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Prayer Line 60-10
60-pl-10, Prayer Line 60-10, 66 min

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60-0722 - Lake County Fairgrounds, Lakeport, CA (Paragraphs: 81 - 95)
L-82 Now, just be reverent. Don't doubt; believe all things. Now, just a word, 'cause I been preaching. Wasn't aiming to do it this way; I was just going to pray for the sick. But when I seen a bunch of people that hadn't been in the meetings before, I thought it would be a good thing if I did it.
I'm talking to you just like our Lord talked to the woman at the well. The Father sent Him up there; He knowed He went up there, but He didn't know what to do. The woman come out, so He begin to talk to her. Then when He contacted her spirit, He saw what her trouble was. Now, if the Lord Jesus is here... My spirit don't know you. I don't know you; I've never seen you. But if the Lord Jesus does know you, and if His Spirit can contact you, and then use me to talk, He can say the same thing like He did to that woman there. No matter what it is.
L-83 Now, if the Lord will reveal to me something that you're here for... And of course, we know you're over-weighted, but something besides that. See? That would be... Would it make you believe? Would it give you faith in God to make you believe? And the audience said it'd make them believe. Now, may the Lord grant it.
Now, if the audience can still here my voice, I see the man moving back. Yes, he's got a hernia; he has a hernia that's bothering him. That is true. You believe? Now, I couldn't see that, but he's got it.
You say, "You might have guessed it, Brother Branham."
Just a minute, we'll see if it is. I believe... I'll try to keep that on my mind. I saw a rupture, or something or other--a hernia, I believe it was, hernia. And you have heart trouble also? You've had a... You've had a automobile accident also. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. And you're not from here. No, sir. You're from the city called San Francisco. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Jesus Christ makes you well; go on back rejoicing. Your faith has saved you, if you'll just believe.
L-84 Now be real reverent (See?); believe. I don't blame you. Praise the Lord. Sure, God's a object of worship; certainly. I mean just remain in your seats; have faith. Don't... Believe... Don't disbelieve at all. Just believe with all your heart. Now, some of you out there, get to praying, believing. Just bow your heads, and bow your heart instead of your head.
Now, this man here is a stranger to me. I believe you raised your hand down there that we were strangers one to another. Then I don't know you, never seen you. And God knows you; I don't. Now, if He will tell me something that's wrong with you, or something you have done, or something that you're going to do, or something you're planning to do, or just something you know that I know nothing about, would it increase your faith, sir? Would it do that to the audience? All right.
L-85 Now, here's two men that's never met, never met before in life. Now, this is just the same as when Simon Peter came to the Lord Jesus. And his name was Simon, so He told him his name was Simon. Said, "You're the son of Jonas." And when He had told him, talked to him, Peter believed. Now, the Lord God knows this man; I don't. But if the Lord will reveal something, he said it would make him believe, have faith. When it... You said it would make you believe. Now, may the Lord grant it, just as I humble myself.
Now, my precious friend, we are here in the Presence of God. We are here for no other purpose but the glory of God. Now, if you'll just have faith, and don't doubt, and believe. Yes, you're suffering with some kind of a trouble like rectum fistula. That's your trouble: fistula. That's what you want healing for. There's something strange about you. You are a preacher. That's right. And I see you--you used to preach right here. But you don't... You're not here now; you're near a--the city called Eureka, something like that. That's right. You believe God knows who you are? You are the Reverend Howard Call, THUS SAITH THE LORD. Have faith. God bless you. [John 1:42]
L-86 You believe with all your heart? Just believe; that's all you have to do. Have faith in God; don't doubt. Now, lady... Now, you see, right now look here at my hand. See? It just...
Lady setting there suffering with sinus trouble, bothered, praying also for a sister, and that sister is in a state hospital. But you touched the hem of His garment then. What did you touch, lady? His garment, the High Priest. Now, those things are true. Now if it is, raise up your hand if you want to accept it. All right. God bless you. There you are. See, woman setting there not even in a prayer line. What did she do? She touched the hem of the High Priest's garment; that does it. Have faith in God now. Just set and pray like she was.
L-87 Now, you are a stranger to me. I do not know you. I have no way of knowing you; we're just two people that's met here on earth, a man and a woman, like--just like it was in the days of our Lord when that little well, they met... the woman at Samaria. Now, if the Lord will reveal to me something that you know I know nothing about, then it'll make you believe, will it? All right, may the Lord grant it.
Now, you're real weak from some reason; you've had an operation. And that operation was a cancerous condition; that was on the thyroid. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now, believe with all your heart. Satan, I condemn this condition in my sister. Come out of her in the Name of Jesus Christ. Go and be well now. It's all over. Go and praise God.
L-88 How do you do, young lady? I do not know you. I'm a stranger to you, but God knows both of us. Now, just a minute... Somebody, somebody in the building... There's another woman standing here then. See? Now, be real reverent.
Oh, isn't it wonderful to be in His Presence? He... Friends, can you wake up to realize the fact that the Word of God's made manifest? Now, have faith. It's somebody here.
Now, to you again. I... If I could help you any way, I would do it. But I can't help you, only... If Jesus was standing here, He couldn't help you. You'd have to have faith in His--what He's already done, because the whole plan of salvation, every redemptive blessing, was completed in Calvary when He died. Do you believe that? You are a Christian; I can feel your spirit, that you're a Christian. But you're not standing here for yourself; it's for somebody else. That's your husband. He's not here, he's sick at home. He's bothered with something that's crippling him; it's arthritis. He has a skin disease. The man used to be a Christian; he's backslid now. You have a daughter here with you; she's got kidney trouble. And--and you've got domestic trouble in your home. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD! That's the truth, isn't it? You believe with all your heart, and these things will be corrected? Then in the Name of Jesus Christ, go and receive it. Amen. I challenge you to believe it to be the truth.
L-89 Now, just visions like that... Now, the whole audience is... I've been meeting after meeting, so the whole audience looks like, just looks like kind of bright like, a glow, glimmer over the top of this audience right now. That's the Presence of the Holy Spirit. See? I'm getting into such a place now. And see... You've entered into another world, another dimension, another realm. And I'm--I'm as weak if I'd preached since noon today. That's right. I have to stop just a little bit, because you kindy rest yourself. Now, this is several... This...
What we'd say to this woman here: We are strangers to one another, but Jesus knows us both. Do you believe that? All right, you believe it.
L-90 Now, when Moses went down to Egypt to perform a sign, to show the people that God had sent him, that sign was a vindication that He was God's servant. Is that right? He was telling them the truth, how to escape the wrath of that nation. The wrath of God was coming upon the nation. The Passover had to be done. And now, Moses went down there, and performed the sign that God told him to do: Turned the stick into a snake and then picking it back up again, and performed his sign with the leper hand. And all Israel believed him without one murmur. See? They believed him.
