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Book Three: The Message - William Branham's Ministry

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Chronology of A Prophet

The Message

[ Book  Three ]

Outline of Major Junctions or Changes in Prophet’s Ministry
[Placed in five books.]

1st  “The Pastor” includes from his conversion  and ministry early in 1931 thru 1946.
2nd  “The Healer” covers first gift in the hand and early evangelism from 1946--1949.
3rd  “The Message” includes the second gift of discernment and the tape teachings from 1949--1955.
4th  “The Third Pull” is the Spoken Word and the teachings after 1956 thru mid 1962.
5th  “The Capping” starts in mid 1962 through the Seals until his going home in December 1965.

“The Message” indicates my own feelings about the starting point for book three as well as the starting point of God’s Message. He was born a prophet; in 1931 called to preach and in 1946 called to evangelism: but in 1950 he begins to record his messages, his doctrine, his teachings, his visions and his life story.
I feel the gifts of discernment in July 1949 and the picture of the Pillar of Fire in 1950 are signs that vindicate this junction to be the start of “God’s Message” to the lovely Bride of Jesus Christ.

E-54  (…)  Moses was a prophet sent of God. He had two signs to show to the people that he was--he had God's Message.


[The Evangelism & The Second Gift]
[ 1950* - 1955 ]

Year                                                          Pages

*1949  December 25  [1 tape]             [ 1 – ???39 ]
6.  “The Deity of Jesus Christ”.   Jeffersonville, IN   Dec. 25, 1949.
     [First recorded message found after the second gift, discernment.]
7.  Teaching on demon powers.  [Demonology]
8.  Gifts & Callings.  [Music, Romans 11:29, 1 Corinthians 12]
9.  Law of Contrast.
 10.  The 6th Mystery of living Christ, same yesterday, today forever:
 11.  Doctors & Medicines.
 12.  Plan of Creation.  [Genesis 1 & John 1]
 13.  Born without sexual desire.  [Acts 20:28]
 14.  Deity and Oneness of Christ and the Church.  [John 17:11-26]
 15.  Zoe, Greek for God’s own Life.
 16.  It’ll be Light in the evening time.  [Zechariah 14:7]
 17.  The 1st Mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven.  [Matthew 13:3-18]
 18.  The 5th Mystery of church as the Bride of Christ.  [Ephesians 5:28-32]
 19.  The 4th Mystery of the New Testament Church as One Body; Jews and Gentiles.
       [Ephesians 3:1-11, Romans 16:25, Colossians 4:3]
 20.  The Sealing time is on.  [Ephesians 4:30]
 21.  Dovetail and Continuity.
 22.  God to the people.  [Prophets, Brother Branham, Christians]
 23.  Discernment fulfills Luke 17:30 “...the Son of man is revealed.

1950 [33 tapes]                                               [ 40 – 104 ]
1.  January 1950 a photograph taken of the Pillar of Fire over Brother Branham was taken in Houston, Texas
     during a debate on Divine healing between Brother Bosworth and Dr. Best.
2.  Supernatural photograph in Houston; Texas in January 1950.
3.  Florence Nightingale ask Brother Branham to come to S. Africa.
4.  Appearing of Christ.  [Coming of Christ]
5.  Menopause or changes of life and hormone treatment. 
6.  Gabriel announces second coming of Christ.  [1 Thessalonians 4:16-17]
7.  Spirit of Elijah returning.  [Malachi 4]
8.  The 21st Mystery of Israel a type of the Church.  [Exodus]
9.  Types and typologist.  [Hebrews 10:1]
 10.  How managers and ministers function in the early campaigns.
 11.  17th Mystery of the “Pillar of Fire” returning to led Church.
 12.  The 7th Mystery of Christ as incarnate Fullness of the Godhead embodied in Whom all Divine wisdom
    and godliness is restored to man.
 13.  God’s Message.  [Two signs.]
 14.  Billy Paul being baptized by Brother Branham.
 15.  Missionary trip to Finland started April 6, 1950.
[Boy in Finland raised from dead in 1950 as prophesied in 1948.]
[Cripple girl healed in Finland.]
[Second boy healed from car accident in Finland.]
 16.  Brother Branham back in United States.  [Healing color man in Memphis, Tennessee.]
 17.  Attributes.  [Matthew 7:15-20]
 18.  Prophecy of Joseph’s birth in Minneapolis during July 1950.
 19.  The 8th Mystery of godliness.  [1 Timothy 3:16]
 20.  Body subject to your testimony.  [Inspiration]
 21.  Teaching on immortality.
 22.  Prayer clothes and expenses of missionary work.  [Acts 19:12]
 23.  Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.  [Genesis 2 & 3]  [Eden]  [Cherubim’s]  [Cain & Abel]  [Adam & Eve]
 24.  Plagues upon earth.  [Revelation 8]

