was so close to her, I--I could see her great, big, pretty ears sticking up.
And so he looked up to me again and them lizard eyes. And he blowed it again. Now, that's unusual that time a day for a deer to raise. But she heard the cry of a baby. And he blew it, and she walked right out into the open. Now, they never do that. They never do that, because if they're--if they'd even raise up, they'd stay under cover. But she walked right out into the open.
L-53 And he looked up at me and I thought, "Oh, Burt, you couldn't do that."
I heard him, the click of the bolt when that dirty, old stick throwed in a--a shell and locked it down. And he was a dead shot. And he leveled the rifle. I thought, "Oh, mercy..." She never walked. And she heard that click of the rifle.
And when she looked, them big ears stood up and those big, brown eyes. And she seen the hunter. Why, usually they'd be gone like a flash. But not her, she was a mother. A baby was in trouble. Though it meant death, her baby was in trouble. She couldn't help it. She wasn't putting something on. She didn't have a make-belief. There was something in her. She was borned a mother, and her baby was calling. Death or no death, she looked at the hunter. And I seen them steel arms lays down with that rifle.
L-54 I thought, "Oh, my, Burt, how can you do it? That loyal heart of a mother beating for her baby. And another minute when you squeeze that trigger when them cross hairs lay across her, you'll blow her raw heart plumb through her." That close, I was thirty yards from her. I thought, "There won't even be one piece of heart left in her, that heart that's beating so loyal as a mother. How can you do it, Burt?" I couldn't watch it. I turned my head. I said, "Heavenly Father..." in my (quietly)... "Don't let him do it. Don't... How can he do it when he sees that mother, something in her; she can't help it. She's a mother."
I kept listening and the gun never went off. I waited a few seconds and still the gun never went off. And I turned to look, and the gun barrel was going like this. He looked around to me and throwed the gun on the ground, grabbed me by the pant's leg. And he said, "Preacher, I've had enough of it. Lead me to that Jesus that you're talking about. I want to know Him."
L-55 What was the matter? He had went to church all of his life. He'd seen hypocrites and everything else. But he seen something real. He seen something that wasn't a put-on. He seen something that was really godly. And that old mother deer's display of loyalty as a mother led that cruel-hearted hunter to God right there on that snow bank.
Unloaded his rifle and said, "I'll never shoot another fawn the longest day I live." He's a deacon in one of the Baptist churches in New Hampshire now. What is it?
Brother, sister, wouldn't you like to be a Christian, as much Christian as she was a mother? Wouldn't you like to display your loyalty and your faith to Christ, no matter what it cost you, stand out there with something in you? You can't do it until it's born in you. If you haven't had that experience, something in there that makes you, that something that's real till you... Not because you belong to a church, because that Christ is in you, but something is real.
Would you like to have that? How many in here right now, while people with your heads up just raise your hand and say, "Brother, I'd like to be as much Christian in my heart to display the loyalty to Christ as that old, mother deer was to be a mother"? Raise your hands. God bless you. Let us pray.
L-56 Lord, the queen of the south stood like that mother deer in the midst of the people, and she professed, and said, "Truly this come from God." Something had happened to her. God had spoke to her heart. And You assured us that she was not dead but she would stand in the resurrection and would condemn those who refuse to hear You.
I pray tonight, Lord, in the Name of Your Son, Jesus, that You will let the Holy Spirit take every hand that was raised tonight and those who ought to have raised their hands, and along with me, Lord, and create in us a loyalty, a realness, such a real experience of a new birth, of being borned of the Spirit of God, till we can display before the world and before the people we've worked and associate with, a real display of Christianity. Grant it, Lord. You know every heart here and the hunger that's therein. Fill it, Lord, according to Your riches and Your grace. I commit them to Thee. [Matthew 12:42], [Luke 11:31]
L-57 And now, Lord, I pray that You'll walk out on the scene tonight here. Come, Lord, riding on the waves. Come down in the whirlwind. Come in the Pillar of Fire, that the people know that these things that You have also sent the Holy Spirit as a witness in this day as You've said You would do it. And may every person here be so full of Your Spirit, until there'll not be a feeble person in our midst when the service is over.
