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Featured Questions & Answers


What are the results from being Born Again?


"This person here is asking the question about the possibility of having the baptism of the Holy Ghost without signs following them. Now, it would... If you are BORN AGAIN you are--if you are born first as a human being and a normal human being... Now, I'm answering this in a--in a--a real juvenile way of doing it. But if you're born a normal human being, you will actually do the things that a normal human being would do. Is that right? When you're born as a human, the natural traits of a human being will follow you. You won't live in a tree, and try to fly with your wings like a bird, or--or--or something like that. That isn't--that wouldn't be a normal human being, the normal actions of a human being. The normal action of a human being would be to work, have--marry, have family, and do these things. That's natural, norman--normal human beings, because you're born that. Then when you're born a Christian, born of the Spirit of God, you naturally take up the attributes of Christ.” [Questions And Answers, Jeffersonville IN 64-0830m]

“This first conscience controls this body with see, taste, feel, smell, and hear, and it's just got us all scrupled up; we reason and everything else. But that new body, that comes from this BORN-AGAIN (not this first conscience, it'll pass away)... It's that inside something that lives.” [Questions And Answers, Jeffersonville IN 64-0830m]

“The church has fallen through justification, Martin Luther; through sanctification, Wesley. But it, when it comes to the time of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, they show their colors; they want nothing to do with it. Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, Church of God, all those there who believe in sanctification, you can't lay a finger to it; it's truth. But when it comes a borderline, come right up to that spot to receive the Holy Ghost for the NEW BIRTH, then what'd the devil do? Come around and try to twist it around. Oh, he's--he'll do everything that's in his known power to keep people out of there.” [Questions And Answers, Jeffersonville IN 64-0830m]

“As long as you're in this life, you're going to be sticky and have a carnal nature that's going to bother you as long as you live; but the inside of you, you're BORN AGAIN. And when you're raised up, you're in the likeness of Christ and all the sin is gone from you. See? That's--that's the thing.” [Questions And Answers, Jeffersonville IN 64-0830e]

“When you use the expression that if we do not believe the Word, we will be eternally separated from Christ, do you mean the foolish virgin will live eternally, but they will be separated from the new Jerusalem where Christ will dwell with the Bride? Here are those who do not have the Holy Spirit, BORN AGAIN as the Scripture speaks of being BORN AGAIN. If the natural birth requires water, blood, and spirit, does not the spiritual birth require all three stages of grace before the person is truly BORN AGAIN?” [Questions And Answers, Jeffersonville IN 64-0830e]

“This is a dying spirit in a dying body; but now, you can't be in two bodies at one time, but there can be two natures in you at one time. Now, the nature of the Spirit of the Lord... When you're BORN AGAIN, you're not born of physical, like the baby was; but what's happened, the spiritual birth has come to you. And while this spiritual birth is growing into your heart, of God, there is a physical or a celestial body growing to receive that spirit. And when the life leaves this body, it goes to that body. Just as when the body is presented to the earth, the spirit comes in, and when the spirit goes out of the body, there is a body waiting. "For we know that after this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." See? That's it, the spiritual body of the people.” [Questions And Answers, Jeffersonville IN 64-0830E]

“Brother Branham, is it wrong to grow--to grow and work in tobacco? I don't believe I got that.” Now, I'm against tobacco. I'm against the use of tobacco; any BORN AGAIN Christian will be; that's all, because it's wrong. We know that even the medical science say that's what starts most of throat and--and lung cancer is--is tobacco.” [Questions And Answers, Jeffersonville IN 64-0830E]


“The real genuine colored people, there's a genuine bunch of BORN AGAIN, godly saints in them people. Yes, indeedy. Just because my skin is white and theirs dark, that don't mean one thing to me. He's my brother if he's in Christ.” [Questions And Answers, Jeffersonville IN 64-0830E]

“That's why I different with the Afrikaans message; they didn't even believe those people had a soul. That's what got me disliked there. I said, "That man's a man as same as I am. He's got the rights to the same privilege that I have. His skin don't mean no difference to me, or no other man that's BORN AGAIN of the Spirit of God.” [Questions And Answers, Jeffersonville IN 64-0830E]

“Not to come in places, and so forth like that, or shopping, or set in the back of the bus, and so forth, no, sir. The law says they're just the same as we are, so we're the same as they are; so let's act that way. Let's be that way. And that's exactly what all really true BORN-AGAIN people believe. And now, I believe that's in their heart.” [Questions And Answers, Jeffersonville IN 64-0830E]

“Brother Branham, is it wrong to grow--to grow and work in tobacco? I don't believe I got that.” Now, I'm against tobacco. I'm against the use of tobacco; any BORN AGAIN Christian will be; that's all, because it's wrong. We know that even the medical science say that's what starts most of throat and--and lung cancer is--is tobacco.” [Questions And Answers, Jeffersonville IN 64-0830E]

“Would you rather listen to a hireling shepherd that would say "put your name on the book, and join; take this communion, say this, and it's all right," when the Great Shepherd Himself said "except a man be BORN AGAIN he cannot even see the Kingdom of Heaven?” [Why It Had To Be Shepherd, Tucson AZ 64-1221]

“You're a gene of your father, and you were in your father, yet your father had no fellowship with you because he... You was in there, but you knew it not and he knew it not, but you was manifested that you might... that he might fellowship with you. And you being BORN AGAIN, you're born of Eternal Life. And that's the only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God's Life, Zoe, the Greek word "Zoe," only one form of Eternal Life.” [Modern Events Are Made Clear By Prophecy, San Bernardino CA 65-1206]

“Tonight surrender everything you got, everything that you have need of. I believe, with a true, surrendered heart, if you will just stand upon your feet, and raise up your hands to God, and say, "Dear God, here I am. Take me, Lord. No more will I try to use my own mind and my own interpretation. Your Word says I must be 'holy, I must be BORN AGAIN, I must be filled with the Spirit, and then the Spirit will lead me into all the Truth.' Dear God, here I am, lead me." Would you do that much? If you do that much, raise your hand, say, "I'm willing to do that, I'm willing to.” [Modern Events Are Made Clear By Prophecy, San Bernardino CA 65-1206]

“O God, please, Lord, catch this day that we're living. Oh, it's so hard, Father. Satan has just done so much to the people. Their hearts have become stony. Your Spirit speaks right out; Your Word comes forward, vindicate; but the old-fashioned, BORN-AGAIN experience, they're... it's become into a denominational, intellectual conception, a lot of music, a lot of shout, and a lot of carrying-on. But, really, that heart of flesh, that Spirit, that Eternal Life, It's certainly become foreign to the church.” [Leadership, Covina CA 65-1207]

“Then I was BORN AGAIN. That little Life was laying there, the life of water was poured upon It, then It begin to grow. Now, that old life was forgiven, put in the sea of God's forgetfulness, to never be remembered against me no more. See? Now we stand justified (as though we never had sinned) in the Presence of God.” [Communion, Tucson AZ 65-1212]

Bible References: John 3:3; John 3:7; 1 Peter 1:23

[Answer provided by Bro. Ken Andes, Minister, Lynden, WA, USA]


LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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