1951 [29 tapes]                                               [ 105 – 157 ]
1.  Congressman Upshaw is healed.
2.  Birth of Sarah on March 19, 1951.
3.  Pentecostal church.
4.  Gathering of saints at end time.  [Persecution]
5.  Death of Saints.
6.  Horns mean kingdom and power.  [Revelation 17:12]
7.  Voice of God.
8.  Inspiration.  [Stephen Foster & William Cowper]
9.  Demos Shakarian and Full Gospel Business Men Association.
    [Shakarian family, Demos, Florence]  [Mother healed]
 10.  Mormon prophesy.
 11.  Casting out evil spirits from woman.
 12.  Pastor Hall of the Milltown Baptist church healed of cancer.
 13.  Sons and daughters of God.
 14.  Sozo translated means saved.
 15.  “… God will have nothing to do with error.”
 16.  Teaching on heavenly Angels.
 17.  Second time prophet saw Jesus. [Communism is a spirit.]
 18.  Compassion is doing the will of God.
 19.  Fasting and prayer.
 20.  Law of adoption or placing of sons.
 21.  Unclean spirits.  [Matthew 12:43-45, Luke 11:24-26]
 22.  Doctor Dowie of Zion, IL.  [Prophecy of Brother Branham.]
 23.  Missionary trip 10 weeks in October-December 1951, to South Africa.

1952 [18 tapes]                                               [ 157 – 148 ]
1.  Brother Branham off field for six months of 1952, with ameba.  [Vision of 300,000 in India.]
2.  Teaching on man’s soul.  [Body, soul & spirit]
3.  Mark 16:17-18 not inspired.  [Mother healed and son saying part of Mark 16: is not inspired.]
4.  The Lamb opened the Book.  [Revelation 5:2-5]
5.  Teaching on Healing   [Cancers, demons, etc.]
6.  Shadowed; demon photographed.
7.  Tommy Osborn.
8.  Two spirits.
9.  God speaking through human lips.
 10.  Dimensions.  [Realm of spirits.]
 11.  Anointed One means Christ.
 12.  Anointed ones.
 13.  Dreams and Visions.
 14.  duPlesis, Justine and David.
 15.  Predestination, foreknowledge, election, free moral agency.
 16.  Regeneration.
 17.  Vision of Doctor Adair’s clinic.
 18.  Intercession in tongues for TB case.