But wonder why it is today people don't, when Jesus said this would take place. Here He is, right here tonight. I--I had no choosing in this; those things were foreordained of God. Do you believe that? Sure, they were ordained of God. Man can't make himself. "Who taking thought can add one cubit to his statue?" But this is not a easy way; it's a hard way: suffering, suffering beyond known. You can't tell the public; they wouldn't understand it. You can't explain it, because you don't know it yourself. You just have to go ahead and do your ministry; when it's all over, you go home.
L-91 Now, I'm talking to you just like our Lord did the woman at the well to find your trouble. I'll find it by His grace. You have TB, that's right. You also have a cancerous condition. You have a blood disease that the doctors can't do nothing about; it's incurable. That's exactly... I see a kind of a--a stout looking doctor, shake his head as he looked at the thing, said, "There's nothing can be done for it." That's right; that describes him. Now, how would I know in a--right in the room, the laboratory, where he was standing? See? Now, you have a lot of complications of things, other things that's wrong with you; you're really sick. You're not from this city. No, you're from a larger city than this, and the city lays east of here. It's Salt Lake City. That's right. If God will tell me who you are, and you all the way from there, if God will tell me who you are, would you believe me to be His prophet? You will? All right, Miss Harvey, you can return home and be made well. Jesus Christ makes you well.
L-92 You believe on the Lord? All right, come. Now, somebody thinks that you're--that you might be reading her mind. Come here, lady. Put your hand on mine. God will tell me what's wrong with you, you believe it? Your heart trouble's healed. Go on home and be well. Now, what about that?
Come, lady. Now, this woman has the same thing, because there's a light come from this woman to that one. Just keep on going; you're healed too. Jesus Christ makes you well. God bless you.
Come up, ever who you are, down there; come this way. Now, if God will tell me what's your trouble by looking this way, will you believe me to be His prophet? Back trouble. Go on your road and rejoice. Say, "Jesus makes me well." Believe it with all your heart; have faith in God. [Mark 11:22]
L-93 Now, when you get up of a morning, you're real stiff too. Arthritis is what you want prayer for. Now, if you'll believe on the Lord with all your heart, tomorrow night you can run up that step. Go believe now, run up the step. Believe with all your heart. That's got to be you to believe.
All right, come, sister. You believe God can let me look at you out there, and tell what's wrong with this woman? Well, would you believe with all your heart, sister, too? You would? All right, go and your asthmatic condition will leave you. You believe that? All right. Go, believe on the Lord Jesus with all your heart.
L-94 Now, this woman coming here, you don't know what she's got wrong with her? It's stomach trouble. Go get you a hamburger; God heals you and makes you well. Have faith.
God can do for you what asthma don't or won't do. You believe that? Then go on your road rejoicing, that old coughing... Come out of him, in the Name of Jesus Christ. God bless you; go believing.
What if I told you, you was healed when you got to the top of the steps, would you take my word for it? Go, rejoicing, saying, "Thank you, Lord." Go and be made well. Believe with all your heart.
You're a mighty healthy looking woman to be bothered with nerves, but that's what your trouble is. Go, it's all over now. See? Menopause, just a change.
Now, you believe the asthmatic condition leaves you too, a lady's trouble and asthmatic condition? Go on your road rejoicing, saying, "Thank you, Lord. He heals me."
L-95 How many out there wants to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? How many believes that this is the Holy Spirit, that I'm your brother? Then the Holy Spirit's here. See that woman healed? You can be healed too. How many believers is here? Raise up your hand. Then the Bible said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." Lay hands on one another; put your hands over on one another. Pray for one another.
Lord Jesus, come in Your power. I give to You this audience. Satan, you've lost the battle. Come out of this audience. Leave this people in the Name of Jesus Christ. Praise be to the living God. [Mark 16:18]

60-0723 - Lake County Fairgrounds, Lakeport, CA (Paragraphs: 55 - 68)
L-56 Now, if God doesn't... God doesn't do things just... If I could stand tonight and say, "I will tell you who will be president" and tell you just exactly, and it would be that way, why, after awhile you'd say, "Brother Branham's a great prophet." Sure, he told exactly who'd be president. But you know what? What good would it do? See? It wouldn't glorify God any. That would glorify me. See? So God doesn't do those things like that. God doesn't do it. He just does things for His glory.
He--He lets the prophet enter into such a place till even the prophet sometimes thinks it's himself. Like David in the 22nd Psalm cried, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" the very words that Jesus said at the cross. What was it? The Spirit of Christ in him had him anointed, and he spoke the Words of Christ. Look at the--at Isaiah, how he spoke and thought it was he, the Messiah was so in him. Look at David going up over the mountain, looking back over Jerusalem, weeping as a rejected king. Just a few hundred years after that, the Son of David went up a rejected King, looking back over Jerusalem weeping. "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen does her brood, but you would not." Think of it. Now, that's the Spirit of God. Now, God uses His prophets to glorify Him. Do you believe that? [Psalms 22:1], [Matthew 23:37], [Luke 13:34]
L-57 Now, in the line here tonight, I do not claim to be any healer. I'm not a healer. God is the Healer. All that God can do for you, He's already done. Now, the next thing you have to do is to have faith to accept what he's done. He's give you the promise; He wants you to enter in. Now, how many believes that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever? Thank you. How many knows that He's the High Priest right now that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities?
How would you know you touched Him, if you touched Him? Well He... How would that High Priest act? The same as He did yesterday. Is that right? He'd be the same. If you could touch Him from where you are right now, and touch the border of His garment, then if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, He'd turn right back around by His Spirit and do the same thing He done to that woman that touched Him. Is that right? He looked out over till He found who she was. There was great crowds of people there touching Him, but He looked over that audience till He found who she was; He said, "Thy faith has saved thee. Your blood issue's gone." See? He knew it. Now, what did it? She touched the High Priest. You can do the same thing tonight, if He's the same High Priest. If it's the same Pillar of Fire, if this picture we got here, I sometimes have them laying here. But the picture of the Angel of the Lord, if that's the same Angel of the Lord, He will do the same thing. If He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, it'll produce His Life. [Matthew 9:20-22], [Hebrews 4:15]
L-58 Say, how many feels the Presence of God? It's just tearing me to pieces here on this platform. That--that's right, friend. I don't even... I believe we don't even have to have a prayer line. How many believes that God can call you right out there, whoever you are and heal you anyhow without a prayer line? If you'll believe with all your heart, God will do it. All right. Will you believe if He will do it? Will you believe Him, accept Him? All right. How many's sick in here, raise up your hand. How many wants God in your life for healing, raise up your hands. Now, how many of you is strangers to me, raise up your hands, that I don't know nothing about you, raise up your hands. All right. Now, you pray. You don't... You pray to the High Priest and touch His garment; see what happens.