May those who are not Christians become Christians. Those who have accepted You as Saviour and has not yet been borned of the Spirit, filled with the Holy Ghost, we pray that they'll receive It tonight. And those that are sick and afflicted will walk away with the assurance resting in their heart, something that'll make them stand in the trials of the devil to try to take it away from them. Yet they can say, "It is written: 'By His stripes I'm healed.'" [Isaiah 53:5]
L-58 Many will not be in the prayer line. Many will be standing on the outside that wants healing. Lord, let them know that You're in reach of every one. And You're able and willing to give them the strength and the--the faith that will stand no matter what their conditions or physical beings look like. They'll still believe it and confess it. And You'll bring it to pass. And the neighborhood where they live will see that there's something real, that the Holy Spirit has moved on them.
Sinners, drunkards, those who have lived immoral, broken their vows to their wives and their husbands, sweethearts that's untrue, let them see, Lord, that it takes God to make a man or a woman what they should be, stand boldly, tonight, and confess You, and be filled with the Spirit of God, and go away from here just as gallant a Christian as the old, mother deer that I've told about was a mother. Grant it, Father. We'll praise Thee. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
L-59 I know you're tired standing, and I've preached lengthily, almost nine o'clock; but it's just a few more minutes now. Now, just these little... I'm not a preacher. You know that. My gift is something else. You've got ministers here who are trained. I'm untrained and my old, seventh-grade education doesn't go very far. I--I... But I love to tell what I know. I love to share it with someone else. But my ministry is to the sick. And through the sick, we catch the sinner.
It's just like taking a bait and putting it on a hook. You don't show the fish the hook; you show him the bait. He takes the bait and gets the hook. So that's the way of preaching the Gospel. It's to show you--show you Christ. And in there, He can get a hold of you, and lead you, and guide you, and take you out of the contaminated stream where you're dying with sawdust in your gills and put you into the waters of Eternal Life, where you can swim freely. He's only trying to do something good for you.
L-60 Now, my... There is no man in the world that can heal another man. We know that. The doctor cannot do it. There's no medicine that can do it. There never was a medicine that healed anybody and never will be, and there's not a sound-minded doctor that would say that there was. If he does, he--he needs mental-healing.
I've been interviewed at Mayo's Clinic. They said, "We do not profess to be healers, Reverend Branham. We profess that we assist nature. There's one Healer; that's God." See? God's the only Healer. And what God does for His healing; He's already made preparations for you. The only thing you have to do is receive it. Looky here. That kinda didn't go very good, I'm afraid.
L-61 What if I was cranking my car, or doing something, and I broke my arm, and run into the doctor and said, "Doctor, heal it. You are a healer."
He'd say, "Brother Branham, you need healing in your head." And that's right.
Now, he can set it but God has to heal it. He can take a tooth out, but God has to heal where the tooth come out. He can abstract a appendicitis, but God has to heal.
Someone said, "What about penicillin for a bad cold?"
Well, penicillin's like you got a house full of rats and they're eating holes in the house. You can put out some rat poisoning. It kills the rats, but it don't patch the holes. Penicillin kills the germs, but God has to restore that back again where the germs has eaten. Certainly. There's no healing but God.
L-62 Look, if I cut my hand with a knife and fell down dead here, there isn't a--a medicine in the world could heal my hand. Any medicine would heal my hand, a cut in my hand would heal a cut in my coat.
Well you say, "It wasn't made for the coat, Brother Branham. It was made for the human body."
All right, let me fall down dead and you take me over to the morgue, and embalm my body with the fluid, and make me look natural for fifty years. Give me a shot of penicillin every day. Let the doctors come, dress it, sew it up. In fifty years from today, it looks just exactly like it was when it was cut.
Well you say, "Sure, the life's gone out of you."
Then which is the healer, the medicine or the life? You tell me what life is, and I'll tell you Who God is. See? See? God is the Healer.
Now, that doesn't discard medicine. Medicine doeth good; "And a merry heart doeth good like medicine." See? Now... But God is the only Healer. [Proverbs 17:22]
L-63 So the only way that you can, if your doctor's done all that he can do, God here to make you well. When you become so filled with His Spirit, and power, and faith, that you can raise yourself to a faith to walk out on something real, God, then you're going to walk, live, and be all right. He wouldn't take one and not the other. He'd take them all.
Now, my ministry is the ministry that the Lord Jesus used here on earth, as the Father used Him for discernment. We went to it last night. Most of all you, I guess, was here last evening.
Now, we give out prayer cards every day fresh, because that we believe that somebody and everybody gets healed.
L-64 Now, you just remember, pastors, from last night's meeting, there's many people that's setting here that wasn't around that prayer line was healed. I could tell it.
My son said, and my brother here, when we went out the door, said, "You stayed a little too long."