1953 [80 tapes]                                               [ 284-400 ]
1.  I will restore; light in the evening time, and faith once delivered.  [Joel 2:25. Zechariah 14:7 & Jude 1:3]
2.  Image of the Beast [Mark of Beast] World Council of Churches.  [VICARIUS FILII DEI]  [Revelation 13:11-18]
3.  Teaches at Branham Tabernacle after 7 years on the evangelistic field.  [Teaching on typology.]
4.  Brides and Jesus Christ.
5.  Eternal Security: sealed by Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
6.  Evidence of Holy Spirit is not on any certain thing.  [Tongues]
7.  Rapturing faith is needed.
8.  Church last plague is spiritual death.  [Revelation 2:22]
9.  Communion.  [Isaiah 28:8-13]
 10.  Temper.
 11.  Lovers of pleasure.  [2 Timothy 3:4]  [Sundays, fishing, movies]
 12.  Bible a Book wrote by God.
 13.  Worship in spirit and truth.
 14.  Insanity.  [See Teaching on Demons powers.  1949m  #7.]
 15.  Donny Morton’s operation and medium Miss Pepper in Reader’s Digest.  [Paradise and witches.]
 16.  Urim Thummim.
 17.  New Birth & Baptism of Holy Spirit.  [John 3:1-10]  [Take on his name by birth.]
 18.  The 13th Mystery of grace, not disgrace, but real true grace.  [Hebrews 10:26]
 19.  God of variety.
 20.  Devil cannot heal.  [Psalms 103:1-3,  Matthew 12:25-28]
 21.  Latter Rain, Pentecostal group.
 22.  Hornets conquered by Divine Love.  [Third Pull]
 23.  Wise and Foolish Virgins.  [Matthew 24:29,  Matthew 25:1-13]
 24.  Sabbath.  [see Adventist Seven-Day]  [Sunday]
 25.  Son of perdition.  [John 17:12.  2 Thessalonians 2:1-5]
 26.  New revelation.  [1963]
 27.  Don’t add or take away.  [Deuteronomy 4:1-2,  12:32. Proverbs 30:6]
 28.  Kosmos or world order.  [John 14:19]
 29.  Doctor Reedhead of the Sudan Missions receives Holy Ghost.
      [Mark 16:9-20 not found in two of the oldest manuscripts.]
 30.  Destruction.  [Tree of knowledge of good and evil.]
 31.  Guardian angels.
 32.  Hollywood.  [See Worldlism..1956  #24]
 33.  Brother Branham takes control of spirits in meetings.
 34.  Bother Lee Vayle manages Branham Campaign.
 35.  Brother Fandler a friend.  [He on tape dated 53-1213e received Holy Spirit.]
 36.  Travail or soul travel.  [Romans 8:22-27 & Galatians 4:19]
 37.  Brother Branham removed from convention in Chicago.

1954 [62 tapes]                                               [ 188 – 269 ]
1.  The 2nd Mystery of Israel’s blindness:  [Romans 11:1-25-36]
2.  The 19th Mystery of two Olive Trees:  Revelation 11:4-13]
3.  Giants.  [Genesis 6:4]  [Cain’s daddy is Satan by the Serpent.]
4.  “But when that which is perfect is come,”  [1 Corinthians 13:1-13]
5.  Perfect love and perfect faith.  [John 13:34-35,  John 15:12-17]  [Fear]  [Law of Love]
6.  Beginning of sorrows.  [Matthew 24:8]
7.  Isaiah’s sixty-six books is a complete commentary on the Bible.
8.  At Kadesh Barnea for nation.
9.  Seven natural seals opened. [Seven seals of redemption, inside the Book, a Mystery unfolding.]
 10.  Daniel’s vision of Image.  [Daniel 2:1-35]
 11.  This is the third Angel’s Message to the world.  [Revelation 14:6-9]
 12.  Three woes.  [Revelation 9:12]
 13.  “…a short work will the Lord make….”  [Romans 9:28]
 14.  Living in another generation (day).
 15.  God will raise Him up another man when I’m gone.
 16.  United States as the lamb.  [Revelation 13:11-18]
 17.  The 10th Mystery of the seven stars:  [Revelation 1:20.]
 18.  The 16th Mystery of water baptism; not Trinitarian titles of Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
       [Acts 2:38,  Matthew 28:19]
 19.  The 11th Mystery Babylon, the prostitute:  [Revelation 17:1-5-7-19]
 20.  Blaspheming.  [Matthew 12:31-32]
 21.  Beauty is deceitful.  [Proverbs 31:30]
 22.  Four Angels of Revelation 7.  [Four winds, Sealing Angel]
 23.  Prophet preached in Constitution Hall, Washington DC.
 24.  Spiritual revelation.  [Cain & Abel]  [See Divine Revelation..1957  #17]
 25.  Missionary trip overseas to India, etc. in September.
 26.  Brother Branham while overseas planned to minister to the Jews.
 27.  Overseas trip to Portuguese, Rome and India.  [Picture of pillar of fire.]  [Trip in September 1954]
 28.  Brother Branham ask prayer for a critical spirit.
 29.  Word made flesh.  [John 1:1-14]
 30.  Baptism of the Holy Spirit after Pentecost.
 31.  Men take one another's spirit.
 32.  The 20th Mystery of God.  [Revelation 10:7]
 33.  Gene Goad and Leo Mercer join Evangelistic team.
 34.  Taught same Gospel to begin with, as “The Pastor”.
 35.  Teaching in the Word.  [Brother Branham as Pastor.]