Oh, if He will do this... I don't know He will. I--I'm trusting that He will do it. I believe the anointing, that same Pillar of Fire is here tonight. I believe it. I believe it with all my heart. He said. He told me--He told me that it would--it would happen. I believe Him with all my heart. I believe Him.
Satan, you might as well get away because I do not listen to any of your scum. I believe Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His Bible promised it. And He's is the same. People can touch Him.
L-59 Lord God, let it be proven tonight. Let the Holy Ghost prove it, that You are the same Lord Jesus that You can be touched. Grant it, Lord. Use Your humble servant. Lord God, speak to the people through me. If You can use my voice, here I am, Lord. If You can use their faith, speak, Lord, that it might encourage others. Let someone touch You, Lord, so that they know that You're the same Rock of Ages. You're the same Rock that'll give forth its waters just as soon as you speak to it. For it's the High Priest now that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. Grant it, Lord. Let it be in Jesus' Name.
L-60 Just believe. Just enter in reverently and believe. Now, I can't do it. It's your--your faith that has to do it. Just have faith, humbly; don't press. Don't press; just relax. Say "Yes, Lord, I believe You. I'm coming to You, Lord. That man doesn't know me. How would he know me? He's a stranger to me. Now, I know He's preaching the truth, 'cause here it is in the Bible. I know that's true. But now, if You have honored Your people, by sending a gift among us, then, Lord, let me have the benefits of it. Of... If I don't need it..." If you don't need healing, say, "Lord, touch somebody in here that's praying." Say that. If you don't need healing, let somebody else, just a few hands went up that needed healing. I don't know who they were, but if you don't need it, you--you--you pray for somebody else that does need it. Say, "I know somebody here that needs healing. Let the Holy Spirit speak to that man and call that person." Just believe it like that and see what happens.
Oh, isn't this a great time? Here it is, no matter what I say, if God don't keep His Word, He isn't God. Now, there's no other religion can make that stand. Our Jesus is not dead. He died, true, but He raised again; He's is alive forevermore. Thanks be to the living God.
L-61 Here, that you might know... Here's a little lady setting right here, don't know her, never seen her in my life. But the woman's suffering from a hernia condition. That's right, isn't it, lady? You had more faith than you thought you had, didn't you? If that's right, raise up your hand, lady, way up so the people can see. There it is. What did she touch? The High... I say another thing; that woman's not from here. She's from another city, Ukiah. If you'll believe with all your heart, that that's exactly truth, you can go home and be made well, for Jesus Christ makes you well. Amen.
What did she touch? Ask her if she ever knowed me? I have no way of knowing it. But what was it? Look at her. Can't you see that Light still hanging over that woman right there? Look at that Light right there.
L-62 There's another lady goes over right back behind her there, right back in this way. She's suffering with a female trouble. Miss Haggy, will you believe with all your heart? They got... That's right. That's who you are. I'm a stranger to you. You're suffering with that disease, setting there praying. If that's right, raise up your hand so the people will see. There she is. What did she touch? She touched the border of His garment, not my garment; she's thirty yards away from me. She touched the border of the High Priest's garment. Do you love Him? Have faith, believe God. [Hebrews 4:15]
L-63 Somebody in this section believe. Here. Here sets a man setting here looking at me. The man's got a dark spirit over him; he's got epilepsy. You believe that God will heal you, make you well? You suffer with them fall--them epilepsy. You believe God will heal you and make you well? If you do, raise up your hand, say "I accept it." Go home, and may the devil leave you and never bother you again, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
L-64 Here, I see another woman. She's setting right back here. She's suffering with a thyroid trouble. She's bowing her head; she was praying. She was praying, "Lord Jesus, let him call me." She touched the hem of His garment. O God, don't let her miss it. Please don't. Her name's Mrs. Strait. All right, believe Mrs. Strait and go home and be well. Do you believe with all your heart? You do? Stand up to your feet and witness that you believe that God will make you well. All right. If you're a stranger to me, raise up your hand. All right. But you're not a stranger to Christ. If that isn't the same Lord Jesus, I don't know what is. Amen.
L-65 Do you believe with all your heart? "If thou canst believe..." I see a lady setting right back through this a way. She's suffering. She's got oppression. She's got a breakdown. It's a nervous condition, a mental condition. Oh, if the woman could only catch it. God, tell me who she is. Please do. Her name is Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Adams, believe with all your heart, and Jesus Christ will make you well. Do you believe it with all your heart? You accept your healing? Don't be scared. If you're scared, you'll always be in that estate. It a mental oppression. But don't doubt. Believe with all your heart. Will you do it? Then stand up on your feet, Mrs. Adams. Stand up on your feet. Stand up, right here and be healed in the Name of Jesus Christ. I rebuke that devil that's a bothering you to try to keep you from it. The devil's a lying to you. You're going to be all right. Go home and be well now. God bless you. Amen. Hallelujah.
L-66 There's a man right back behind her there, setting on the end, suffering with heart trouble. Mister, do you believe that... Have you got a prayer card, mister? You believe God will heal you? You got heart trouble. You was healed right then. Jesus Christ made you well. You touched the border of His garment. They was praying for you. Amen. I challenge you to believe it.
L-67 Here. Here's a woman setting right down--right down in this a way. She's suffering with hemorrhoids. O God, tell me, let me know. Mrs. Hudenpough, stand up on your feet, and accept your healing, and be made well in the Name of Jesus Christ.
L-68 I challenge this audience to speak to the Rock. Do you believe Him with all your heart? How many in here believes you're on speaking terms with Him now? All right. Can you speak to Him? Then put your hands over on one another. Lay your hands on one another. That's it. Just forget yourself. Speak to the Rock. Put your hands on one another and offer a word of prayer. God heal you.
Heavenly Father, I pray Thee in Jesus' Name, send down the Holy Ghost, and may they speak to the Rock, and the Rock bring forth Its waters of healing, and strength, and power, joy, and love, and forgiveness of sins. Grant it, Lord. I commit them to You. In the Name of Jesus Christ. [Numbers 20:1-8], [I Corinthians 10:4]

60-0724 - Lake County Fairgrounds, Lakeport, CA (Paragraphs: 86 - 108)
L-87 All right, where's Billy Paul? What prayer cards did you give out? Somewhere... Is--is he here? C-50 to 100. All right. Who has C-50, raise up your hand, so we can be sure to get them all in; we're going to call them.
You want me to tell you something? There's some people in here tonight got some faith. This is the best faith I've found since the meeting started. I can see visions breaking over the people right here now.
If thou canst believe, all things are possible. Just have faith and don't doubt. He's wonderful isn't He?