I said, "I know it but how could I help it, them lovely people standing there waiting and I just stayed. That's all."
Today I just laid around all day, because I felt it, very effect.
So, you see it's your--your faith. It's your faith in God, your own individual faith. If I could heal you, I sure would do it. I would be glad to, but I can't. But with a Divine gift, the first, faith comes by hearing, hearing the Word. Then when faith comes and you hear the Word, if that won't work... As far as you would or I would be concerned, if people don't believe our word that would settle it. But not God.
After His finished Word then He sent into church first apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors, and so forth, in His Church to perfect the Church. Now, these things are a gift that God sets in the Church. [Romans 11:12], [Ephesians 4:11]
L-65 Now, I forgot that Billy told me that he give out prayer cards but I tell you...?... B. Um, thank you. 1 to 100? 1 to 100? All right, where did we start from last night? 1? Let's start from somewhere else tonight. Let's start from 25 tonight. B-25, prayer card B-25, who? The lady has it? Come right here. B-26, it's got a B on it and a number 26. The boy comes down, one of the boys, mixes them all up together and hands them to anybody that wants them. See, you can have them, just a number to be called.
You don't have to have your prayer card. Where's one healed here on the platform, there's twenty-five healed out there. Certainly. It's your faith.
How many was here last night to see that happen, raise up your hand? All out through the audience, no matter who you are...
L-66 Let's see. Where did we start? B what? Twenty--25? 26? 27, B-27? 28? 29? 30? 31? Did I see 31, B-31, 31? 32? The reason we do this. You don't all--all race at one time. It's--it's not an arena; it's--it's a church now. See? See, it keeps everything decently and in order. How many sees that that's right? It's the only way you can do it.
What if I said, "How many in here wants to be prayed for?" How many does, raise up your hands? Now, who's first. We're not going to get to too many. That's one that's sure, 'cause it just kills me. See? And there'll be--for everyone here there'll be somebody out in there receive it. See?
L-67 How far did you get through there, Brother...?... What say? B-32, B-32? Oh, you got it. B-33? 34? B-34? 35? 36, did I see 36, please? B-36? 37? 38? 39? 39, would you raise your hand, ever who has it, please? 40, 40? B-40. All right, is that enough? You got some more room down there? Some more room? All right, 41? 42? What's the number? 42, who has it? Is that 42 raising up there? B-43, prayer card B-43? 44? 45, 45? Over here it comes. 46, B-46? 47? 47? Look and see. Somebody look to that. I see a lady here has got a prayer... What say? 47... Well, let's take it on to 50; you pile them out there somewhere. 47, 48... Who has 48? 49, 49? Way in the back, way back, all right. They give them all over the building. 49, let the lady come down. 50, who has B-50? Prayer card B-50, would you...? Isn't it here? I'm sorry. Back there where they come... B-50... Let's wait. They got a whole crowd standing in here...
L-68 And so let's let them line the people, it just gets out in the hall and down the steps. And now, I want to ask, ever who... Was you standing up, sir, for... All right, come on in. All right.
Now, let's hold it there just for a little bit. Now, how many in here that does not have a prayer card and you want God to heal you, raise your hand? Well, it's practically everywhere. All right. Jesus said...
If there's someone here that wasn't here last night when they went through the instructions... While they're lining the people up.
L-69 Jesus said in the Scripture, or the Bible said, not Jesus, rather, that when He passed through the multitude, why--went going over into a certain country, and there was people in there that was all around Him, and greeting Him. And there was a woman had a blood issue, and she pressed through the crowd and touched His border of His garment. For she said, "If I must even touch the part of His garment, I'll be made well." How many remembers that story? And quickly He felt it.
Now, we illustrated last night. Here was a garment around the Master with a underneath garment. He didn't not physically feel it. For she touched this. But that on the inside felt it.
And He said, "Who touched Me?"
And Simon Peter as much as rebuked Him and said, "Why do You say such a thing? All of them's touching You."
He said, "But I perceive that I have gotten weak. Virtue's gone from Me."
And He looked all around over the audience until He found the person. Then when He found the person, He said--told her about her blood issue, that her faith had healed her. Is that right? Her faith had healed her. [Mark 5:25, 30-34], [Matthew 9:20], [Luke 8:44-48]
L-70 Now, the Bible said that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. That's true. And to these clergymen and to back in there, doesn't the Scripture teach us, the New Testament, that He is a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmity? Well, if He's the same High Priest, the same yesterday, today, and forever... And then if He has--if touched, He will act the same way that He did yesterday, 'cause He can't do no more. He's the same High Priest.
