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Prayer Line 60-11
60-pl-11, Prayer Line 60-11, 55 min

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60-0911m - Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN (Paragraphs: 96 - 119)
L-97 Now, each one of you, the only thing that'll keep you from being healed, is you not believing it. Now, let's bow our heads.
Our heavenly Father, here stands blind, crippled, afflicted, sick, dying with cancer, ulcers, tumors. They're all standing here in the line, Lord. I've preached the Word, and for twelve years You've confirmed That around the world. I've asked forgiveness, and I know that I did not do it willfully; I did it because I thought that I was doing right. Now, I come, Lord, come to You humbly, asking You to bless my prayer, that when I pray for these people, every one of them will be healed. Bless their faith. Help our unbelief, Lord.
And may every one this morning really catch the vision. May they not lose none of it. But may they see it Scripturally, and think of the Angel of the Lord back there at the beginning, He said, "As Moses was given two gifts..." And then two years ago, bringing the Bible with a hand coming down, that like wrote on the walls at Babylon, a human hand, looked like, that pointed down through the Bible to this same chapter, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with thee."... And Father, here it is this morning, brought to the light. We thank Thee for this, Lord. You forgive me for my wrong.
And now, as we go into this prayer meeting, may the power of God heal every sick person that comes through the line. I go just as Your servant, not asking for any special anointing, any special anything, but knowing this, that in my life is that commission; I go to carry it out, in the Name of Jesus Christ. [Exodus 4:9], [James 1:5]
L-98 Now, Brother Neville, if you will stand here. Now, with this gift, I'm not going to anoint with oil. See? I'm just going to do what He told me to do. And the commission said, "Get the people to believe you and be sincere." Do you believe? Then I'm sincere. Something has to happen.
Brother Neville is going to lead in songs. You all pray quietly while I pray for the sick. [Brother Neville begins singing "Only Believe."]
L-99 Lord Jesus, I lay hands upon the woman with these kidney stones. And I rebuke them in the Name of Jesus Christ. May she go and be healed. Amen. Something happened.
What is your trouble? Lord, I lay my hands upon brother, this prostate gland trouble, and I rebuke this power of the devil, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. You must have it. Believe.
Lord, I lay my hands upon my sister with these bad legs that's swollen up. I rebuke that swelling, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Go, believe it, sister, and you'll see it.
Lord, with heart trouble and other ailments; I lay my hands upon my sister and rebuke this, in Jesus' Name, by my commission.
Lord, with failing sight and heart trouble; I rebuke it in this woman by my commission from God, in Jesus' Name. Amen. It's just got to be. It's going to be all right. Amen. I believe it with all my heart.
L-100 [] That's true, if it's your time to go, you're going to go some way. That's right. But first, before He tells you, if you'll be sincere and don't doubt it, you'll get well. That's exactly right.
Lazarus was raised from the dead; he died again. But he was raised from the dead to show that God keeps His offer to people, He said, "Mary, believest thou this? I am the Resurrection and Life. I'm commissioned of God to raise the dead. You believe this?"
She said, "Yea, Lord. I believe that You are the Son of God, that's come into the world."
Said, "Where you buried him?"
He had to die again. But he raised him to show that He was the Resurrection and Life. See, God does those things, and everything's in Divine order. Oh, I'm so glad to say that. Everything is perfectly in order. If you can believe, everything you ask for is given to you. It's got to be. [John 11:24-25, 27, 43]
L-101 All right, just continue praying now while we bring them forward. God bless you...?...
Lord Jesus, our sister is very sick, hearing me stand here and preaching this Word, may You--may You, for this little sluggishness of doubt, just get away from all of them, Lord. May they rise up, leave this old mountain of walking back and forth, go on to Jordan, Lord. Grant it, Lord. May our sister travel this path now from this hour on, believing that God heals her body. In Jesus' Name. Go on your road, believing.
God bless you. Lord Jesus, give to her the desire of her heart, for her daughter and her family. I pray this, in Jesus' Name, she receive this, as I offer my prayer and my faith by laying hands on her. If I didn't believe You, I wouldn't lay my hands on her. If I knew You wasn't going to it, I wouldn't pray for her. But I believe, Lord. She believes too. And we're placing our faith together, believing in Jesus' Name, Amen. [Mark 16:18]
L-102 God bless you, Pat. Lord, for his precious children he wants saved. He's getting hard of hearing. The doctor says cataract's coming on his eye. He wants to live for God's glory. Grant it to him, Lord, as I ask for this petition for my brother. And...?... in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, brother. Don't doubt. Believe that what you've asked for. [A lady speaks to Brother Branham for about 20 seconds--Ed.] Okay sister.
Lord, this poor little woman standing here for her son. God won't...?... something, Lord, that's hurting her. He's going for a skin graft. And she prays for his body and his salvation. She prays for her loved ones. She's asked for her own nervous condition, Lord. She's just about to break. God, I pray that You'll give her the desire of her heart. Heal her of her afflictions and make her well. In Jesus' Name, I pray this prayer of faith over her. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, believing it. God bless you.
L-103 Lord, for the salvation of her loved ones, I pray that You'll grant her request, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Believe now, sister, that you receive that, and it's yours. If you believe it, it's got to come.
For our Brother Edgar Tyler. Bless your heart...?... and all the way from Phoenix, Arizona. Is it hot out there?
That lady here was healed in my meeting. Where was she from? Are you from Phoenix, lady? You're not from... You was at the meeting in Phoenix.
What do you want Him to do for you today? Take asthma from you. God bless you, brother.