L-88 See this elderly man setting here, suffering with hardening of the arteries? And have a little bit of hard of hearing... If you'd believe there, sir, with all your heart, God will make you well. Amen.
Here's a woman that's setting right over here praying for her daughter that's not here, that's got sinus trouble. If you believe with all your heart, lady... You touched Him. See? Have faith in God.
L-89 [] Gallbladder trouble... You believe that God will make you well? Man setting next to her with heart trouble, you believe that God will make you well? It'll be done. Accept it, both of you. You have prayer cards? You don't? You don't have to have one. See? He knows your heart; that's what you was praying about. Is that right? Raise up your hand so the audience can see that it's true. Raise up your hand. All right, right here...
See how it is? The Holy Spirit's here. You just have to believe Him. Is that right? "If thou canst believe, all things are possible, if you can believe."
I'm watching the discernment. Let the discernment line be out there. I'm just going to pray for these. I seen something taking place. Amen.
L-90 The stomach trouble's gone, sir, you can just quit praying over there. Believe that the Lord healed you. God bless you. You believe it? You was praying, "Lord, let him please speak to me tonight. I have no way of getting there." Your stomach trouble's over. Go home and get well, now. Jesus Christ makes you well. Setting there praying just as hard as he could, and I seen that Light move around over him like that, see him refuse food... You're all right now. Go, be made well.
I see a woman setting here. She's holding her prayer card in her hand. Setting right there... I doubt whether she hears me; she's hard of hearing. But if she'd just accept her healing, It's right over her right now. She has bad blood too; it's artery trouble in her arms and things. That's right. This elderly lady, short bobbed hair, green looking dress on, holding her card in her hand... If you'll believe right now, you won't even have to come on the platform. Can you hear me? All right, that did it. Amen. That's all right. You don't have to come now, just tell her she don't have to come. Tell her, somebody there, she don't have to come. You're all right. God bless you.
Oh, praise the Lord. I like to see that. Poor, old woman, setting there, nobody looking after her, nobody paying any attention to her, but--but God saw her. Amen.
L-91 That brother setting there with his head up in the air, just praying... You don't have a prayer card, do you, sir? Out there... No, you don't need it. You're all right anyhow. Go on home; you'll be well.
Now, is He still here? What did they touch? The hem of His garment. They didn't touch me. They touched Him. Now, see, their faith saved them. Does that make Jesus Christ that One we was talking about, borned of a virgin birth...? He isn't dead; He's alive. Is that right?
You say, "Brother Branham, how do you do that?" It's just a gift. You just relax yourself before God and... Just like this microphone, that's a--that's a mute. That microphone cannot speak by itself; neither can I speak.
How do I know you? Everybody that I said anything to here just awhile ago, whoever it was, raise up your hand if I'm strangers to you. Everybody that was just called, the Holy Spirit called, raise up your hand if... There you are. See? There's what He's called, and I don't know none of them.
L-92 How many in this line that I don't know? Raise up your hands, you know that we are strangers one another. I don't know any of them. See? So I'd be a mute; it's the Holy Spirit speaking through here.
Now, God can use a man for His microphone. Don't you think so? If you can just get dumb enough to yourself. Let God do it. That's right; that's the way. Amen.
All right. Has that... Anybody come in? Any of the rest of the ninety or from a hundred? All right. Let's start the prayer line. We'll wait till we get these through. See?
L-93 Now remember, in the prayer line, you have seen the discernment, them out there that doesn't have a prayer card. Haven't you? Do you believe that makes the anointing on me now of the Holy Spirit? Does the Bible say this is God's Word true, "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Is that right?
Now look, awhile ago when the Holy Spirit was falling, that was the blessings of the Lord. Now, this that you see operating this way is the power of the Lord. That's blessings. Don't get blessing and power mixed up. You can have a blessing and not power enough to cure a toothache. But power of the Lord is the manifest God. See what I mean? The power of the Lord... Now--now that was people out there that doesn't have a prayer card. Now, here's one with a prayer card. [Mark 16:18]
L-94 You--you're--you're the lady that's in the prayer line. All right, come here and stand right here before me. Look on me. I say that like Peter and John passed through the gates called Beautiful. Now, I never seen you in my life. We're strangers to one another. God knows us both. If God will--will tell me what you're here for, will you believe me to be His prophet? You will. How many of the rest of you out there will? Look here, here's my hand; here's God's Bible. As far as I know, I never seen the woman in my life. I might have been going down the street somewhere, out here and seen her going past, or in her automobile. If I--I mean to know; she says that she doesn't know me; I don't know her. If that--is that right, lady? If it is just raise up your hand so the people see.
L-95 Here we are. Now, what is the power of God? What is the sign of Jesus Christ? Jesus said, "The things that I do shall you also." Is that right? And what did He say in Saint John 5:19? "I do nothing till the Father shows Me."
Now, in the Bible when Philip come to Him, he knowed that he'd found Nathanael under the tree. He told the woman at the well what her trouble was. A woman touched His garment out in the audience, and went out there... He told her He's the high priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
And the Bible said that the Word, "In the beginning was the Word (How many knows that?); the Word was with God. And the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Is that right? Now, let me catch you. Hebrews 4, the Bible said, "The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the sunder of the bone and the marrow, and a discerner of the thoughts of the mind." Jesus perceived their thoughts, because He was the Word. Is that right? [John 1:1, 14], [Hebrews 4:12]
L-96 Now, God used man for His agents. Is that right? Always, God used a man to be His agent. Jesus was God's Agent. Elijah was God's agent. John was God's agent. Now, if this age God's has a witness, Lord, let me be Your agent. Then let... []... what's wrong with her... Let her be the judge whether it's right or not. That ought to settle it with the congregation, is that right?
Look this a way, sister. Now, if I can get myself relaxed; you just believe on me. Like Peter and John said, "Look on us." You know what I mean? Just pay attention to what I'm saying. Not knowing you, never seen you, total strangers, if God will tell me your condition, you'll know whether it's true or not. Then will it help you? Will it help you? It wouldn't heal you. But it'll help you have faith to be healed, if you're sick. I don't know if you're sick. I don't--I don't nothing about you. I've never see you.
But you are here because you've got some trouble in your neck. It's a growth in your neck. And then, I believe the doctor has pronounced something another wrong with the--in the--in the tongue... No, it's saliva, saliva gland. That's right. All right, Mrs. Rogers, that's your name? Now, you return to your home happy, because you're going to be well...?...
L-97 All right, you believe with all your heart? All right, then have faith as we pray for the people. You all help me now. Them visions have already making me weak. You see, I can't... How many knows that visions make you weak? When Moses went down, he didn't put his... I'm talking just a minute just to get my strength back now. See? You go somewhere else; you're in another world. You see what's happened, what's taking place: What was, what is, and what will be. See? Moses performed that miracle one time and all Israel believed him.