1955 [83 tapes]                                               [ 269 – 277 ]
1.  King of the North.  [Daniel 11:40-45]  [Euphrates]
2.  Vision of vultures in Los Angeles, Californian.
3.  Azusa Street revival.
4.  Civilization traveled.
5.  Bible oriental Book.
6.  Three unclean spirits like frogs.  [Revelation 16:13]
7.  Joseph Branham promised son born on May 19.
8.  Bait on hook, healing.
9.  Noah’s flood by atomic power that caused earthquake.
 10.  Spirit dominates your life.
 11.  Two mental faculties the Soul and the Mind (brain).  [Lie detector, subconscious, conscience]
 12.  Wheat and cocklebur nature.
 13.Agapao & Phileo Greek for love.
 14.  Born again is a miniature creator.
 15.  Age of Accountability for little children and babies.
 16.  Vision of healings in Denver.
 17.  Missionary trip to Switzerland & Germany.
 18.  Zwingli was in Switzerland.
 19.  Opossum healed.
 20.  The 18th Mystery of Faith.  [1 Timothy 3:9]
 21.  Leaving Campaign after meetings at San Fernando, California
 22.  Vision of the Third pull.

(Continues in book 4, “THE THIRD PULL”.)
 In starting the third book “THE MESSAGE” I found a quote to use as a teaching guide to direct us in this chronology study, from a pivotal message of Brother Branham’s called:

IS THIS THE SIGN OF THE END, SIR?   Jeffersonville, IN   62-1230E

30-3   Now, listen close. The seventh angel of Revelations 10:7 is the seventh church age messenger. See? Now, watch. And in the days... Now, watch here.
    But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished,
Now, sounding forth, this messenger, the seventh angel here, is sounding forth his message to the Laodicean church. Notice his type of message. Now, it wasn't to the first angel (wasn't given that), second angel, third, fourth, fifth, sixth; but it is the seventh angel that had this type of message. What was it? Notice, his type of message: finishing all the mysteries of God that are written in the Book. The seventh angel is winding up all the mysteries that's lain loose-ended, all out through these organizations and denominations. The seventh angel gathers them up and finishes the entire mystery. That's what the Bible said: finishes the mystery of the written Book.
30-5   Now, let's note a few of these mysteries. And if you want to, write them down. First, I'll take what Scofield says here in Matthew 13. If you would like to--to type some of them down... If you haven't got a Scofield Bible, you might read what he thinks some of the mysteries are. Now, in the 11th verse:
    He answered and said unto them, Because it's given to you. (his disciples)... Because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, (but not to them) but to them it is not given.  (The mysteries)
Here's the mystery: A "mystery" is Scripture--is "a previously hidden truth, now Divinely revealed, but which is a supernatural element still remains despite the revelation." The greater mysteries and the Great Mysteries are:
31-1   Number 1. The mystery of the Kingdom of heaven. That's the one we are talking on now, 13... Matthew 13:3-15.
Now, 2nd mystery is the mystery of Israel's blindness during this age: Romans 11:25 with the context.
3rd--3rd mystery is the mystery of the translation of the living saints at the end time of this age: I Corinthians 15 and also Thessalonians 4:14-17.
The 4th mystery, of the New Testament church as One Body, composed of both Jews and Gentiles: Ephesians 3:1-11, Romans 16:25, and also Ephesians 6:19, Colossians 4:3.
The 5th mystery is of the church as the Bride of Christ; Ephesians 5:28-32.
6th mystery is of the living Christ, same yesterday, today and forever: Galatians 2:20, and Hebrews 13:8, many places like that.
The 7th mystery is of God, even Christ, as the incarnate Fullness of the Godhead embodied, in Whom all Divine wisdom and godliness is restored to man.
The 9th mystery is the mystery of iniquity found in II Thessalonians and so forth.
The 10th mystery is of the seven stars of Revelation 1:20. We just been through that. The seven stars are the seven churches, the seven messengers, and so forth.
And the 11th mystery is mystery Babylon, the prostitute: Revelations 17:5-7.
31-2   That's some of the mysteries that this angel is supposed to wind up, all the mystery--all the mysteries of God... And the other one... May I say this with reverence, and not referring to myself, but referring to the Angel of God.
The serpent's seed, that's been a hidden mystery all through the years.
The grace straightened out, not disgrace, but real true grace.
No such a thing as an eternal burning hell. You'll burn for millions of years, but anything that was eternal had never beginning or end, and hell was created. All these mysteries.
The mystery of the baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation, but the Person of Christ performing in you the same works that He did.
The mystery of water baptism, where the extreme trinitarianism has brought it into titles of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, and the mystery of the Godhead being fulfilled in the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ; according to the Book of the Revelation that the church in this time was to receive. There's some of the mysteries.
The Pillar of Fire returning back. Amen. That's the thing that is supposed to take place, and we see it.
32-4   Oh, how we could go on naming the mysteries. Seeing that Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, the same one that struck down Saul on his road down to Damascus. And the same One, coming with the same power, doing the same things, and revealing the same Word, staying word by word with the Bible.
The sounding of the trumpet means Gospel trumpet. And the sounding of a trumpet in the Bible means, get ready for Scriptural war. Are you getting it down? Scriptural war... Paul said... If you want to put this down, I Corinthians 14:8, Paul said, "If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, how will a man know what to prepare for?" And if it doesn't have a Scriptural sound, a vindicated, a vindication of the Word of God made manifest, how will we know were at the end time? If it says they believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but deny His signs and wonders that the whole realm of nature believed on Him, and all the church believed on Him by this, how will we know how to prepare?
32-6   Somebody's come forth with a chart, and drawed it all out, and somebody's come forth with another thing and drawed this all out contrary to this one. Some's come forth and said, "This is it," coming back to this, and others has wrote books and things like that. But God comes in the power of His resurrection and who's going to speak against it? If Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He does the same that He did yesterday, today, and forever. That's what this angel is supposed to do, take them mysteries, them loose ends, that people run out on...
Notice, if it gives an uncertain sound, unscriptural, who can prepare himself? But a trumpet... Did you notice, each one of those ages, as I told you about the church coming in, there was a trumpet sounded, a seal tore loose. And a trumpet means war. And if it don't give a Scriptural sound, what about it? But let me call this to your memory. Don't miss it now.
33-1   Notice, each church age had its messenger. We know that. Paul was the first messenger. And when the first trumpet sounded, and the first seal was tore loose... Paul was the first messenger as we found. And what did he do? Declare war. On what? The orthodox church for not believing the Messiac sign that Jesus had produced to them.
Why, they should've knowed it. They should've knowed Him.
Remember Paul come at the end of the age. All messengers come at the end of the age. It's at the end-time when these things are--are brought forth. Paul, knowing the Scriptures, and knowing that Jesus was Messiah, and he blasted those synagogues from place to place with the Scriptures and was put out of everyone of them, till finally he shook the dust from his feet and turned to the Gentiles.
33-5   What was it? Sounding of a trumpet, an angel messenger standing there with the Word. Oh, my. Don't you miss that now. The Word... And Paul with the unadulterated interpretation of God's Word, blasted every one of them synagogues. Cost him his life.