Dear God, as this precious brother...?... cry out to our...?... and to the cause of the burdens of people. I pray that You'll grant him deliverance, coming all the way from Phoenix, Arizona, to be prayed for, to stand in this line, to hear the message, to encourage him. Lord, it seems like a great sacrifice. It is. But the Queen of the South came for three months on the back of a camel through the Sahara desert to hear the wisdom of Solomon. And behold a greater than Solomon is here; the Holy Spirit is here, a greater than Solomon.
Lord, I pray that You'll heal him of this affliction of his body. Give him the desire of his heart. Let him walk in the path that's ordained for him. May the goodness of God rest upon him. I ask this blessing for my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ, God's Son. Amen.
Ed, as you return, go with it. It's yours. I give it to you. Go and receive it. [II Chronicles 9:1, 6]
L-104 Brother George... Most everyone knows George Wright. How many remembers the story when he was dying just recently? All the doctors passed by him. His body was swollen up like that, a blood clot in his heart. Several doctors had give him up. I went to pray for him. Brother Funk, he was here awhile ago I believe, was with me there that night. Set up on the hill down there, act like I was going hunting.
I want to say to this church now, I got to tell some things that's been going on. A lot of times you think I'm hunting; I'm not hunting. That's an excuse to keep people from following me. I have to go there to be alone with God. I'm not going out hunting, friends. Yes, I am hunting, but not--not that kind of hunting.
I set up on the hill. Now, to him I was going rabbit hunting. Went around right behind the house, and held my hands over towards the house, and prayed and prayed. Dying... The Holy Spirit spoke to me one night, "One of these men comes from a church that don't believe that healing's right." A certain minister came to his house not long ago, and tried to withstand me there on a debate. Many of you people here, were there that night. See where that man almost lost his mind? Now he's trying finally get the Holy Ghost. [Brother Wright says, "Oh, he says I'm the best friend he's got though, brother."--Ed.] Think of that.
L-105 A man that stood there to debate, and said, "First I want to tell you, you're of the devil."
I said, "I forgive you because you don't know what you're talking about."
So then he turned around and said, "I know you got the Spirit of Christ."
I said, "Now, I was a devil a few minutes ago, and of Christ now. Which is it? See? So now, they... Terrible things has happened.
This man laying there, dying. And this man laughed at him, said, "Now, go get your Divine healer."
And I was up at Lexington, Kentucky, where a woman was healed of cancer. And in a vision the Lord showed me, coming back, along that morning about five o'clock. He showed me that. Said, "You'll shake the hand of Brother George Wright, coming up through the Tabernacle, and walk up here and shake your hand. And the man that's made fun of him, he'll dig his grave." I didn't know it, didn't know he dug graves.
L-106 I called up Sister Wright. She's bound to be here somewhere. Yeah. Called up Sister Wright, I said, "I have THUS SAITH THE LORD." That's right. Them's the kind of visions I want to see from now on; then I'll tell somebody something, it comes back. I said, "Brother George will dig the grave of the man, or be at the grave of the man that's making fun of him. And he'll come in the Tabernacle, and I'll shake his hand." The blood clot left Brother George.
And about a month or two after that, I was back. And he always, nearly always, come around this a way; but that morning he come this a way, and I had already...?... Said, "Look, look, look, here he comes right here to shake, just exactly...?..."
And here he is today. That's been... [Brother Wright says, "Nine years."--Ed.] Nine years ago. ["I had nine blood clots that left."--Ed.] Nine blood clots, nine years ago.
L-107 By the way, I hear that Sister Hickerson... Is Brother Hickerson here today? That she's better. That's fine. She had blood clots too, a bunch of them in her limb.
Now, he's got rheumatism in his hand.
That was his daughter, Sister Hattie setting right there, on which I testified...?... that the new ministry worked the first time. That's right, Sister Hattie. Wonder if the boys are in this morning, are they with you?
Where's the boys at? There's both of them standing right back there at the back. There's the two boys that the mother--daughter of our... Raise your hands up, boys, so they see who you are. All right, standing back there at the back. It's wonderful...?... It sure is.
L-108 All right. Brother George. [Brother Wright says, "You know, Brother Bill, I believe."--Ed.] I know you believe. And I know, many times, I've laid there in your room at nighttime, watching out the window, listening at an old mockingbird. Someday we got to go over, Brother George. Until that time, God be with you. I know He will then. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I'll fear no evil, for Thou art with me." In that vision here not long ago, when I seen those old people turned back young again, that's the way I'll see you someday...?...
Our heavenly Father, give to our brother the desire of his heart. Heal him of this rheumatism. He's getting old, Father, and I pray that You'll help him. Help Sister Wright and little Edith, and all the family down there. Sister Hattie and her children, all their loved ones, be with them, Father. Grant this request, as I ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
[Brother George Wright says, "I will be seventy-nine."--Ed.] Seventy-nine. God bless you, Brother Wright, give you many more days. Praise the Lord. [Psalms 23:4]
L-109 Brother Daulton. My, my. Here's a brother that's been precious to me. I'll tell you what happened. I haven't got time to go through it. His wife knows. Said, "He was dying." Heart attack, was it, sister? And before the Lord had give her a dream, and the interpretation came. And when the heart attack struck him, she stood right before it and said, "I defy this." God had give her a dream that it was going to be that way, and the interpretation come. And the doctor's thinking the man was dying then, and here he is alive today.