I'm your brother that Jesus Christ sent, witnessed by a Light hanging over me years ago. Even when I was born, as a little boy, at the age of twenty-one when I was to become a minister, He vindicated down on the river before ten thousand people. It went on the Associated press. "I come to you and told you about laying hands on the people and seeing the gift operate, told you that it would come to pass you'd know the secret of the heart." Everything exactly the way He said, it and has been prophesied has come to pass. Is that right? All that was in my first ministry, raise up your hands if that was prophesied would come to pass?
The Bible said, "If there be one among you who claims to be a prophet or spiritual, and what he says comes to pass, hear him for I'm with him." Is that right? That's the sign of it. [I Corinthians 14:37]
L-98 Some of them says, "Well, Brother Branham..." Here not long ago, someone said, "Brother Branham--Brother Branham's all right when he's discerning, but his theology's wrong."
That just shows you how much you know about what a prophet means. I don't call myself a prophet, you do. The Word of the Lord came to a prophet. What is a prophet? Is a witness to foretell, to show a vindication that he is a diviner of the Divine Word. The Word of God came to the prophets. Look that down and find out that's not right.
Now, to you standing in the prayer lines, we'll just lay our hands on you now. You're going across so I get every one of you and there's some more cards. I believe somebody else out there has cards, don't you? Is there some more we took up that's straggling, I believe from A's and B's? One-two-three-four-five-six-seven, seven cards left. All right, we're going to put them right at the end of this line. Bring them right on through.
L-99 But now, as we start praying, how many out there, to this audience, will raise your hand that you will be praying for these people to? All of you, all of you pray now. We want... What if this was my sister? It's somebody's sister, somebody's daughter, somebody's child. Let's pray now, all of you with your heads bowed.
Now come, sister. Father in heaven, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that Name that made little John rise from the dead, jump in his mother's womb. May it heal our sister. Amen. All right.
Come, sir. Believe Him now with all your heart. Come, you believe? O God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this precious man. Amen.
Now, you know I know what's wrong with you? But it don't do no good to tell you 'cause you know what's wrong, don't you? But you believe that God will heal you anyhow? Then that old cough will leave you and the asthmatic will be gone, you'll go on and be well. All right, come believing now. Our heavenly Father, I bless my sister and call over her that Name, that caused little John to jump in his mother's womb. Grant it, Lord, for the healing. Amen. God bless you, sister.
L-100 Come now. You believe with all your heart? You know that I know what's wrong with you? O Lord, I pray that You'll heal our sister, as I lay my hands upon her in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Go, rejoicing now, being happy.
Now, brother, you believe He will do it? In the Name of Jesus Christ, as that Name, all sufficient, "In My Name, they shall cast out devils." Here's my hands. "Lay hands on the sick; they shall recover. These signs shall follow the believer." Lord, You've proved that I do believe You. So I pray for him in Jesus' Name. Amen. Go happy. Your stomach's all over.
You believe, sister? Lord God, in the Name of Jesus, I lay hands on my sister. I'm a believer. You said, "These signs shall follow them." Let her be healed in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Come, sister, believe Him with all your heart. Now, Father God, as a believer, along with this great church of God here tonight, laying hands upon our sister, and condemning the sickness and asking for her healing in Jesus' Name... Amen.
"The prayer of faith shall save the sick. God shall raise them up." Our heavenly Father, I lay my hand upon my sister and ask that in the Name of Jesus Christ that You'll heal her and make her well. May she go and be healed, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Just go happy how, rejoicing. It's all over. [Mark 16:17-18]
L-101 Father God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, may my sister be healed now. I pray for her through that all sufficient Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. Go, rejoicing saying, "Thank you, Lord."
Now, what I don't get is why don't you rejoice and praise God when you come through? Now, that's what I can't understand, church. Don't you know that God's just as much God one time as He is another? See?
Now, someone said to me not long ago, said, "I don't understand it." Well now, listen. You know I'm not bawling you out, don't you? You know I'm trying to get a truth over to you. Do you believe that? You realize that. God I... There wasn't a one pass but what I seen what was wrong with them. If I start into a vision, what does it do? It just scatters them, and there--there you are. See? The people go by; they'll come by and say... "Yeah, yeah," and you catch it. See? "Well, no, I never got it." That's the reason they give prayer cards. If you don't, you'll come right back in the line again, come back again. It just weakens your faith each time, go weaker and weaker, weaker and weaker...
Just as soon as you pass by here, like you're passing under the cross. You're not passing by me; you're passing by Him. He knows you, knows all about you. He could tell anything He wanted to. You believe that?
L-102 Here, you lady. I'm a stranger to you. God knows you. You believe He can tell me what your trouble is? If He would, would it help you? You're praying for somebody else (That's right): your husband. Your husband has internal trouble. He has serious head trouble. He's a veteran of the war. He was hurt in the war. He has severe headaches. You're from a place called Fort Bags. Your name is Mrs. O'Neil. Take that handkerchief and put on him. And he... Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you'll be saved. A dark shadow shadows you. Go, believe now, sister, and be--he will be healed in Jesus' Name.
Now, do you believe? Have faith. Now, see, it nearly kills me. Come, believe Him, sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ may he be healed.
Come. In the Name of Jesus Christ may you be healed.
In the Name of Jesus Christ may she be healed. Amen.
Come, brother...?...
L-103 Now, do you believe? You believe God's going to tell about your healing? Tumor... That's right. You know how I found that out? Look here. Now, put my hand on yours. See how it swell up and turned red? See them little white things running over it? That shows that your condition is a tumor. You're for an operation. You believe? Now, watch. Let me show you my other hand. See? It isn't on my hand there. Now, put this back there. There it is. Now, to you old-timers, you see that? That's exactly... Now, watch it. Do you believe me with all your heart? I can make it leave you, but I can't make it stay away. Now, so that you'll thoroughly understand, take this other hand here. Lay your hand over on here. Now, my hand looks just as normal doesn't it? That's your left hand. Now, take your hand. Now, put this hand on. There it is. It doesn't look normal there does it? Now, put mine on it, still normal. Put yours on; there it is. Swells up, turned reddish black, little white things running over it, going, "Htrrr, htrrr." That's that tumor. See?
It's a multiplication of cells alive in there, something to kill you. I can make it leave, if you'll believe it'll stay away. All right, you watch my hand. Better bow your head on this. This is casting out something.
O Lord, hear the prayer of your servant. Answer my prayer, Father. Tumor, you devil, leave the woman in the Name of Jesus Christ. Come out of her. There he goes. Now, sister, now look at my hand. It's all done now, isn't it? The tumor's dead. Go on your road rejoicing saying, "Thank you, Lord."
