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Book One: The Pastor - William Branham's Ministry

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Chronology of A Prophet

The Pastor

[ Book  One ]

Introduction To Chronology

“Chronology Of A Prophet” is not a history or biography. It is a study of the series of events and teachings that have taken place in William Marrion Branham’s ministry, from his conversion until his last sermon. The prophet tells of these events and teachings on tape throughout his entire ministry. I have arranged these quotes in sequence of the events; starting in early 1930’s, ending in 1965.
Because the ministry of the prophet is so massive in content and details I must limit myself in the depth and scope of my study. This study is not a history, yet it may appear to be.
In one area of his ministry attention is focused to the healing campaign; in another area to the teaching or to the prophetic ministry. For some events one or two quotes may be needed to express the thought; while for other events several quotes may be necessary to express the point. Other events will be covered in great depth for the sake of a better understanding of Message in its entirety.
Brother Branham’s early ministry as a pastor and evangelist centered on events in his life. After 1950, with the prophet’s oncoming tape ministry, teachings became the major focal point.
Quotes have been placed, to the best of our ability, under the date of an original event, not on the date in which he gave the message. An example of this; all quotes where the prophet speaks about the “Pillar of Fire” picture taken in 1950 in Houston, Texas will be listed under the date of January, 1950 when the picture was taken.
Some quotes will overlap one year into the next year; this helps the continuity of the topic.
Since Brother Branham started taping his messages in 1947, most of the events from the 1930’s until 1950’s will be taken from sermons preached after 1947.

Definition of  “Chronology:

1st  The science of determining the proper sequence and dating of events.
         (Sometimes this is easy since the tapes are dated and we have a
          biography* of the prophets early life.)

2nd  Arrangement or relationship according to order of occurrence.
         (How events relate to one another is more difficult, but often we
          can follow the order found in the Message.)


The purpose is to outline the prophet’s ministry, to help the reader to visualize God’s Message in a logical timetable of events over the years. I do this by using a chronological arrangement of events; stories, healing, pulls visions, teachings, mysteries, church ages, and seals.
Limited space only permits an outline of the Message of the hour. This outline of events, moves of God and teachings in the Message will be listed as they occur in history between Brother Branham’s conversion in early 1930’s until his death on December 25, 1965. Undoubtedly I’ll forget or overlook many things so feel free to write me a note on them.
There are certain junctions and changes in Brother Branham’s ministry to be noted; his conversion, his commission and early ministry as a pastor, his call to evangelism, the first gift for healing; his second gift discernment, his tape ministry, the third pull and the capstone of his ministry.
A junction is a change or advancement in the prophet’s ministry. The art of a chronology is to note and highlight these junctions.
The Compiler will start and end each book at junctions. He will number, outline and subtitle the books to emphasis the different junctions and changes in the Message.
He will use  (…)  to save space by excluding a portion of quote not relevant to subject.
He will use [     ] for additional information on outline, and the separation of items.
JEFF. is an abbreviation for Jeffersonville.


[ Book  One ]

Outline of Major Changes and Junctions in Prophet’s Ministry
[Placed in five books.]

1st  “The Pastor” starts with Brother Branham’s conversion and ministry early in 1931 thru 1946.
2nd  “The Healer” covers first gift and early evangelism from 1946--1949.
3rd  “The Message” includes the second gift of discernment and the tape teachings from 1949--1955.
4th  “The Third Pull” is the Spoken Word and the teachings after 1956 thru mid 1962.
5th  “The Capping” begins in mid 1962 through the Seals until his going home in December 1965.

This is the first book of chronology. Starting with Brother Branham’s ministry as a pastor, his conversion in the early 1930’s until the Angel of God called him to evangelistic work in 1946.

[ 1931 - 1946 ]

Years                                       [ Pages ]

      1931-1932                                     [  1 – 8 ]
1.  Stars at Brother Branham’s birth.
2.  William Marrion Branham becomes a Christian.
3.  Baptized by Doctor Davis in the fall of 1932.
4.  Healed of stomach ulcers after conversion.
5.  Ordained near Christmas Day in 1932 by Doctor Roy Davis.
6.  Brother Branham received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

      1933                                              [  8 – 19 ]
1.  Visions increased after Brother Branham became Christian.
2.  Refuse to ordain woman preacher.
3.  Brother Branham saw Jesus for first time.
4.  First major vision; seven events to occur before the end time.
5.  Ohio River baptism in June the “Pillar of Fire” commissions’ Brother Branham.
6.  Three ordinances of God; baptism, communion and feet washing.
7.  First time casting out devil.
8.  Branham Tabernacle built; cornerstone laid in June 1933.