Lord Jesus, to our precious brother, he drove a long ways to come into this meeting this morning. His hip's bad. Just like an automobile, Lord, parts are beginning to wear, go down; but, O Lord, be his strength. Thou art our Strength. Undergird this crippled place in his hip. Undergird every weak spot, Lord. And give to our precious brother his healing, as I bless him in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
God bless you, Brother Daulton. So shall it be.
L-110 All right, sister, what can the Lord do for you? Why, Sister Daugherty. Is this Betty? Why, Betty, bless your heart. Who in this Tabernacle don't know Betty Daugherty. The first time my old ministry ever worked was on this child. How many remembers about the...?...
Betty had Saint Vitus' dance. And she was in such a state, that she didn't even act like a human. No doctor could do nothing for her. And I went to St. Louis. This church gave up the money, and I borrowed somebody's overcoat; and they made eleven dollars up for me to go over and pray for this little girl. She was just a little girl, about like--about like this little girl setting right here, little baby girl. And I stayed... Is Brother Daugherty here? He isn't. And prayed and prayed and prayed, I couldn't get nowhere. And finally, setting out in Brother Daugherty's car, I saw a vision of what for them to do. And she followed the vision just exactly the way the Lord said do. I believe it was a little bit against their thoughts at that time. But she done it just exactly the way the Lord said do it, and Betty was healed. The first time I saw her, how... Said, "Grandpa Daugherty at one end of the bed, Brother Daugherty at the other. And let her take a rag and wash the baby's face, and hands, and so forth." As I went down through the prayer, "Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name." [Matthew 6:9], [Luke 11:2]
L-111 And Betty now has been stricken with cataracts. I got to pray for her just a--a short time ago at the back of the building at Chautauqua.
Betty, honey, let's go over this real close now. I want to hold your hand. Are you blind all the way, Betty? You can just see daylight and darkening. How old are you now, Betty? Twenty-two. She was about seven or eight...?... Sister Daugherty, you had a hard...?... You know, Betty, I've always believed that God had something for you to do. And I believe that's why it's been this a way with you. And now I believe that the enemy has did this evil thing.
Now, you know, Betty, this. If I had power to reach in there and take those cataracts and pull them out, I'd do it. I don't have it. But, Betty, what I told you the first time, that's the truth; as I set here, and you and I, as brother and sister in Christ, Brother Daugherty, your precious daddy, just as sweet a brother as I ever had, your dear mother here... I've lived in your house, and you shared your food with me, and--and everything. You've been like--like that you would have to be my sister, and I could be no more sincere than I would be with Delores setting right here.
L-112 Now, God promised this, Betty. I want to you to all... Your father, being a minister, you've been raised up in a family that prays for the sick...?... You've been prayed for many a time. It's got to a place where sometimes we just go over it, and back and forth. And we--we--we kind of lose the value of it. You see what I mean?
My, you've made a fine, pretty girl, Betty; it's a shame to see your eyes gone like that. Is Meda still in the building? My wife wanted to see you; I want her to see you, Betty, what a pretty girl she made. Betty, you was a pretty little girl. You've always been a good girl.
Now, is there a few things down in life, that you've failed, Betty. Now, just as a doctor would look over your--your physical body, I want to look through your soul. Have you failed God anywhere, Betty? If there is, just acknowledge it to Him, "Lord, if You'll let me go over it again, I'll not--I'll do different."
L-113 [Sister Betty speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Now, this is a strange thing. Let's think it this a way. Now, I did not know that Betty Daugherty was going to be in this meeting. But the first one on my other discernment was Betty Daugherty. Here it is back again at the first meeting on this. She knew right then what I was speaking of. I don't want to start that discernment again, 'cause in the line. But she said what she ought to have said just now. She was filled with the Holy Ghost while at--while I was at the St. Louis. And as a teenage girl, kid, maybe she has done things she ought not done. But who hasn't? Who hasn't? If it isn't grace, we're all lost. And if you're willing to confess your wrongs, God's just to forgive your wrong.
L-114 I'm raising my faith now. Lord, I bring this girl to You. And I'm putting my hands over her eyes. I'm rebuking these cataracts, and believe that Betty will see again. Let the power of the living God, the Divine One, give Betty her sight again, as I offer this prayer while faith is upon me. In the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, may I shake hands with my sister again, somewhere, today, tomorrow, or whenever it will be again, and them bright eyes look at me and say, "Brother Branham, I can see as good as I ever did in my life."...?... Let us believe that...?... You believe that, Sister Daugherty?...?...
Lord, in the Name of Jesus, the Son of God, give to our sister the desire of her heart, as she stands raising her hand. Let the power that healed Betty Daugherty the first time, and this also the second time, let it heal our sister, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
L-115 Brother... [The brother speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Our brother wants to be saved. You accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour? You believe that He died for you and rose again? You now claim Him as your personal Saviour?
In the Name of Jesus Christ, let every sin question be gone from this man's conscience. May our brother...?... the day when...?... his life is now a Christian, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Turn to this audience and say, "I accept Jesus as my Saviour." [The man says, "I accept Jesus as my Saviour."--Ed.] Now, that he's so glad his sins are forgiven by the Blood of Jesus Christ. That's what we like (Amen.), a double cure...?... []
L-116 And that I accomplished more this morning by the message that I've had and the things as I have knowed, I've--I've followed the commission more than I've accomplished in the last five years, because I have found the center of God's will.
Now, it may be a hard thing for me to change from one ministry to another. But it isn't changing the ministry; it's taking the same ministry in a higher sphere. It's the original commission. All these other things have been building upon that. Now's the time.