L-104 Anybody ever seen that done before? See, God never takes a gift. Here, look at this woman here. Let's see your hand. Yes, sir, stomach trouble. Got it in your stomach. Looky here at my hand. See how it swells? Watch, now take your hand off. Did it turn back normal? Now, put my hand on like yours. Doesn't bother it. Now, take the other hand. Doesn't bother it. Now, take this hand and put it on there. There's your ulcer. See it there? All right, now will you believe if I take it off of you by prayer, you will believe it'll stay away; you'll go ahead, and eat your supper, and be well.
Lord God, I challenge this devil not for miracles, but this is the last night of the service. That the people might know that You're God... Glorify Your Name among them, Lord.
Satan, leave the woman in the Name of Jesus Christ. There it goes. Now, look at my hand. Now, put your other hand on it. Is that normal? Now, put this same hand back. Now, you seen what happened awhile ago. Now, put that hand back. There is it. Now, your stomach trouble's well. Go on your road rejoicing...?...
L-105 Just have faith, that's all. See? All gifts work. And He told me the other day, "Just speak the Word, and it'll be done if you'll get the people to believe you." Now, how many ever read my book? The Angel of the Lord said to me, "You'll be give..."
I said, "The people won't believe me."
He said, "You'll be given two signs. One, you'll take their hand and tell them what's wrong with them. They won't believe that, then you'll tell them the very secret of their heart, and they'll have to believe that."
L-106 Brother preacher from down there, do you... Wasn't that what it was when I was at your meeting? Here it is, all of it in there. Now, God said, "Just speak the Word. Pray for the sick. It'll happen." It has to.
In the Name of Jesus, heal this man, Lord. Amen. Go, believing now, sir. Make you be well with all your heart.
You was here awhile ago for salvation. Now, Lord, make her well in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. She's Your child. Believe now.
Come, sister. That old back trouble will leave you. Go on your way rejoicing, saying, "Thank you, Lord."
Come. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, heal my brother. Grant it, Lord. Amen.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister. Grant it, Lord.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, let the Holy Ghost that's anointing now, heal my brother. Amen.
God bless you, honey. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may this girl be healed. Amen.
Come, sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let the power of Satan leave the woman. Amen.
Don't you believe just the same now for them as you do for the others? Surely, you can believe it. If I tell you what's wrong with you, would it help you? All right. It's your back and your feet. It's a pinched nerve. You got somebody on your heart you're praying for. It's a friend that's paralyzed. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now, did it help you? Go believing. Amen.
L-107 See, just have faith; believe. In Jesus' Name, be healed. Amen. Just have faith, don't doubt.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus, be healed.
Come, sister, believing. In the Name of Jesus, be healed.
Come, sister, believing with all your heart. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, be healed.
Did you understand that's the Holy Spirit saying that? In the Name of the Lord Jesus, be healed.
Come, sister, believe now. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, be healed. You believe that? It left you right there. Now, sister, if they'd all have faith like that, it'd be all right. You're free now; go.
Come, sir. Look, you were setting there awhile ago rejoicing when I was preaching. That's right. I noticed you back there. I believe He come on you when I said awhile ago, "If they'd just have this much faith." It was on you. You're suffering with a back trouble. You're suffering with a chest trouble, got trouble in your feet. It was caused from a great fall you had. You was healed before you come in the line. Go on your road and rejoice and be happy...?...
L-108 Come, sister, believe. In Jesus' Name, may she be healed. Amen. Go rejoicing, now. Don't walk... Believe now. All right. [] But she's made it. You believe she's going to be healed? I condemn this demon that's done this evil to the sister. May she go from here, tonight, and be a well woman to testify to the glory of God. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask it to leave. Amen. Now... []
Stand to your feet every one of you and give God praise. O Lord God, heal these people, that these handkerchiefs represent. Heal the audience here. May Satan not be able to make one of them doubt, but may there every one be completely healed. Come out of here, Satan. I challenge you in the Name of Jesus Christ, that you take your hands away from these people.

60-0731 - Eisenhower High School, Yakima, WA (Paragraphs: 80 - 101)
L-81 Now, if God is in His people, that same Life that was in Jesus, is here in the church. And it's in you people that... That woman pressing through the prayer line, she didn't have a prayer card as we would say it. But she stayed back out in the audience; she touched the border of His garment.
Now, Jesus today, is a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. Is that right? Now, how would you know you touched Him. He'd act the same way He did when He was here.
Now, most time, you people that's crippled and so forth, you'd think, "I'm just a past hope." Get that out of your mind. No more for God--for you to receive faith than it is for them to receive faith. Your healing is just as positive as theirs would be, if you... Your healing is just as positive if you'll have the faith. [Mark 5:27], [Hebrews 4:15]
L-82 Now, which is the... Where do we begin? Right here with this lady? All right. Come here.
Now, American people... Now, we realize with fifty people, I--they'd pack me off the platform after ten or fifteen had passed by for visions. Why, I couldn't stand it. How many understands that? Jesus with one vision, virtue went from Him. And now, what would one vision do to me?
Now, here's a woman crippled in a wheelchair. I'll say, "That woman's crippled." Anybody knows that. But here's a woman looks healthy. Now, the miracle is, what's wrong with her? She looks fine and healthy, Now, if anybody's got a doubt of this, and think that you have a better way, why, here's the microphone. You come right on up here. You--you're just welcome to come. You that don't--don't believe, you walk up here and do the same thing.
L-83 You say, "Well, Jesus said, 'The works that I do, shall you also, greater.'"
"Well," you said, "He said, 'Greater.'"
Well, let's see you first do the works that He did, then do the greater. You do the first works He did. That's it; then--then you'll do the greater. See? Let's see you do the first things He did. "The works that I do shall he also." Then greater, if you'll take the translation, it says, "More than this shall he do." 'Cause he couldn't do any greater, 'cause He--He did about everything could be done. But now, if this woman... Now, I'm just going to pray for the rest of the people down the line. But the people might know that the Holy Spirit is here. Now I'm just going to see if God will give us the vision for this woman. [John 14:12]
L-84 Now, when He told me these two signs will vindicate that you were sent to do this. Moses had two signs; He said. Moses went down there and performed the sign one time before Israel, and everyone believed Him and marched forty years. Is that right? Surely, if we're the sons of Abraham, in heart, we should have that much faith.
Now, let's believe. Now, lady, the first place, I suppose we're strangers to one another. If we are strangers to one another, would you just raise up your hand so the people will see? Now, you see, here we are, not back in some dark corner like a devil, right out here, like our Lord stood, like the woman at the well. Don't never be afraid of Christianity. Hang your soul on any promise; it's good. Christ died to make it good.