How we could go down to Irenaeus, the one--the messenger of the next church age, and Saint Martin, the next church age, when they begin to get the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes begin to come in. And they blasted that age. Saint Martin blasted his age. And then Luther, the fifth messenger, he blasted that Catholic church with the Word of God. "The just shall live by faith," he said; and "This is not the literal body of Christ," and he throw the communion on the floor, walked out, and blasted that Catholic church. That trumpet sounded. That's right. That right?
33-7   John Wesley, raised up in the days of the Anglican church, when they said, "There is no more reason to have revivals," it went to seed. But John Wesley stood up with a message of the second work of grace: sanctification. And he blasted that Anglican church with the Gospel trumpet prepared for war. That's right. He did it.
Now, we're in the Laodicean age, when they've again denominated: Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Pentecostals, and we're looking for a prophet to come to blast this age and turn them back from their iniquity.
Now, if that's been the trend all the way down through the age, will God change His trend in this day? He can't change it. He has to keep the regular strike. And remember, this messenger was the seventh angel, and he was to take all the mysteries and gather them up.
34-2   Notice, the seventh angel was to blast the Laodicean rich church. “I'm rich, and increased in goods, and have need of nothing.” He said, “You're miserable wretch, poor, blind and naked, and don't know it.” That was his message.
Oh, God, send us a fearless prophet with “Thus Saith The Lord”, that the vindicated Word of God will move through it, and prove that he's sent from God. And when he comes, he'll blast them ages. Sure will. He'll set that Laodicean church against him. Certainly he will. They did in every other age. It won't change in this age. It's got to be the same.
34-4   Notice, now the Laodicean church: the messenger will finish of the Laodicean... The seventh angel will finish all of the mysteries that's been lost in the battles before for the truth.
Luther raised up, but he didn't have all the truth. He only had justification. Right. Along come another messenger named John Wesley with sanctification. He didn't have it. The Bible said... The Philadelphian church... Then comes the Laodicean church age with the baptism of the Spirit, but they messed it all up and went right back into the formalism like they did in the first place; when He was to look upon as Alpha and Omega, His hand laying one way and one way: the first and the last.
34-6   His Spirit fell on the day of Pentecost and filled that group. She gradually drained out, till it come through the dark ages, the seven golden candlesticks, the seven church ages. The last was the fartherest away from Him. That was a--nearly a thousand years of dark ages the Catholic church. Luther begin to bring the next light, a little closer to the Word. The next light come a little closer. The next Light, the Laodicean, then it come right back like it did the first place: went right off into the same mess it did in the first place. Don't you see what I mean?
34-7   Now, watch. There's a lot of truth lost out there. Why? Where others compromised on truth. But this seventh angel don't compromise on nothing. He gathers up all the loose ends, gathers them all up, and at his sounding, all the mystery of God should be finished. Oh, God sent him. All of the hidden mysteries was finished when he... It was revealed to him. By what? If these are hidden mysteries, the man will have to be a prophet. And didn't we just get through and see that the prophet that would come in the last age would be that great Elijah that we been looking for? Because these mysteries that's hid through the theologians will have to be revealed to God, and the Word comes only to the prophet. And we know it. He will be the second Elijah, as promised. Oh, my. The message he--he will bring will be the mysteries on all these things.
35-1   We have water baptism; it's all mixed up. That's right. One sprinkles, one pours, one takes Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one takes this, one baptizes three times face forward for a--one for a God named "Father," another for a God named "Son," and another for a God named "Holy Ghost." The other one says, "You're wrong, you have to baptize backwards three times that way." And, oh, what a mess. But the whole thing has been wound up. For there's only one God, and His Name is Jesus Christ; and there's not another name under heaven but that Name. There's not one text of Scripture, nowhere in the Bible, where anybody was ever baptized in any other way but in the Name of Jesus Christ. Not one time was any of the new church, or the church of Jesus Christ ever sprinkled, poured, or anything else. Not one time was ever a ceremony used, "I baptize thee in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost." It's creeds and things. And in the battle for truth, them ends has been lost; but God said they'd be restored again in the last days. "I will restore, saith the Lord." We went through that not long ago, the "Bride Tree."
It will take a prophet. The Bible says that he would be here. That's right. Malachi 4 speaks that he'll be here, and we believe that he will. We're looking for him, and we're looking for his manifestation. And we'll see the vindicated Word of God. There'll just be a few understand it. "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man." What was saved? Five souls. In the days of Lot there was actually three saved. The wife started out and lost. So shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. There'll be very few saved, translated in that time. One of the mysteries of that church being taken up, like Lot was taken--like Lot was taken out away. Noah was taken up, and the church will be taken up also. One went in, and one went out, and the other one goes up. See, it's exactly, perfectly. The Word comes.
36-1   The Book that is written within is then completed when this, all these mysteries have finished to be sounded.
Now, let me read it again, so you will be sure. Now, look.
    But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel,.. (the last angel) when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished...
Now, what is “the mystery of God,” one of them? Paul said in First Timothy 3, I believe it was, said, “Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: for God was manifested in the flesh.” We handled Him, seen Him, received up into glory. Witnessed by angels, vindicated here on earth--God was!
Sure, it's a great mystery, but it's all solved: not Father, Son and Holy Ghost, three Gods; but, One God in three offices. The Fatherhood under Moses, the Sonship under Christ, the Holy Ghost under this dispensation. Three dispensations of the same God; not three Gods.
The mystery's finished now. The Bible said it should be.  [End of quote.]