With all my heart, I'm believing for every person that I pray for. I believe they're going to be well. And with all the evidence that we have, everything that God has showed of year after year of infallible proof of the Bible living again, then how could it fail? It just can't fail. [Joshua 1:1-9]
L-117 Now, there's only one way to make it fail; that is, for you not to believe it. If Jesus stood here Himself, and would pray for you, and go through the same act that we have done this morning, no more would happen if you would believe with the measure of faith that--no more could happen, than what will happen, if you believe with the same measure of faith. Because I only represent Him. I'm a sinner saved by grace, just a man like you are, just a human being. But God has to have an outlet somewhere. And He's proved that by His Word; He's proved it by the ministry; He's proved it by the Angel of the Lord, and here it is. Now, it's up to us to believe it.
Now, remember, just like a child, if there's been an affliction, see it no more. If there's been a disease, it's not there no more. Just ignore any symptom, anything that's contrary to what's been asked. Many times... Every child that comes to God's got to be tried. We're tried to see if we believe that or not. And you'll have wars and troubles. But remember we're on our march.
L-118 God bless you. I love you. And I, by God's help, I hope He lets me serve you as His servant for many, many years to come, is my prayer. Pray for me.
And now remember tonight: "The Five Infallible A-vindications Of The True Church Of The Living God." Until then, let us stand up to our feet, just a moment.
Oh, is there a baptismal service? [Brother Neville says, "I believe there is."-- Ed.] Oh, a baptismal service? The people for baptism, are you here? Raise up your hand, anybody for baptism. One, two, three... Yes. I'm very, very sorry, friends.
Now, to those who have to go, I will dismiss them. The rest of them stay for baptism, that wants to. We have a baptismal service, just in a moment.
L-119 Father God, dismiss those who have to go with Your blessings, Your benediction, Your grace rest upon them, thanking You for all that's been accomplished this morning, as we're pulling away from the mountain, starting upward. Lord, may we walk up through every ladder rung, until we reach the--the Kingdom of God. Grant it, Lord. Be with us now. Forgive our sins, those who stay now to be baptized for the remission of their sins, in the Name of Jesus Christ, may these things be granted.
Gather us together again tonight. May Thy power and Thy blessings be upon us tonight. May there be a great night tonight. May many, that's confused, be straightened out tonight. Grant it, Father, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
All right, you may be seated now if you wish to, while we make ready for the baptism.

60-0930 - Campaign Office, Jeffersonville, IN (Paragraphs: 21 - 33)
L-22 They didn't have penicillin and things them days (You see?), so they just, they just put plasters on them and things like that. But the little baby had had it for several days, and it was gone, see, or going.
And then I--I set down there and I thought, "My, if Graham goed..." Graham got his coat on, and he started to go out the door. And he said to his wife, he said, "Now, we'll be back just in minute."
And I thought, "Oh God... Then I'd have to stay here all day and maybe all night again (You see?) waiting for that vision. What can I do?"
And I looked out the window, and coming around the house, come the baby's grandmother in there. (I did learn later it was the grandmother.) And she had on glasses. I thought, "This is it, Lord, if-if Graham just don't go out the door." So she always come to the front door, but somehow--they don't even know till yet--but she went to the back door, come in the kitchen. And she walked in the kitchen--little old house--and she got to the door, her daughter run over there and kissed her, 'cause it was the daughter's mother, you know, and kissed her. And Brother Graham... And then she said, "Is the baby better?"
She said, "Mother, it's dying," and she started screaming like that and her mother crying...
L-23 Then I thought, "If this will just work... Now if Graham don't go out... And I raised up, and I couldn't say nothing (You see?), just wait. And Brother Graham walked around. I got up so he could set down. And he--and that was some of his relation (You see?), so he just started crying too, and set down on the duofold where he was supposed to be setting. I thought, "Now, if that old lady will just come around and set down in this red chair..." And I got back to the door where Mr. Emmel was standing with his overcoat on and ready to go out (real cold weather, blizzardy cold.). And I thought... And the old lady set down in this chair, and Graham set down and ducked his head down, and the mother of the baby put her hand up on the door and begin weeping, just exactly the vision. And the old lady set down and instead of it being tears, altogether on her glasses, coming from the cold, it fogged them. And she had reached in her little briefcase and got a little handkerchief out (or little satchel), and started wiping these glasses. Brother, that was it! I said to Mr. Emmel, I said, "Mr. Emmel, you still have confidence in me as a servant of Christ?"
He said, "I sure do, Brother Branham."
I said, "I can tell you now. I spoke ahead of the vision awhile ago. That's why it didn't happen. If you still got confidence in me, go bring me your baby." Oh, my. I seen it was right then. You see? "Go bring me your baby."
He said, "I'll do anything you tell me to do, Brother Bill. I wouldn't be afraid to pick it up..." 'Cause in pick it up, it just went... The breath altogether left it.
Brought the little baby up to me. Reached and got it in his arm, brought it up to me, and stood there. I put my hand on it and said, "Lord, forgive the stupidity of Your servant (See?); I spoke ahead of Your vision. But now let it be known that You're God of heavens and earth."
No more than said that, the little baby throwed both arms around its daddy, and begin screaming and crying, said, "Daddy, I feel all right now." See?
I said, "Mr. Emmel, let the little baby alone. It'll be three days before it leaves it, 'cause it made three steps unwinding."