Now, I would in no wise say that, if I didn't feel His Presence here, like the eagle felt his wings. See? [Exodus 4:1-9]
L-85 Now, the woman since she's been standing here has become conscious that she's in the Presence of something besides a man. Is that right, lady? If that's right, raise your hand. See? Standing right over this woman... If you--your eyes are spiritual, surely you can see it. Don't you see that Light hanging right here, right over the woman? It's kind of a emerald. How many's seen the picture of it? It's here in the meeting. They got it. Hanging in Washington, D. C. The only supernatural Being was ever--ever photographed to be proved scientifically. Here it is. I'm looking right at it. It's hanging over the woman, 'cause she's a believer. She's my sister. The Spirit's witnessing back and forth.
Now, the only thing I have to do is just catch something from her. Then what would happen? It would tell her something. She's either standing here for domestic trouble, financial trouble, sickness, or somebody else, or something. I don't know. I never seen her in my life.
Now, if the Holy Spirit will reveal to the woman something to... Now, if I said, "Yes, Jesus Christ is here. I feel His Presence."
She does too. Now, watch how it is. It's a real sweet, humble, meek feeling. Is that right, lady? If it is, wave your hand back and forth to the audience. See? I'm watching the Light right over her. Now, for myself, I know I'm talking to an audience, but actually my intellectual, seemingly, is in another world, in a dimension, another world.
The lady has got trouble; it's on her chest. It's a growths. It's cancerous growths. She's had some operation or something for it. And it's--it's coming back, growths on her chest, that will finally kill the woman. She's shadowed with death. If that's right, lady, wave your hand. Now, do you believe? Now, being that you might know, watch devil power work, this woman actually on this here, while I'm still in the spirit... It's a tumorous sort of a thing. Is that right? Right here sets another person--woman setting right here with a tumor. Is that right, lady? If it is raise up your hand. But besides that you've got diabetes also. That's... Raise up your hand. See? That spirit of darkness pulling across here. Them two demons trying to catch one another, calling for help. But the power of God now, above every doubt in here has ride over the...?... See?
L-86 Now, do you believe? Is God in His people? You say, "God's in you, Brother Branham?" Not only me, It's in her, and in her too. See? Here's the Holy Spirit here, which is infallible. There's a power of death in both of them and them two deaths are trying to cooperate together while the power of God's revealing it, opening it up and showing that He loves them women. He wants them to be healed. Do you believe it?
Now, please, please don't move around. Now, you can provoke the very channel of it. You see? Don't do that, please, please. You know these things will go from one to another? Be real reverent...?...
Lady, if God would tell me who you are, would it give you a lot of faith to believe? You name is Mrs. Moore. Go on your road, both of you; it left both of you right then; you're healed. Go on your road and be well. Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Does that gift work?
L-87 Now, how many remembers when I was here when I put my hand on somebody, and you'd see the--the like the vibration on it? Now, if this woman has got a germ disease, it'll work. If it isn't a germ disease, it won't work, 'cause would have to be seen by a vision. I don't know. You're the next patient? I'm not beside myself, but it's just sometimes I...
Come here just a minute, young lady. Let me have your hand just a moment. This hand right here. Correctly, it is a germ disease. Yes, sir. She's got an infection. Now, it's a lady's trouble, female trouble. That's right. If that's right, raise your hand. That's exactly right. See? She's got a infection. That's a germ. Here it is on my hand. I want to show you something, young lady. Look here. Look at my hand. See those little white things bouncing over my hand there, kindy swollen, dark-red looking? Now, take your hand off of mine. Now it's not there now. Now, put this hand over here on it. It's not there now. It's not there now. Now, put this hand here on it. There it is.
Now, you're just as much human in that hand as you are in this hand. And I'm just as much human as you would be human. It won't work here; it won't there, because God told me, in the vision, so that the people would know it's truth, take the person--let them... See? When you put your right hand to me, you're pledging that you believe me. He said, "If you get the people to believe you, and then be sincere, nothing shall stand before the prayer."
L-88 Did you ever read the book? How many's read that in the books, for years and years. Now, see, then I'll give you my left hand because you're just my sister. My right one goes to God. I believe His promise that He told me that. See? Then you say, "I do believe." Why? Because it wouldn't be the sensation on my hand so much, as telling you what's wrong. Then you believe me, don't you? Then I raise my hand to God; I believe you, God. I put my hand on her, I... You... "I believe you, Brother Branham." There it is. See? That makes it.
Now, put your hand on here. Now, I want you to notice, young lady, that it isn't the way I hold my hand, or any... Well, the thing of it is, how would I know what it was? If it wasn't for that. But you see there is a sensation on my hand there, don't you? A little white things running around over my hand... Now, just as soon as you move your hand, it leaves. And it won't come by this other hand. Now, I put it on here, there it is again.
L-89 Now, look, lady. I want you to watch that real close. If that goes away, you're healed. But now remember, I will not be able to keep it away, because when the unclean spirit's gone out of a person, walks in dry places, returns back with seven other devils. All right. If God can come here and show you something, visibly, and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that something taken place, and there's Somebody here that knows you (Is that right?) in the spirit. Something discerned a disease that you have.
Now, if that leaves, are you going to believe that it's going to stay away? All right. You women all bow your head just a minute. I want you to watch my hand. Now, first I'm going to pray. Just check your faith, and I'll show you that I won't use--lose my hand. [Matthew 12:43]
L-90 Our heavenly Father, I pray for this girl, that You'll remove this affliction from her body. You're God, my arm lays here by the side of Your Bible. You promised to heal the sick; that's Your Word. We believe You with all that's in our heart.
Now, let the thing leave her, Father. I pray through Jesus' Name.
Now, before I raise my head, the thing has not left. Is that right, lady? Say--say, "Yes or no." It's still on there, isn't it? Yes, still moving. See? Just prayer alone, won't do it. It's got to take faith. See what I mean now?
Now, watch. There it is again. Now, do you believe that the Bible said, "In My Name they shall cast out devils?"
Now, you have to watch what you're doing about that. You have to watch, because remember, Moses smote a rock when he wasn't supposed to. Elijah cursed forty-two little children, and bears killed them before they got back, because they said he was bald-headed, teasing him about it. It wasn't the will of God to do that. That don't sound like the Holy Spirit: a angered prophet. [Mark 16:17], [II Kings 2:23-24]
L-91 Now, I want you to watch...?... girlie. You watch my hand. You be honest. See? Now, if that hand turns back like this, it's gone without me moving. Now, bow your heads everywhere, 'cause you've got to make it go now. If you make it go, it's angered, and we know it will go from one to another.
