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December 2011 Newsletter - Questions & Answers

Featured Questions & Answers

Where can a person be Born Again?


“That's what's the matter with Christians today. We so soft-soaped them, and we shook their hands and brought them in by secret, and joined them into the church. What they need is an old-fashion prayer altar where they pray through, until using themselves, come in God's provided way, till they free themselves from the world. The trouble of it, today, they put their name on the book and join church, and that's all there is to it. But God's way, provided way, is to stay there and work your way through, until God gives you the NEW BIRTH. That's exactly right. Pick him out, it'll kill him. That's what's the matter, today, with the people. A NEW BIRTH, they all dodge it. They don't like it. Oh, they have substituted something for the NEW BIRTH, "come up and believe, and that's all you have to do." The Devil believes, himself, and you know he is not BORN AGAIN. There is a NEW BIRTH. There is something goes with it, it's kind of unfitting, untasting to the world. Any birth is a mess. I don't care where it's at. If it's in the pig pen, or--or a hospital. A birth is a mess. So is the NEW BIRTH! It'll make you do things you didn't think you would do. It'll make you get down at the altar and cry, scream, wash the paint off your face, raise your hands, praise God, speak in tongues, and all kinds of things. The NEW BIRTH will do that because it's God's provided way to be born again. >>You have to die. You have to die before you can be REBORN. Any seed has to die before it's regenerated again. Unless it dies, it abides alone. A man has got to die to his own thinking. He's got to die to the thinking of anything but God's Word, and come His way. That's God's ground. We don't meet Him on our thoughts; we meet Him on what He said do. That's God's provided way for it. People dodge it; they don't want it. But it's true, just the same. It'll, it produces death, and you have to die, die to your thinking. "Well, I know the Bible says it, but I can't understand it." Then stay there till God reveals it. That's right. It's got... That's the NEW BIRTH. >>That's the way man ought to do today, not be herded in by some denominational coop. But come in the way God said come in, by the baptism of the Holy Ghost and the NEW BIRTH, swarming revival. Not church joining, soliciting from door to door, and passing magazines; but a Birth, being BORN AGAIN, filled with the Holy Ghost, God's way, freeing himself from the world. Right! Believing God's Word! The hour is here. That's what we must believe.” [God's Provided Way For This Day, Bakersfield CA 64-0206E]

“That's the reason I don't believe any man-made system can stand. God has got one provided way. It isn't Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian; but it's Jesus Christ, by the NEW BIRTH, believing that Bible. That's God's provided way, and the only way that He has, is in Jesus Christ, His Son. And, in His Son, He placed His Name. His! God's Name is Jesus, 'cause He came in His Father's Name. And so that would be God's Name, because He was God.” [God's Provided Place Of Worship, Los Angeles CA 65-0425]

“That's my Message to you, Church, you that's a union, spiritual union by the Word, that you're dead to these old husbands. You're born anew. Don't try to dig him up. He's dead. If you're a BORN-AGAIN Christian, that little germ that was predestinated to you, it's Word coming on Word, on Word, on Word, on Word, and come into full statue of Christ, that's right, so He can come get His Bride. Now we're just ready for one thing, that's the Coming of the Lord.” [The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ, Shreveport LA 65-1125]

“He'd come to a place to where he calls it here, being tempted of the Lord. But I'd like to use the word, being "tested" by the Lord. And truly, "Every son that cometh to God must first be tested, tried, child-trained." And then if the testing gets hard, and we think it's too hard and won't listen (take heed), then He said we "become a illegitimate child, and not a child of God." Because, there's nothing can move a real, BORN-AGAIN Child of God away from his Parent, see, he's part of Him. You can no more deny it, you deny yourself. See, you've had the experience, you've been trained and tested.” [I Have Heard But Now I See, Shreveport LA 65-1127E]

“That's the same thing in the church. They're trying to mix the denomination with the Word, to make the... try to make the Word say what the denomination says. And when you do that, you have to spray them, and baby them, and--and give them gold stars to come to Sunday school, and everything else. That's right.