L-24 I went home. I told it in my church. And I said, "I'm going back." That was on Monday. I said, "Wednesday night, before church, I'm going up there." They was poor people, and we made them up a basket of groceries to take to them. So I said, "I want you all to go. And when I go there and you get around the house, and when I come to that place to where that house is, you watch and see if that little baby don't come across the floor with a little mustache made here, where he's been drinking chocolate milk or something (See?), and put his hands in mine, and say these words, 'Brother Bill, I'm perfectly whole.' This little three year old baby... Watch and see if it don't happen."
L-25 My wife, now, Meda--way before we were married, so--she was in the bunch. And a truck load went and placed themselves around the house (See?) to see me when I drove up in the old Public Service Company truck that I had home that night (I didn't have any car of my own), full of tar in the back and things, you know, where I'd been hauling it that day and fixing things. Drove up in front, stopped, went up on the porch, knocked on the door, and (they didn't have no rugs on the little old floor), and the mother come across the porch, said, "Why, it's Brother Bill." like that, and the people, looking in the windows at the time to see what would happen. And in the corner, playing, was this little boy (the third day). I stopped, never said a word, and he come strolling across the floor, put his little hands up in mine with the lit... Been drinking chocolate milk (his little mustache-like across there from the chocolate milk) put his hands up in mine. Said, "Brother Bill, I'm perfectly whole."
L-26 And that night at the church I told it. I said, "There's a crippled girl, somewhere that's needy." I said, "Church, I don't know what these things mean. I can't tell you."
And--and so I was working at the Public Service, and I remember, one day, about a week after that, I started to leave the building, going out. And Mr. Herb Scott lives here in the city, right now, he was my boss. And he said... I started down and he said, "Billy,"
And I said, "Yes."
Said, "'Fore you leave, I've got a letter here for you."
I said, "Okay Herbie, I'll pick it up in a minute."
And a... And so I went over to get the--my other work. I was checking up. So I went over to get my other work done, and when I--I did, I remembered that letter, and I went and got it, and opened it up, and said, "Dear Mr. Branham (see?) " said, "My name is Nail. I'm Mrs. Harold Nail. We live at a place called South Boston." And said, "We're Methodist, by faith. And I happened to read a little book that you wrote, called "Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever," a little pamphlet. And we were having prayer meeting in our house the other night, and we have heard of you having success praying for the sick." And said, "I have a afflicted daughter, fifteen years old," said, "that's laying on the bed of affliction. And somehow, I just can't get it off my mind, that I should have you to come pray for this girl. Would you please do it? Yours truly, Mrs. Harold Nail. South Boston, Indiana."
I said, "You know, that's the girl, that's her." I went home told my mother, told them about it. I said, "That's--that's the girl." [Hebrews 13:8]
L-27 And then that night, at church, I said to the church; I said, "Here's that--that--that place." I said, "Anybody know where South Boston is?"
And Brother George Wright (You all are acquainted with him.), he said, "Brother Branham, it's--I think it's down in the south." So the next day, I--two friends of mine, and the--my wife (which now is,), and a man and his wife from Texas (Their name was Brace, Ad Brace. He lives down here now, in below Milltown, farmer. He was a rancher out in the West, and he'd moved here to be close to the church. And I'd prayed for his wife and she'd been healed of a tubercular condition.), and so he wanted to see this happen. I said, "You go with me and see if it don't happen just this a way." So the lady had never seen a vision (Mrs.--Mrs. Brace.)
So my wife went with me, and Brother Jim Wisehart, the old elder, you remember the church there, the old deacon. He wanted to see it. And I just had a little old roadster then, and I piled them all in there, and we went down below New Albany, and I found this sign. And I come to find out, it wasn't South Boston, it was New Boston. So then I didn't know where to go. So I come back up to Jeffersonville, and asked somebody, and somebody went to the post office, and they said, "South Boston is up above Henryville." So I--I went up to Henryville, and I asked there, and they said turn off on this road. It's about fifteen miles, back over these knobs, here. "You find a little place you'll... Be careful, you'll miss it," said, "because it's just one little store, and the store has got the post office and everything else in it: South Boston," over in these knobs. There's seventeen thousand acres of them knobs in there (You see?), and this is over behind it in the hills there.
L-28 So, we went on, riding along, and all at once I felt real strange, after been driving five or six miles. And I felt real strange. And I said, "I don't know..."
They said, "What the mat...?"
I said, "I believe that--that One that talks to me wants to talk to me, so I'm going to have to leave the car." So I got out of the car. And the women setting on women's laps, you know, and everything, that little old roadster... And I got out of the car and went around behind the car. And I bowed my head down, and put my foot up on the bumper in the back of the car. And I said, "Heavenly Father, what would You have Your servant know?" And I prayed, nothing happened. And I waited a few minutes, and I thought, "Well, He..." Usually, where there's a crowd like that I have to get to myself. And so I waited a few minutes.
L-29 And I happened to be attracted to look over there. And I happened to think, "Well, looky here. Here's that old church setting down here." And if you're ever at it, it's the Bunker Hill Church. And I looked over on the side of Bunker Hill Christian Church, and there was a tombstones of the graveyard, right in front of the church. And I went over there. I said, "Now, you all got them letters. I never been that country before in my life. Never was in above there, anywhere, in my life." And I said, "You get them names and numbers and come over here and see if they ain't the same one this tombstone." And there it was, just exactly. I said, "That's it. We're on the right road now." That was as the Angel of the Lord... See, I'd have passed right on by it and not know it. So it... Oh, He's perfect.
And so we rode on and on. Directly, I met a man, and I said, "Could you tell me where South Boston is, sir?"
He said, "You jog to the right and the left, and you know, so forth like that..."