And remember this, friend, while we're getting the people ready. I want to leave this with you. If anyone ever asked you on it, do you believe that God is infinite? Then, if God is ever called on the scene of crisis, arise. And God's ever called on the scene to act, the way that God acts the first time, He has to forever act the same way. If He doesn't, He acted wrong when He acted the first time.
If a sinner called on Him to be saved, He's got to save that sinner if He saved the first sinner that called on Him. That's right. If He was called on for sickness and He healed the first man, by faith, He's got to heal the next man and every other person that comes to Him, or if He didn't, He did wrong when He healed the first one, 'cause He's infinite. [Hebrews 13:8], [Hebrews 4:15]
L-71 Now, I can say something. I'll have to take it back, 'cause I'm just a man. You can say something with all good intention, but you have to take it back many times. You're finite; you're just a human. But He's God. He doesn't know... He isn't any smarter today then He--then He was at the beginning. He's perfect from beginning to end. He's the same. So His decisions is always the same, perfectly. So the God that we serve (Just remember. Just keep it in your mind), the God that we serve is... Always been God and always will be God. He cannot change. And to manifest Hisself before Israel to show that He was the Messiah, and it ending up with that Jewish dispensation, He showed signs of discernment like He did to Philip.
When He went and got Nathanael and brought him, He told him, "I knowed where you was at. You're Israelite. Saw you under the tree before you come to the meeting." [John 1:42-51]
L-72 When He went and got Simon Peter, brought him, He said, "Your name is Simon. Your father's name is Jonas." Oh, my. That--that got him.
And when He told Nathanael, He said, "Behold, an Israelite in whom there's no guile."
He said, "Rabbi (Reverend, Preacher, Teacher, the word really means 'teacher'), when did You know me? You've never seen me in Your life. How do You know that I'm a just man and a Hebrew?"
He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."
He said, "Rabbi, You're the Son of God. You're the King of Israel."
That was it's real, true Jew. That great, starchy Jew said He's the devil, that He's a fortuneteller. That's when Jesus said what I spoke about awhile ago. [John 1:42, 47-49]
L-73 Then He had to go down to Samaria. Remember there's only three classes of people: That's Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people. How many remembers that Jesus gave Peter the keys to the Kingdom? We all know that. And on the day of Pentecost who opened the Kingdom of God? Matthew? Mark? Luke? John? Peter.
Philip went down and baptized the Samaritans. But yet the Holy Ghost had come upon them not them, and they sent up to the man that had the keys. Coming down, laid hands up on them, opened up the dispensation to the Samaritans... He went up to the house of Cornelius to the Gentiles and opened up into the Cornelius' house, and since then it's been to anybody, whosoever. See? No more was the keys used, 'cause the Kingdom's open. [Genesis 5:32], [Matthew 16:19], [Acts 10:47-48], [Acts 8:5], [Acts 10:9]
L-74 Now, when Jesus come and made Himself known to the Jews, because they were looking for a--a God prophet to rise which would be the Messiah... How many understands that?
Deuteronomy 18:5, when God said, "I'll raise up a prophet among your brethren, it's a--like unto Moses, and it'll come to pass that every soul will not hear this prophet, he will be cut off from amongst the people." And they were looking for a prophet, a God prophet, a man, Emmanuel.
He spoke in Isaiah and said how that... "I'll give you an eternal sign, that a virgin shall conceive and bear a child, and He will be Emmanuel." God with us, God manifested in the flesh.
See, all it is is God condescending, God, holy, above sin. Sin had not yet been judged. So to make Hisself on the law of redemption, He had to be a near Kinsman on the law of redemption, like Ruth, and Naomi, Boaz. God made Hisself a body, His Son, created in the womb of Mary, a blood cell. You believe that? And Jesus was born without sexual desire. He was born a virgin birth. That blood cell was made by Jehovah God. [Deuteronomy 18:15], [Matthew 1:23]
L-75 Then after He was baptized in water, John saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and going on Him, a Voice saying, "This is My beloved Son (correctly like this) in Whom I am pleased to dwell in."
God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. Jesus said, "It's not Me that doeth these things; it's My Father. I--the Son can do nothing in Himself but what He sees the Father doing."
And then God was with us, God above us, God with us in Christ, Emmanuel, God with us. And then when that blood cell was broke at Calvary and the Blood was shed, the Spirit... Under the old dispensation, sin was just covered, not forgiven, covered, because the blood of goats and bulls would not take away sin; it only covered it.