      1934                                              [ 19 – 22 ]
1.  Marries Hope Brumbach on June 22, 1934.

      1935                                              [ 22 – 24 ]
1.  At Mishawaka Brother Branham met Pentecostals and heard tongues.
2.  First called to evangelistic field.
3.  Birth of Billy Paul on September 13, 1935.

      1936                                              [ 24 – 25 ]
1.  Birth of Sharon Rose on October 27, 1936
2.  Father Charles Branham dies November 30, 1936.

      1937                                              [ 25 – 33 ]
1.  Ohio flood in 1937; wife Hope and baby Sharon Rose died in July.

      1938-1939                                     [ 33 – 38 ]
1.  Brother Branham performs weddings for two different couples.
2.  Vision of the rain falling on both the wheat and the tares.
3.  Teaching on tongues.  [See 1953 #9]
4.  World War II started on September 1, 1939.

      1940                                              [ 38 – 48 ]
1.  Vision of John Emmel’s afflicted, twisted daughter healed.
2.  Vision of Mrs. Nail’s daughter healed.
3.  Vision of Milltown and Georgie Carter’s healing.

      1941                                              [ 48 – 49 ]
1.  Fellowship.
2.  Prophet marries Meda Broy on October 23, 1941.

      1942-1943-1944                            [ 49 – 52 ]
1.  Not Disobedient to the Heavenly Vision
2.  Mr. Andrews the infidel neighbor.

      1945                                              [ 53 – 55 ]
1.  Killer bull stopped by Divine Love.
2.  Vision of Miss Methodist.
3.  Mother's dream about high heels.   [Isaiah 5: ]

      1946                                              [ 55 – 59 ]
1.  Daughter Rebecca is born March 21, 1946
2.  Angel of Lord commissions Brother Branham.
3.  The Angel and the sign in the hand.
4.  Angel of Lord leads the prophet.
5.  First moving of the Lord after Angel’s commission.
6.  Bro. Branham’s book: Jesus Christ Same Yesterday, Today, Forever.
    [Testimonies of healings after his conversion in 1930’s until 1945’s.]

[Continues in book 2; “THE HEALER”.]

Reason for Chronology

Reason for a chronology of the prophet’s ministry is to help answer questions on different subjects and to provide an overview of the Message.

     1.  Highlights of Brother Branham’s ministry in the first, second and Third pulls.
         [The gifts of discernment in the hand and knowing secrets of the heart.]
     2.  Outline of major events and teachings in Message as occur in time.
     3.  Look at the revealed mysteries, the open Book and the Seals.
         [Revelation 5 & 10;  Matthew 17:11;  Joel 1 & 2,  Revelation 10, etc.]
     4.  Point out Scriptural events fulfilled in Brother Branham’s ministry.
         [.. latter and former rain.  Light in the evening time.  I shall restore.]
     5.  Look at prophecies and visions in Message; past, present and future.

Comments From Compiler And Director

The source of quotes for this study is the 1999 release of the Eagle Computing program. Believers transposed William Branham’s sermons, and any mistakes in the written text are human error; no one intended to add or take away from what the prophet said.
When compiling quotes on any subject, one must set limits on the material due to repetition or space. Yet when covering many events as in a chronology, a few quotes may be used on subjects due to limited space, yet other events will have many quotes used to express junctions in time, pulls, and teachings. Remember the Bible states; “…, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established.”
The selection of material is not meant to slant, twist, or change what the Message says; but to express what the prophet said on many topics. In future booklets the compiler may continue in greater depth on many of the teachings only touched upon in “Chronology Of A Prophet”.

As in music, the director must follow the Composer’s notes. I pray God will let the Holy Spirit that gave the Message, direct me to place It the way the prophet said It.

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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