L-30 And we just kept on going. So after while, we'd come into... I noticed, I come into a little place and it had a... kind of a little village-like, and I--I looked and I said, "That's it. That's it, right there." I said, "There is the... There--there's that yellow storefront." And I said, "Now, you watch, a man is going to come out of there with a blue overalls on, a white corduroy--a yellow corduroy cap, with a white mustache, and tell me where to go. If it ain't, I'm a big story teller."
And so, they was all waiting. And a--and I drove up in front of the place, and just as I drove in front, out come the man with the blue overall suit on, and the yellow corduroy cap, and the white mustache. And Mrs. Brace fainted in the car, it... Seeing it's come to pass like that.
And I said, "Sir, you're to tell me where Harold Nail is."
He said, "Yes, sir." Said, "Did you come from the south?"
I said, "Yes, sir."
He said, "You passed it, about half-mile down the road, you turn the first road to the left. You go up, and you find a big red barn and you turn in there at that red barn." Said, "It's the second house on your right as you turn up that little lane like road."
I said, "Yes, sir."
He said, "Why?"
I said, "He has an afflicted daughter, doesn't he?"
He said, "Yes, sir, he does."
I said, "The Lord is going to heal her."
And the old man started crying. See? Never knowed... And so he was included in the vision; he didn't know what was going on. I turned around. We got Miss. Nail kindly revived again. And went up there, walked up into the yard, got out of the car, started in, started up the place to the--you know--to the place where it was at. And a--a heavy set young woman come to the door. I said, "There she is." See?
And so she said, "How do you do."
And I said, "How do you do." I said, "I'm---I'm Brother Bill."
"Oh," she said, "I--I--I thought you were." She said, "You have got my letter?"
I said, "Yes, ma'am, I did."
She said, "I'm Mrs. Harold Nail."
I said, "Well, I'm glad to know you, Mrs. Nail. And this is just a little party come with me to pray for your girl."
Said, "Yes."
I said, "She's fixing to be healed."
She said, "What?" And her lips started quivering; she started crying.
I said, "Yes, ma'am." And I--I don't know; I never stopped for the woman. I walked right on down the hall, and my party followed me. When I opened the door to the right of the hall (big old country home), opened the door, there was the yellow news--the yellow papers on the wall, red figures, the sign, "God bless our home" ; the old brass poster bed; chunk stove, setting to my left; and there was a little bitty cot setting there where this boyish looking girl's laying in it.
L-31 Now, something happened. I was up in the corner of the room, watching my body go to that bed. And I laid my hands right across her stomach, exactly the way the Lord said. And when I did that, when Miss. Nail walked in the room and seen that, down she went in the floor again, fainted. She's kind of a weakly person. And she fainted in the floor again. And Brother Nail was trying to work with her. And old Brother Jim standing there saying, "Bless the Lord," holding his hands together (if you all knew how he acted.). And so then I looked at that, and I seen that, and I laid my hands upon her, or across her stomach like this. And I said, "Lord, I do this at the command of what I think is God telling me to do it."
L-32 And about that time she started crying. And she jumped up and they'd just got Mrs. Nail to her feet (she'd woke up from her fainting spell). And when the girl jumped from the bed, there come her pajama leg up on the right leg, just exactly the way that it showed in the vision, and there was that round knee of a girl instead of a boy. And down went Miss. Nail again. See? She fainted. That's the three times she'd fainted.
And that girl walked out of there in that room and went into her dressing room, weeping, and put on her kimono, come walking back, combing her hair with her--with that cri... And one hand was paralyzed too, on the right side, combing her hair with that crippled hand. She's married, got a bunch of children. Her name... I don't know what her name is now, but Nails... anybody could tell you Harold Nail...
And that... visions are true.
L-33 I could place that and take you to people that would make a volume of books of such things as happened. Now that's true, Brother Vayle.
I'll fail: I'm a man. I'm a failure to begin with, and a very poor substitute for a servant of Christ.
[Brother Branham spells names of people--Ed.]
M-e-r-r-e-double l.
[Brother Vayle says, I thought of that...?... ] l-a-v...
[Nail was N-e-i-l?] N-a-i-l.
[Brother Vayle says, "Brace, B-r-a-c-e?"]
B-r-a-c-e. Ad. Ad Brace.
["Yeah. Now I think I've got them all. Ah, isn't that a Graham Shelling?]
Graham, G-r-a-h-a-m, S-n-e-double l-i-n-g."
[Brother Vayle says, "Oh, Snelling. Now, we got it. A... ]

60-1002 - Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN (Paragraphs: 94 - 110)
L-95 All right, while their lining up, I'd like to ask the church something. How many strangers is here, never in one of my meetings before? Why, many of you. How many knows that there's no man can heal another, not even to a doctor? No, sir. A doctor's not a healer. He only aids nature. God's the Healer. See? A doctor can set an arm, but he can't heal an arm. Doctor can remove appendix, but not heal the place where he cut. Doctor can pull a tooth, but not stop the bleeding or heal it up. God has to do that.
L-96 All right, how many knows that when Jesus was here on earth, that He didn't claim to be a healer? He was a man. He said, "Not Me that doeth the works, but My Father that dwelleth in Me. He doeth the works." Is that right? How many knows when He was here... What? How... What kind of a ministry did He have when He was here? He did what the Father showed Him to do. Is that right? How many know--knows that? St. John 5:19, He said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself. But what He sees the Father doing (Is that right?) that doeth the Son likewise."