But when the--the--the life that was in the animal that died, the life could not come back and be a spirit with the human being, because it was animal life without a soul. But when Jesus died, it was a soul of God. And when that cell was broke, it sanctified a Church that the Holy Spirit could live in us who were sexual born. Then it's God above us, God with us; now it's God in us.
"A little while and the world won't see Me no more," said Jesus. That's Kosmos, the world order. "It won't see me no more. Yet ye shall see Me ('Ye,' the Church, the believers), for I (And anyone with a grammar school education knows 'I' is a personal pronoun.), I will be with you, even in you to the end of the world, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever." [Matthew 3:16-17], [John 1:32], [John 14:19], [Matthew 28:20], [Hebrews 13:8], [John 15:5]
L-76 If the first bunch of people... He's the Vine (John 15), and we are the branches. Now, the vine does not bear fruit. The branch bears fruit as it's energized by the vine. And if the first branch out of that vine produced a church that wrote a book of Acts, the second branch will do the same thing. Every branch that comes out of that vine will be energized by the same life that's in the vine. Amen. [John 15:5]
I'd like to come down sometime and talk this over with you. Oh, it's no secret what God can do, if He can get people who will believe Him.
Now, there's... I hope there's no one leaves here tonight disappointed. There's no reason for it. Some of you here, is here maybe with heart trouble, may not live but just a little while. Others with cancer won't live but a little while. Your doctor's done all he knows to do. Here it goes, two or three people setting here in wheelchairs. Might live a normal life a long time, but you will never come out of the wheelchair unless God helps you. See? That's right.
L-77 But usually when you take a person in a wheelchair, they think, "Well, I'm hopeless." No, you're not. No more harder for God to heal you than it would be to stop a toothache. He's infinite God. You just have to let Him have control, and then place a faith in here and it goes to work. Right immediately you might not see nothing happen.
But you remember Saint Mark 11:24? Jesus passed by a tree. There was no figs on it. He said, "No man eateth from thee", and went on. They didn't see no difference in that tree. But way down beneath the ground at the roots, it started dying. And within twenty-four hours when they passed by again, it had begin to wither.
That's the same thing takes place for the cancer. When God's Spirit curses that thing, you might go back to the doctor it looks just the same. But way down deep, it's a dying. See? Way down deep upon you if you accepted Christ as your Healer, maybe you can move that finger just a little, teeny bit more. God's on the job. "Believe what you say shall come to pass and you can have what you say." If that isn't true, then God isn't true. Then the Bible isn't true. [Mark 11:20-21, 24]
L-78 Now, what does He do? Now, He doesn't give man power to heal, neither to save. No man can forgive your sins. It's already forgiven. You just have to accept your pardon. No man can heal you, but God has already did it. You just have to accept it; that's all. And maybe you have mustard seed faith, just a little bit. But if you've got mustard seed faith, just hold onto it. Mustard seed won't mix with nothing else. And if you've got real faith, it won't mix with no unbelief. Hold onto it and it'll wind you around the curve and find you're not in a cave, but in the light. Just hold onto it. See? Hold to it.
Like Abraham did, twenty-five years with a perfect testimony. He never staggered with unbelief. And all the time, he got older, and the days got more impossible. But instead of getting weaker and say, "Well, I guess I never got it," he was strong, giving praise to God.
"If it didn't come when I was seventy-five, it'll come when I'm eighty. If it don't come till I'm eighty-five, it'll be greater than it was then if it had come when I was seventy-five." Went to a hundred and God performed the miracle, turned him back to a young man, him and Sarah, a young woman... And they raised children, and then after that, after forty-five years later he had seven more sons. God is God. Yes, sir. Turned him back to a young man and woman again... [Romans 4:19-20], [Genesis 17:17, 19]
L-79 You probably read my literature on that. It's exactly what He done. Why did--why did the--the King of Gerar, down there, fall in love with Sarah, a little grandma, a hundred years old, looking for a sweetheart. She's a beautiful young woman. He turned her back to a young woman to show that you--what He will do to all Abraham's seed.
Some of these days, mother, the wrinkles will leave your face. Dad, that gray hair will drop away. The God of Abraham will come. Things will be changed then. We'll come back in the split...