When, a genuine, BORN-AGAIN Christian, born with the Word of God, he's rugged. That's you. The lice and things of the world don't bother him. He's an eagle, he flies plumb past it. See, soars in the heavenly. See? It is true.” [God's Only Provided Place Of Worship, Shreveport LA 65-1128M]

“That's the way it is with a genuine Christian. A... just a denominational Christian can just take anything, but a genuine, BORN-AGAIN Christian cannot take the things of the world. He's constructed different.” [On The Wings Of A Snow-White Dove, Shreveport LA 65-1128E]

“In the beginning, way back, way years ago before there was a time began, you, if you are a BORN-AGAIN Christian, tonight, you were in God then, your Father. That's why, when you come into this life here and profess Christianity, well, everything going wrong, you've wondered why this is, and all this. It, you wondered at it. But, one day, Something struck you. What was It? That Life that was down in there, from the beginning.” [The Rapture, Yuma AZ 65-1204]

“That's the way, every BORN-AGAIN Christian, when you come. I don't care how many denominations you joined, how many names, you put your name on the books and things. When that real Word of God is vindicated and made true before you like that, you realize you're an eagle, right there. Because, all this clucking of the hen, "You join this and join this, and go this way and that way," it's nonsense. It's a genuine, adding Word to Word.” [The Rapture, Yuma AZ 65-1204]

“If it don't bring forth children, Bride children, Word children, then it's the denominational child. Then, her first love, for the world and denomination, she's gone back to that. And it can't bring forth a real, genuine, BORN-AGAIN Christian, 'cause there's nothing there to bring It forth.” [The Rapture, Yuma AZ 65-1204]

“Let us turn to Saint John the 14th chapter, very familiar Scripture that we want to read tonight, to draw from this a context, the Lord willing. Nearly all knows this. It seems to be, many times, it's used in funeral services. There ever was a time that I'd like to preach a funeral service, it'd be to this world. Let it die and be BORN AGAIN. Saint John 14:1 through 7, I believe, I have marked down here.” [Things That Are To Be, Rialto CA 65-1205]

“So you have to become absolutely BORN AGAIN, of the Holy Spirit in you, that witness out, yourself, you know that He is the Son of God. And then if you are, and a part; if you are a child of God, in the Word of God; how can you deny the Word? How can the Holy Spirit make you believe a creed, that you have to do something like this, when the Bible said something else? "We have to join a church, and do this, or do that," when the Bible plainly tells you what to do? See? And then when you see That, and you jump right into It, you're right with It then. Just keep moving right on up, and just grows.” [Things That Are To Be, Rialto CA 65-1205]

“Not just say, "Well, I--I believe Jesus Christ, Son of God." That's all right. Then add the rest of It to it. You say, "I been justified. I give my hand to the minister. I believe in Jesus Christ." Then you've got to be BORN-AGAIN. You must be filled with the Holy Ghost. See? Just keep adding on, as you keep on going. You're growing into the stature of a son and daughter of God.” [Things That Are To Be, Rialto CA 65-1205]

“You separated from your first union, by spiritual death. Now you are BORN AGAIN, or remarried again, to the new spiritual union; of not your natural life of the things of the world, but of Eternal Life. That germ that was in you at the beginning, found you.” [The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ, Shreveport LA 65-1125]

“The real gift is your soul down in there, see, that was born of God, and that controls the whole thing to the Word of God and the will of God. And there you grow up, see, then you're a son and daughter of God. You're a child of God. And these things, as you come up... Like the mother, now you're in the bowels of the earth, trying to come forth. You're a son of God, coming forth, and you see the Word says, "I should do this. I should be BORN-AGAIN.” [Things That Are To Be, Rialto CA 65-1205]

Bible References: John 3:3; John 3:7; 1 Peter 1:23

[Answers provided by Bro. Ken Andes, Minister/Editor, Lynden, Washington]

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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