L-92 Satan, an Angel of God came fourteen years ago to a Green's Mill, one night, and told me, as a local minister, that I was sent to pray for the sick, and this is what was told. You're aware of that; you're exposed. You can have unbelief in the people. You can make people doubt, but you can't make Christ do anything, because He has stripped you of every legal right you ever had. When He died at Calvary, He paid the debt of all of our sin and unbelief. God has given His servants power to cast you out. I use His Name. I come in the Name of Jesus Christ. I challenge you in this duel of faith, leave the girl, come out of her in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Now, before I raise my head, open my eyes, the things is gone. Is that right? Now, open your eyes. Something happened, hasn't it? You even feel different, don't you? Now, look here. There it is. Now wait, I'll take my hand off of you. Now, put this hand on. Just like you did awhile ago. See how it looks? Now, put this hand on just like you did awhile ago. See how it looks? Something happened, didn't it? You're healed. That's what it is. Go on your road rejoicing, saying, "Thank You."
L-93 Now, let's see this man's hand just a minute. He has a little of prostate which makes him nervous to get up or something. But that's right. You get up at nighttime. But that's not really what you want, because I feel your spirit moving something else. All right. You think you'd ever be crippled? You think that arthritis would ever cripple you or anything? You believe God's going to make you well now? Amen. He has done it. Walk over, go home, and rejoice, and shouting, and saying, "Praise the Lord."
Let's see you, sir. Come here a minute. Let me have your hand. Yes, sir. Stomach trouble, you believe God will heal that? In the Name of Jesus Christ may the devil leave this boy. Go out of him in Jesus' Name. Amen. Go, believing.
L-94 All right. Come. For the baby? Now, let's see it's little hand. Just a minute. How he doing, little boy. Hello dere, fellow. Yes, sir. No, it isn't. It's no infection. Just a minute. Now, do you believe if God can tell me what's wrong with the baby, that God will heal it? Will you accept Jesus as the Healer of that baby? It's heart trouble. It's a bad heart. Doctors don't even know what to do about it. That's right. But God does know what to do about it.
Satan, leave the child in the Name of Jesus, I condemn the devil and ask for its healing. Amen. Take it now. Believe with all your heart, it'll get well.
L-95 Come. How do you, honey? You believe Jesus? Let's see his little hand. Now, yeah. Think the kidney trouble will leave, and you'll get all right, and be well? You believe with all your heart that Christ will heal it?
Lord Jesus, I condemn the devil that's harmed this child. May it leave in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Have faith, believe now. Don't doubt. Go, believing, and if you believe with all your heart, it'll take place.
Now, let's see your hand. Asthmatic condition, but do you believe that God could heal that and make it well? Will you accept Him as your Healer? I condemn the devil that's harmed our sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ leave the woman. Go, believing now. Don't doubt, but believe with all your heart.
L-96 How many out there, that doesn't have prayer cards, will believe? How many of you will actually say, "I believe." Have faith, don't doubt. You believe that arthritis will leave you, the man setting there looking at me, right back here, the elderly like man? If you believe with all your heart, God will heal you.
Here sets a man, right here, with a rupture. Do you believe God will heal you, sir, setting right there with the rupture, praying? You what's kindy bald-headed here in front, with the string tie. Yes, sir. Stand up on your feet and accept your healing then. Have you got a prayer card? No, sir. Your wife's got one. Well, if your wife's got one, you haven't got one then. You can go home with her, and be healed, if she's healed in the line. Amen. If you'll believe with all your heart. I challenge you to believe it to be the truth.
You believe it, every one of you? Then have faith in God.
L-97 Something happened somewhere. Wasn't this person. You believe God will heal you? Lord, in the Name of Jesus heal the woman. Amen. Now, go believe with all your heart. If you can believe this, and don't doubt it, it'll take place.
Come, sister. Now, you know I know what's wrong with you. But, if I--if I don't tell you, you'd believe anyhow. Won't you? Yes, sir. But I'll just tell you, your nervousness is gone from you. You can go home and be well. So just don't doubt...?...
When you was setting there, the heart trouble left, so just keep on walking. Praise the Jesus.
Now, if I don't say one thing to you, will you accept it and believe it's all right? All right, your back trouble's gone; just go on home and be well. And have--have faith in God, believe with all--all of your heart. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the woman in Jesus' Name.
L-98 Come now, believing with all your heart. In the Name of Jesus, may our brother be healed.
Now see, they're getting healed just the same. Do you believe it?
Come sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, may our sister be healed. Have faith. Don't doubt.
We see the poor brother's crippled up. Do you believe that God will heal you, sir? In the Name of Jesus Christ, may our brother be healed. Don't doubt. Go, believing now, you'll get well.
Come sir, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay my hands upon you, brother, and the Bible said, "These signs will follow them that believe." in Jesus' Name, be healed. [Mark 16:17]
L-99 You believe, sister? In the Name of Jesus Christ, may they be healed. Amen.
I'm not looking for visions because I'm getting so weak now, and I just feel my legs trembling under me.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, may they be healed. You believe it now, don't you?
Going to believe? In the Name of Jesus Christ, may they be healed. Amen.
Come, little lady. You going to believe? In the Name of Jesus Christ may sister be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ may our sister be healed.
Come, brother. You're going to believe this now, are you? In the Name of Jesus Christ may our brother be healed.
Come, sister. 'Course you know what... In the Name of Jesus Christ, may our sister be healed.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, may our sister be healed.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, may our sister be healed.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, may our sister be healed.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, may our brother be healed. God bless you, brother.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, may you be healed.
Come, sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she be healed.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she be healed.
Come, brother, believe now and it'll leave you. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may my brother be healed.
In the Name of Jesus Christ may my brother be healed.
Come, brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ may my brother be healed.
L-100 Are you doubting? Are you--are you--are you doubting with all your heart, or are you believing with all your heart? You believe? Now, I--I never used the discernment. I knew what was wrong with the people. You're aware of that, don't you? Here. Is this--I still got the patient in my hand. Look here, sir, I just said, "God bless you." That's all I said, you go on through. Is that right? You believe you're healed, any now? All right. You had cancer. That was on the pelvis bone. Your name's Mr. Peterson. Go home, and be healed. See, see? That's it. Just believe it.
Setting right there with eczema. You believe God will heal you, make you well? Do you have a prayer card? You don't. You believe that God will make you well any how? All right. Receive your healing. Jesus Christ make you well. Amen.
L-101 You believe with all your heart, each one of you? How many believes that God is in His universe? God is in His Word? God is in His Son? God is in His people?
Now, how many feel that you got God in your heart? Raise your hand. All right. Now, put your hands on one another, and be praying for one another, while I go down and pray for these people in the wheelchair.
Brother Roy, lead them in prayer while your... Put your hands on one another. Just put your hands on one another. Believe with all your heart.
Lord Jesus, come now. You're here with the people. God's in His people. May they be healed every one of them. While we're being in prayer. Keep your hands on one another. Keep praying. God is in His people. Believe it, while I pray for these...

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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