Tell me one thing; answer me this: Why was it when you eat food, the same food you eat now when you was fifteen years old, you was renewing your life. Every time you put f--f--food into your body, you renew your life's blood cells. You got stronger and stronger till about twenty-five. And now no matter how much you eat, you're going down. Explain it to me. [Genesis 17:17, 19]
L-80 Pour water in out of a jug in a glass. It gets about half full, then more you pour, farther down it goes. It's an appointment you got with God. You're going to meet it too. That's exactly right. Yes, sir, but remember, you believe on Him.
"He that heareth My Words and believeth on Me--Him that sent Me has Eternal Life. And I will raise him up at the last day." That's right. And will raise Him up... God will lose... And there will never be an old person resurrected, old; they will be young there forever. That's exactly...?...
Christianity is based upon not replacement, reincarnation, but resurrection. The same one went down, come up, but in the splendor of immortality, made like unto His own glorious body. Where He's able to subdue all things unto Himself. That'd make a Baptist shout. Yes, it would. It's a... Oh, it's real, real, real, it's...
And to think, that you don't have to guess about it. The God that made the promise is right here tonight to show Himself among us. Resurrected from the dead two thousand years and still alive tonight. Then that Eternal Life that rest within you, is just as live as it was, for It's just always was alive. And It's got you under It's control, and I will raise you up at the last day. God is real. Isn't He wonderful? [John 5:24]
L-81 All right, now, we will begin the prayer line...?... How many in here is strangers to me, that I do not know you, or know anything about you? Raise up your hand. Down the prayer line, every one of you? How many you got out there now, fifty? Be hard to get them through. We--we will not stop just to discernment on each one. But the people might understand, know. See? We'll get just as many through as we possibly can.
You out there praying, now just take all your wearies and things and cast them over to the side. This is that moment, friends, that you've stood and waited for. Now, I must cease right now, because from here on, it can't be me.
L-82 What if Jesus was standing here wearing this suit that He had Brother Palmer to give me? What if He had on this suit and this woman was standing before Him, and she'd say, "Sir, I'm sick. Will You heal me?"
You know what His answer would be? "Child, I did that when I died for you back there at the cross." Is that right?
Well, now the only thing He could do would make some kind of sign to let her know, say something to her that He would let her know that it was Him. Is that right? Now, I don't know nothing about her, but by a gift I surrender myself to Him, and He speaks through my lips. God doesn't have any lips but yours and mine. He doesn't have any ears or eyes but mine and yours. Did you know that? We are the branches; He's just the Vine. The vine doesn't bear fruit, the branches. See? He's here in the form of Spirit. He will come physically someday in a corporal body but now He's Spirit in His Church.
"At that day you'll now that I'm in the Father, and you in Me, and I in you and He." So forth... See? That day you'll know it's been I in My Father working in you." See? God in us... [John 17:21]
L-83 Now, if He is the same as He was then and giving His last call to the Gentiles... Remember, that settled the Jewish dispensation. After they'd had years of theology and teaching, now the Church has had them years as Gentiles. Now, it's coming to their end.
Now, here's a case tonight exactly of Saint John the 4th chapter: A man and a woman meets, and God wants to show to the pe--to the Samaritans that He is God and that's His Messiah.
Now, the Messiah is the Holy Spirit, not me. Now, understand that. I'm a man just like you. But the Messiah is the One that's here, the supernatural One. Each one of you has got part of Him in you. See? That's the Messiah. Now, by a gift it has to come somewhere.
L-84 Now, if He's the same yesterday, today and forever, and this woman's standing here, and has the need... I don't know; her need might not be as that woman's was. I don't know what her need is. But if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He wants you all to believe in Him and know that He's the same, like He wanted the Samaritans to know, He'd perform the same thing that He did then. Is that reasonable? Is that... And that's not only reasonable; that's what the Scripture said He would do.
Now, here I've never seen the woman in my life. If I did, I didn't know her. And I guess this is our first time meeting. You don't know me. She said she didn't--I didn't know know but she was back, out at the service Friday night out there. 'Course I would've never notice somebody setting back in the meeting. I don't know nothing about her. Never seen her, have no idea... She might be having domestic trouble at home. She might not even be married. She--she--she may be... She might be standing there just as a deceiver. See? She might be standing there as a--a--just a... [Hebrews 13:8]
L-85 She's saying, "Thank you, Jesus." That don't mean she's a Christian. I've heard hypocrites say that. And a lot of times go out and take another man's wife home with him (See?), turn around and say, "Thank you, Jesus." Certainly. That don't mean nothing. You got to be borned of the Spirit of God, have something in here that makes you a Christian. Sure. See?