Now, then is Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever? Do you believe that with all your heart, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever? Do you believe that Jesus Christ, being the same yesterday, today, and forever, that that means that He actually is the same?
All right. How is He the same? The same in every principle. Is that right? He's the same God, the same Healer, the--the same Saviour; He's the same--the same attitude. That's all the same. Is that right? The same. All right, then if He was the same, and is the same, He'll do and act the same. Is that right? Now, how many knows that to be the Truth? [John 14:12], [John 5:19], [Hebrews 13:8]
L-97 I'm just going to take a moment here. I'm waiting; it don't look to me like that's fifty people standing around. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11... [Brother Branham counts the people--Ed.] No. Some of them probably went home earlier. I seen some people leave back there. All right, just this little short line. How many would like to have just... How many strangers to me in that line? Raise up your hand, knows I don't know nothing about you? Raise up your--my--your hand.
How many out there is strangers, knows I know nothing about you, raise up your hands and you're sick? All right. How many'd like to see the line of discernment, so we can just hurry up and get through? Would you like? Now, it doesn't matter. I can just pray for them, bring them right through the line, or they can set down, just go and set down: doesn't matter. The Holy Spirit discerns just the same. Do you believe that?
L-98 Now, then if that's so, then just be quiet, just a moment. It's getting a little late. So just set still just a moment. I want to ask you something now.
I may be on the wrong mike here. Both all right? Both hooked up? All right. And this also?
All right, now, just get quiet for a moment. I'm going to look down this line and see if I know anybody.
I know that fellow standing right there. Now, I know Earl. Earl, I know you; Earl Collins. (Oh, yes, he--the man up here.) Is that the man we hunted with up there in Colorado? Oh, my, I certainly don't. I believe Earl told me that you were very sick. And you come... Now, if you can't stand long, let... Somebody take him a chair over there. Or--or someone--some of them just raise up and give him a seat, right there close to the side, 'cause the man is very, very sick. My, he's lost about hundred pounds or more of weight. And he's... And he's--he's very, very sick. Now, just let him set there till...?... brother.
L-99 Now, let me look down. Now, Earl was just standing with him. Now, this man, standing right back here looking at me from over around La Grange, Kentucky, I don't know his name, but I--I--I know you. And that's Brother and Sister Kidd there; I know them. And this lady, right... Is that Sister Rook? Or... Would--would this woman here, from Sellersburg, I believe that's blind. Is that right?
All right, I think that's about all in the line that I actually know. Oh, yes, here's my good friend Busty Rogers here from down at Milltown. And down along the line, I guess the rest of them are strangers to me. Now, that's before God, as far as I know, they're strangers to me.
L-100 Now, let me see in the audience here. Now, you that--you that are strangers to me, that's sick, raise up your hand. And you know you got a request on your heart; raise up your hand, wherever you are, that knows I... All right. Okay. It's just general, around about everywhere.
Now, I... It won't hurt you just to wait just a moment or two longer. I want to ask you a solemn question. I better get behind here, so you can hear me. I just want to ask you something. Now, these messages that I'm preaching, do you believe them to be the truth? [Congregation resounds back, "Amen"--Ed.] You sure... You wouldn't come here if it wasn't.
Now, would God do something like that without giving me some conception of what I was doing? He certainly would not. Certainly He wouldn't. Now, if He has done that...
L-101 Now, I'm claiming that Jesus Christ has not changed. His death did not change Him. It glorified Him. And He raised up on the third day and ascended on high. And He sent back the Holy Spirit, which was God is the Holy Spirit that was upon Him. Do you all believe that? And Jesus, when He was here on earth, He said, "The works that I do, shall you do also. A little while, and the world won't see Me no more (That's the world order, you know, just the unbelieving church and all.), they won't see Me no more. Yet ye shall see Me ('Ye,' that's the church, the believer.), for I ('I' is a personal pronoun.), I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world. (In the Greek there is 'consummation' which means 'the end of the world.') Be with you to the end of the world. And the works that I do shall you do also." Is that the truth? [John 14:12], [Matthew 14:19], [Matthew 28:20]
L-102 Now, we have Baptists, Methodists, Protestants, and Catholics, and--and even Jewish, setting in here this morning. And we have Church of God, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, Jehovah Witness, all them different denominations represented; I'm looking around looking at them. Methodists, Lutheran, Pentecostals, all different kinds, as I look around and see the people that I know. And they're all visitors from out of town. The Branham Tabernacle's a little bitty thing here in--in the city. But it makes up from the world.
L-103 Now, let's just take this, and think real close, think steady, and be reverent, and ask this question. Then if He is not dead, then His attitude towards you and towards the sick, would be just the same today as it was yesterday. Then how did He make His attitude yesterday? This: "I can, if you believe." Is that right? "If you believe."
The man said, "Lord, have mercy on us." Said, "My son is variously vexed with a devil. I brought him to Your disciples, and they were screaming and hollering and everything."
He said, "I can, if you believe. If you believe, I can." [Matthew 17:15-16]
L-104 Now, notice, how did Jesus do? What was He yesterday? How did He minister? Now, this is to the stranger now, I'm talking to. Let's see what He was yesterday. It'll take me about three minutes; we'll quote couple little places.
When His ministry first started, there was a one man by the name of Andrew, a fisherman, got converted, believed on Him, and went and got his brother named Simon. You remember that? He brought him to Jesus. He was a illiterate fisherman, couldn't even sign his own name. And he come up before Jesus, and Jesus looked at him and said, "Your name is Simon. You're the son of Jonas."
