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September 2011 Newsletter - Questions & Answers

Featured Questions & Answers

Who can be Born Again?


“Then you have to have a certain percent of light to make a shadow. And that's the way it is here. We are both natural and supernatural. This body is subject to death, and was brought forth by a woman, not by nothing but through, not by God, you're a reproduction from Adam and Eve. Be black, white, or whatever you are, you are a production, an offspring from Adam and Eve. That makes your body born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies. You're damned and condemned at the beginning of your life, not even...without a chance. Now, because the spirit that you have come to you by nature, and by nature coming from sexual intercourse, desire by man and woman produces a earthly child. And let that child alone, and don't teach him nothing right, he'll go wrong. Don't teach him neither right nor wrong, he'll take wrong, because it's his nature to do such.” [Questions And Answers On Hebrews, Jeffersonville IN 57-1006]

“Watch a little old baby, not over higher than that, just get so mad, he'll just... He--he'd wring his hands, and turn red in the face, and hold his breath. Sure. What is it? It's his nature. He got it from his pappy or his mammy, one; she had enough temper to fight a buzz saw, or his daddy. If they didn't, his grandfather or grandmother did. See, it's offspring. So that makes... You're born in the world. You come by a nature, and your whole being is black, and smutty, and damned, and cursed and going to hell. That's right.” [Questions And Answers On Hebrews, Jeffersonville IN 57-1006]

“But when you're born again, then the Light of God shines down into that soul (Hallelujah); then it's no more a dark valley, but it's a valley with a shadow in it. You may be veiled here with the flesh, and with things known by faith, but there's enough Light in there. And someday that Light and darkness has to separate. And when the light shines, darkness flees. And when we go to be with Christ in that body, darkness and death vanishes, and we burst out into perfect Light. Glory to God. There we are: no more sickness, no more dark mixed with it.” [Questions And Answers On Hebrews, Jeffersonville IN 57-1006]

“We find today that this discrepancy has been sowed through every age. If it was possible to get it in the next ten or fifteen minutes, I would do it, but you can't. Down through the ages... We are all, most all of us read the Bible. And now like when Jesus come, and He found that discrepancy, contrary. He was the Word made manifest, He was God's interpretation of the Word, because He said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they that testify of Me." There you are. He--He was the interpretation of the Word. And every BORN-AGAIN son and daughter of God of this age is the interpretation of the Word. You are written epistles, read of all men.” [The Seed Of Discrepancy, Phoenix AZ 65-0118]

“That's the way it is with every BORN-AGAIN believer. You can hear all the theology you want to, and all the man-made discrepancy; but when that Word flashes out there, then there is something takes a hold, you come to It. "You who were once dead in sin (that life) has He quickened." There has to be a Life there to quicken to, first. God, by His foreknowledge, knowed all things. And we were predestinated to be sons and daughters of God. "Ye who were once dead in sin and trespasses, wherein we all had our times past, but hath He quickened.” [The God Who Is Rich In Mercy, Phoenix AZ 65-0119]

“Jesus said, in Saint John 10, "My sheep know My Voice." A Voice, of course, is His Word, when He is speaking. "My sheep know My Voice. My Voice has been proven to them, to be true. It's been vindicated that it is My Voice." Now, now notice, they are not subject to following any other voice. They won't. "My sheep know My Voice, and a stranger they will not follow." In other words, they will not understand a theological voice that's teaching contrary to the Word. The sheep don't understand that no more than the eagle, last night, could understand the clucking of the hen. They don't understand it, because he was an, eagle. And that's the same thing with a genuine BORN-AGAIN child of God, they understand only the things that are of God. Now somebody say, "Well, now look, you could do this, I think. It's, I believe that it isn't this way.

“I believe that the days of miracles is passed. I don't believe that that's Divine healing. I don't believe This." Now a genuine BORN-AGAIN Christian, that'll never stop in his ears, he don't understand it at all. And how could a man that believes in God, and can read the Bible and see that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, will ever accept such a thing as that, I don't understand it.” [Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding, Phoenix AZ 65-0120]

A BORN-AGAIN Christian from Heaven, he is a part of this Word. Right. Another mama he will not follow. He is a part of the Word. He stays with the Word. "If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who can prepare hisself for battle?" said Paul. He knows the sound of the Word. Notice how--how this is, the predestinated hand of God following them through. He knows that he was ordained, he was in the Gospel Truth. He knowed that he was born by the Spirit of God. He knows that the Spirit of God cannot deny the Word of God, so therefore a stranger he will not follow.” [Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding, Phoenix AZ 65-0120]

“We have made denominations, and schools and--and buildings, and failed to do what Jesus told us to do, was "Preach the Gospel." We've tried to educate the world. He never said, "Educate the world; he that's educated shall be saved." You've got to be BORN AGAIN, filled with the Spirit. That's the reason we have so miserably failed, everywhere. See, we got the wealth, we got the thing.” [Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding, Phoenix AZ 65-0120]

“For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body, and become members of that Body." I don't care what brand you got on you, that don't have nothing to do with it. You are absolutely a Christian by birth, and that's the only way. That's the only way you can be; not by joining, not by creeds, not exciting this, or reciting this, or any other thing, nor by education, theology. You're a Christian when you're BORN AGAIN, and you cannot be BORN AGAIN 'less you've been elected to be BORN AGAIN. "For no man can come to Me except My Father draws him, and all that My Father has given Me will come." Amen. "I'll raise him up again at the last day.” [Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding, Phoenix AZ 65-0120]

“I don't care what church you've gone to, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, or no church at all. If you will admit that you have understood it different, and know that you really never have been BORN AGAIN, but you want to be, and want to accept it now, the promise now. You might not be filled now, but you will be filled when the... as the meetings goes on. You want to accept it upon those basis, would you stand up to your feet and let me offer prayer for you right where you're standing.” [Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding, Phoenix AZ 65-0120]

“Before birth can come, we realize there has to be death before birth. And a birth is a mess, I don't care what kind of a birth it is. If it's in a pig pen, or--or wherever it is, it's a mess. And so is the NEW BIRTH, it makes you do things that ordinarily you wouldn't think you would do. But when you're ready to die to yourself, then you are born again, a new creature in Christ Jesus, then things, open up and life becomes a new sight to you, because you've accepted the Person of Jesus Christ, and not some theory or some creed.” [Broken Cisterns, Phoenix AZ 65-0123]

“Any man-made system will keep him right in that; he'll blind the thing from the intellectual, the intellectual eyes, that they think, "I belong to church, my name is on the book. I have did this. My father was this, and so forth." That sounds all right; which, it is, nothing to say against it. But still, friend, Jesus said, "Except a man be BORN AGAIN, he cannot even see," see, there, doesn't mean that he sees with his eyes, but, "understand the Kingdom of Heaven." Until you're born in!” [Broken Cisterns, Phoenix AZ 65-0123]

“A wise man should never look at these things. And know that they won't work. They never have worked. An organized religion and an organized experience will never work in the Presence of God. It's got to come, unadulterated, from God. It has never been used by God, no time in the past that God ever used such a system. Now you, oh, you get members and things like that. But I mean the genuine seed of God, the Blessing like fell on the Day of Pentecost, it never comes by organization; it comes by a birth, being BORN AGAIN.” [Broken Cisterns, Phoenix AZ 65-0123]

Bible References: John 3:3; John 3:7; 1 Peter 1:23

[Answers provided by Bro. Ken Andes, Minister/Editor, Lynden, Washington]

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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