She might be standing for someone else. Who is she? Where'd she come from? I don't know. God knows that; I don't. But now, if the Holy Spirit is here as I say He is... I want you to listen to this, mother, young lady, all of you in here. Listen. If Jesus Christ has raised from the dead and can prove that He's alive, then every one of His promises can be made just as true to you tonight as it was to them in Galilee. See? Just as... But is He alive? That's the next thing.
L-86 Now, Jesus said this generation would receive the sign of Jonah as the resurrection. Now, is He alive? Is this Jesus we're talking about, we know that He was crucified, died, buried. The Jews said He was stole away, but is He alive? He said He would be. He's come back again in the form of the Holy Ghost, be with us and do the same work, working through us to the end of the consummation or the--the age. Now, if He is, He will act the same way. He wouldn't do anything different. Now, the only thing I can do is to make myself through a gift... And then see what He says.
Now, if He will do such, both the lady and I with our hands up and the Bible laying here, we've never met in our life... And many of you out there, no doubt, God will go right out there tonight if you'll believe. He will say... You do this; you say, "Lord Jesus, I have a need in my heart. I know that preacher don't know me."
L-87 Someone was telling me the other--just last night and they went by, said they'd say, "I know that man didn't know me. (See?) He had no way of knowing me." Certainly I do not.
But God does know you. He knowed you before the world ever was founded. He knowed you. He knowed every--every flea would be on the earth and how many times he'd bat his eyes. He's infinite. See? He knowed the end from the beginning. Now, if--He wouldn't act a different way; He'd have to act the same way.
You say, "Brother Branham, you're stalling for something." I am. That's exactly right. If He don't come, I'll just have to leave here, for that... I'll just pray for the sick. I'm totally helpless. I've got to wait for Him.
L-88 How many seen the picture of It? They got pictures in Washington, DC
Now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I take in the Holy Spirit, every soul that's setting present for the Kingdom of God's sake. Obey what you're told. From henceforth, it'll be Him. Let the audience know this, if I never see you again until the resurrection, the Spirit, the Life, the Pillar of Fire, the same One that led the children of Israel, that you see on that picture, it'll show the same signs. That was Jesus. He was in Him, the Pillar of Fire. How many knows that?
"Before Abraham was, I AM. I AM at the burning bush." If He acted like that in a man, He's here now. That same Pillar of Fire isn't two foot from where I'm standing right now. And that's true. Now, what He does, I don't know. God bless you. Sometimes it makes me completely unconscious, nearly, if I try to get in this whole prayer line.
But if I don't see you no more this side of the river, I'll see you on the other side one of these days. God bless you. God be with you. [Exodus 3:2, 14], [Mark 12:26]
L-89 Our Heavenly Father, we commit ourselves to Thee. Thank you for coming. We know the meeting's all in Your control now. And I pray that You'll take Your humble servant, I, your servant, to use my eyes and lips, Your servants out there with their ears and hearts to hear and receive. And through us together, working together, all of us, may the power of God take full control of this meeting. May there not be a sinner be able to leave the building without being saved. May no one that hasn't got the Holy Ghost, may they be filled tonight with Your Spirit. Of all churches, denominations, may every sick person, every afflicted person be healed. We commit this to You, now. Speak from henceforth, Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Be just as reverent as you can. Now, I speak to the woman. Our Lord met the woman at the well, and I'm doing the same thing here that He did there. He talked to her just a moment, 'cause I've been preaching. What was He trying to do? The Father had sent Him up there. He had need go by Samaria. He did nothing till the Father showed Him, Saint John 5:19. Then He went to Samaria. Then He didn't know what to do. This woman come out. He's just waiting. He begin to talk to her; said, "Woman, bring Me a drink."
She said, "It's not customary for You to ask Samaritans such; You're a Jew."
Said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink." [John 4:4, 9-10], [John 5:19]
L-90 The conversation went on till He found where her trouble was. That's the same thing I'm trying to do now by His Spirit (See?), find what's wrong here, what're you doing standing here. You be the judge whether it's right or not. See? I can on... I don't know, but if He tells me, you know whether it's right or not.
And then when He found the trouble... Her trouble was immoral.
Said, "Go get your husband and come here."
She said, "I have no husband."
He said, "You've said right. You've had five. The one you're now living with is not your husband."
She said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a prophet. We know, we Samaritans, we know that when the Messiah cometh, He will tell us these things. But I don't know Who You are."