How many knows that's the Scripture? They knew that was the Messiah, 'cause He's the... God promised... Moses promised that when the Messiah come, He would be a prophet. Is that right? The Prophet-Messiah... And He looked, and He said, "Your name is Simon." And said, "Your father was named Jonas." And he knowed that was the Messiah. [John 1:42]
L-105 The woman at the well, that's another nation of people. Now, only the Jews and Samaritans received Him. The Gentiles, we hadn't come in yet, the Ruth group. Now, the woman at the well, which was a Samaritan, she come to get water. Jesus said, "Bring Me a drink." What'd He do? Talked to her, just like I'd talk to someone out there in the audience; said, "Bring Me a drink." They'd never met before.
And she said, "Why, it's not customary; we got segregation here." Like you used to have in the south for our colored friends and things. But they don't have it no more. Thanks be to God for that. So he said, "We got segregation here; why, it's not customary for You; You're a Jew." Jesus was a Jew. She was a Samaritan. Said, "It's not customary for--for You to ask me, a Samaritan woman, such."
He said, "But woman, if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink."
That stopped that beautiful woman. And she looked up and said, "Why, You have nothing to draw with. The well's deep."
He said, "The waters I give is Everlasting Life."
And finally He found out what her trouble was. How many knows, strangers, knows what her trouble was? She had five husbands. So what did He say to her? He said, "Go, get your husband and come here."
She looked at Him; she said, "I don't have any husband."
He said, "You said well, because you've had five, and the one you're living with now is not your husband." [John 4:7, 9-18]
L-106 She said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a prophet. Now, we know, when the Messiah comes (that's Jesus)--when Messiah cometh, He'll tell us these things, 'cause we know He'll be that Prophet. We know when Messiah cometh He'll do this. But Who art thou?"
He said, "I am He."
And upon that, she run into the city and said, "Come, see a Man Who told me what I done. Isn't This the very Messiah."
If that was the sign of Messiah yesterday, and He's the same today, it's the same thing today. Now, do you strangers believe that? Now, that's for you in the line here. [John 4:18-19, 25, 25-29]
L-107 Now, to them out yonder, just one Scripture, so that you'll have something to stand on. How many believes that He is a High Priest now, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities? We all... []
That's his trouble; it's cause you have a prostate (That's right.), getting up at night and so forth. You're from Ohio. And you belong to Brother Sullivan's church or go there. I see Brother Sullivan standing here. You come with Kidds; that's who you did. That's right. All right, at this time you feel different now. It's left you. Now, you can go home; your faith makes you well. God--God bless you. [] [Hebrews 4:15]
L-108 But now, as far as knowing you, God in heaven knows that I don't know anything about you. I don't know what's wrong with you. I wouldn't have no way of knowing what's wrong with you. You're just a man that's standing here. And you had a prayer card on, had a number on it. And you just... The boy give you that card, and you was just called up here in the prayer line.
Now, just look how it's breaking out. See, just that one time, that's harder; that done more to me, that one time, than all the time I been preaching this morning. Something going out (See?), something going out...
Young fellow, you're actually not here for yourself. You're here for somebody else, and that's a child. The child's not here; it's in a flat country: Kansas. Has some kind of spells like epilepsy. Epilepsy's what it is, a darkness over the child.
You're some connection, or you're--to Strickers. Didn't you all marry sisters or something like that? That's right. Do you believe? Then he won't have no more spells, if you believe with all your heart. As you have believed, so be it unto the child. []
L-109 Praying for that aunt, she's got cancer down in there. Do you believe with all your heart, back there, do you? I don't know you. I've never seen you in my life. But when you heard me tell that man of something that he was thinking of a relative, that come to you. Now, you believe with all your heart?
Now, what did she touch? I want some of you people to tell me what that woman touched. []
Now, is this two, or how many's this? We already had three? Two? Two? All right.
All right, the lady is shadowed for death. There's a dark shadow over her, which she has cancer. That's correct. The doctor tells you that it's cancer of the lymph gland. That's right, raise up your hand. You're from away from here: Iowa. You believe? You got a, either a son, or it's a grandson. And there's... He's got something wrong with his eyes, and you're praying for him. Do you believe God can tell me who you are? Mrs. McKee, then return back to your home, and be well. Jesus Christ has...?... []
L-110 Light, that you see on that picture is hanging over that woman setting way back there. Believe me to be His prophet, sister. You're praying for your husband at the stage of death in the Veterans Hospital; that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Believe with all your heart now; he'll get well. What did she touch? []
Now, just keep believing out there. See?
[]... car accident. You come down from up north. You're around Bedford, Indiana. That's true. Is that true? Then you believe your neck will be all right? As you believe, so be it to you. Return back home and give God praise. []
O God, of this young man, fighting the good fight of faith, standing in the Presence of Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord's provided Sacrifice, may the power that raised up Jesus from the grave, touch him just now. Give him the desire of his heart, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Lord Jesus, upon my sister I lay my hands. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may those eyes be made well. May her--her affliction be gone from her body, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Our heavenly Father, for my little sister Kidd, I pray, dear Father, that You'd give her strength in her old age like You did Naomi. Lord, may she still be used for Your glory. Grant it, Father, in Jesus Christ's Name.
Then to Brother Kidd, Lord, that death struck him, but Life brought him back. God, I pray Thee, that You will keep him strong. He's way past his 'lotted time. But Thou art God, and You did this for Your glory as You promised me in the hospital. Now, give him strength for testimony. May his testimony ring out through the state of Ohio, throughout the world. []
That Jesus heals me now.
I'll take Him at His Word...

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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