List of Mysteries of the written Book

1st     Mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven.  [Matthew 13:3-18]
2nd    Mystery of Israels blindness.  [Romans 11:1-25-36]
3rd    Mystery of the Translation.  [Corinthians 15:51-54,  Thessalonians 4:14-17]
4th    Mystery of the N T Church as One Body both Jews and Gentiles.
5th    Mystery of church as Bride of Christ.  [Ephesians 5:28-32]
6th    Mystery of living Christ, same yesterday, today and forever:
7th    Mystery of Christ as incarnate Fullness of the Godhead embodied, in Whom all Divine wisdom and godliness is
    restored to man.
8th    Mystery of godliness.  [1 Timothy 3:16]
9th    Mystery of iniquity.  [2 Thessalonians 2:3-7-12]
10th  Mystery of the seven stars of Revelation 1:20.
11th  Mystery Babylon, the prostitute.  [Revelations 17:1-5-7-19]
12th  Mystery of serpent see.  [Genesis 3:1-15-16]
13th  Mystery of grace, not disgrace, but real true grace.
14th  Mystery of no eternal hell fire.
15th  Mystery of the baptism of Holy Spirit without sensation.
16th  Mystery of water baptism; not trinitarianism of titles of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Godhead being fulfilled
    in baptism in Name of Lord Jesus Christ.  [Matthew 28:19,  Acts 2:28]
17th  Mystery of the Pillar of Fire returning back to led the church.

Added Mysteries found in other quotes from messages.
18th  Mystery of Faith.  [1 Timothy. 3:9]
19th  Mystery of Two Witnesses of Revelation 11:4-13.
20th  Mystery of God.  [Revelation 10:7]
21st  Mystery of Israel a type of the Church.  [Exodus]
22nd Mystery of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.  [Matthew 16:13-20]

The Chronology will place “the mysteries” in the year in which they were first taught by the prophet, followed with the best additional quotes from other messages. I have found that the mysteries listed by Brother Branham, are solved before the end of 1962 as he stated in the above quote.

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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