He said, "I am He." [John 4:16-19, 25]
L-91 Now, if you're a woman of the United States, do you believe the Messiah would do the same thing today? Are you taught to believe that and believe that He'd do the same thing? I believe that.
Now, you're aware that something is going on. It's the Angel of the Lord coming between you and I, settling to you. The woman is suffering with something wrong in her breast. That's true. If that's right, raise your hand. Now, you see you don't see it. Now, you believe? That's His Spirit.
Now, she's a wonderful person. She's a Christian, a real Christian. Now, she's a lovely person to deal with. Let's talk to the woman just a moment, see what the Holy Spirit will say. Then the next one, we'll just pray for a few so we get the line through.
L-92 Then you start praying start out there, every one of you that has needs. Just start praying. See? Say, "God, that man doesn't know me, but let me touch Your garment, and You use his lips and speak back, then I'll be assure that the Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, giving His final sign to the Gentile Church, the called-out Church, the separated group like Abraham and his group."
Now, sister, I don't know what I said. See? Whatever it is, it's on the tape over there. See? Whatever it was, was right, wasn't it? I have no way of knowing you. I--I wouldn't know you from anyone. But that's the only way. There's something supernatural here now that knows you. See? You're aware of that. You think it is the Lord Jesus? You think it's His Spirit speaking through me (See?) as His servant? You do. Thank you. [Hebrews 13:8]
L-93 Yes, I see. It's the woman, the trouble, see it back again now. It's in her--her breast. That's right. And she's got trouble with her side. It's true. Got trouble with your heart, trouble with your throat. That's right, isn't it? I didn't guess that? The Holy Spirit's here. See, revealed. No, she knows whether that's right or not. She raises her hand, solemnly: that's truth?
Now, you know that there's something here, some Spirit that knows that woman, coming from the Bible, a promise of God. Isn't He wonderful? Do you believe Him now? Now, just let that settle down.
I don't know you. God does. What if God would tell me who you are? He knowed Simon Peter. He knowed Philip. Do you think He knows you? Would that help you? Mrs. Taylor, go home, you're over your sickness. Jesus Christ makes you well.
L-94 The Lily of the valley, the Morning Star, the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the valley, He that was, which is, and shall come, the Root and Offspring of David, Oh, His majesty, His mercy, His goodness, the Holy Spirit of God here at the platform.
For your baby? Many suffer from the same disease. Do you believe its little heart will get well and it'll be all right? Do you believe? Father God, the baby's too little to have faith. May it be well in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Don't doubt. The baby will live. Go home and be thankful to God now.
Come, sister. How do you do? We're strangers to each other. I feel like coming somewhere that I'm reading their mind. Don't do that; you hinder the meeting. Here, put your hand on mine, sister. Now I say, if God shows me out here what your trouble is, you raise your hand if it's true. You suffer with a lady's trouble, female trouble. If that's right, raise up your hand, this lady here? Lady... Now, is that mind reading? You're healed now, sister. You can go on back home. God heal...?... [Song of Solomon 2:1], [Revelation 22:16]
L-95 You don't have to come up, that arthritis has done got well from the...?...
Trouble in her back. Now, just turn, go right on home, saying, "Thank you, Lord Jesus, for healing me."
If you can believe... Do you believe? Have faith, now. Don't doubt. All right...
I don't know you. I'm a stranger to you. But if God will tell me about you... This is our first time meeting. But if God will tell me about you, you'll believe? Nervous, got a hernia, Reverend Orris, go home and be well. God be with you.
Your heart trouble's all gone. Go right ahead then.
The arthritis will leave you, if you'll believe. Will you believe it? You definitely want to straighten your leg here while you can, go on home now. Believe with all your heart. Be well.
That trouble in your kidney, back, go home. It's going to leave. You're going to be well.
L-96 Do you believe with all of your heart? Well, that old diabetes will never bother you no more, if you believe. Go home. Do you believe with all of your heart? Just have faith in God. Believe. Don't doubt. Have faith in God.
All right. You believe? You believe with all your heart? Want to stand right there? Do you believe God can talk to me about you standing there? I'd turn my head around 'cause there's people out there praying. I was trying to catch where It was at. I want to talk to you just a minute. If God will tell me what your trouble is or where your trouble is, or something, you'll believe with all your heart? You got nervousness? Heart trouble. That's right. Something wrong with your eye, growth on your irises. That's right. You want to be healed. Mrs...?... go home and be well...?...

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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