December 2007 Newsletter
“.. freely ye have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8)

Issue Date: December 01, 2007

Text Box: “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” [Matthew 10:8]

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“Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with [my] whole heart” [Psalm 119:33]

“Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures” [Luke 24:36-45]

“But when the promise drew nigh, they thought, surely, that they would understand. But the people of God.. Usually Satan works right in there with their understanding, and makes them dull of understanding. And there they miss God nine times out of ten.” [Moses Commission, Houston TX, 50-0110]

“Now, in giving this illustration of the senses, the natural man is borned with these senses, so they are nature-given senses. And that's really only thing he'll ever know about it in his intellectual thinking. He can only think as a man; he can see as a man; he can understand as a man; he can hear as a man; but when he becomes governed, or regenerated, or we would call it borned again, then that sixth, super sense takes ahold of him. And in doing so, that super sense raises him up into a spot to where he has faith to believe things that he could not hear, things that he could not see, understandings that he could not understand. He believes it anyhow, because he's governed by that sixth sense, that super sense. Oh, how marvelous it is to know it, and to think how simple it is to believe it.” [A Super Sense, JEFF IN, 59-1227E]  

“If they could not understand our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, even His apostles (See?), then how could we expect to understand it in this day. He'd say things so straight, you know. And He wouldn't explain them. He'd just say them. Said, like for instance, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you. "Now, what if a doctor had been standing close, or a nurse or something in that congregation that day He was talking to? Well, they said, "This man is a vampire, wants to drink his Blood." See? He never explained it. He just said it. But later on, Paul came along and explained it out, how it was taking communion, you know, eating His Flesh and drinking His Blood. And so He just said those things.” [Power Of Transformation, Prescott AZ, 65-1031M] 

“But when you say, "seeing is believing," you're mistaken. When you understand it, you believe it. Jesus said, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom," in other words, "understand the Kingdom," because the Kingdom is the Holy Spirit in you. So you have to understand what this is in you. And the only way you'll understand it, is compare what it makes you do with what the Bible said it would make you do.” [Proving His Word, JEFF IN, 64-0816]   

“The god of this world today, the worshiped person of this world today, is Satan. And the people are ignorant of worshiping Satan, but it's Satan impersonating himself as the church, see, as the church. They worship Satan, thinking that they are worshiping God through the church, but it's the way Satan has done it. "Oh," you say, "but wait a minute; we preach the Word." 23    Look back here at my text, tonight. Satan was the one that preached the Word to Eve, first, "God hath said," see. 24  It's that misconstruing that part of the Scripture that applies to the day. He'll let you know all Jesus did was perfectly well. He'll let you know all that Moses did was perfectly well. But when you take the promises that they gave for this day, then That was applied to another age. That's just all he has to do, see, is to get the people to believe It that way, and that's all. [Satan's Eden, JEFF IN, 65-0829]  

“Now, we're fixing to observe something here that's really sacred. I was called on a few days ago, to some very fine Christian gentlemen that's never had this, and he understood that we taken communion literally. They take it what they call "spiritual communion." And which, as far as communion, I'd say all right, 'cause "communicate" is "to talk to." See? See, that reason I'm saying this, so that you would understand what you're doing. If you walk into anything blindly, you don't know what you're doing. You can't have even confidence if you don't know what you're doing. But you must understand what you are doing and why you're doing it. 'This do in remembrance of Me,' said Jesus. 'As oft as you take it in remembrance of Me, you show forth the Lord's death till He comes.'" See? Now, we are to take it.” [Communion, Tucson AZ, 65-1212]

“Everything the Christian can depend on is the unseen, the promise of God. And we look at something that we don't see with our eyes. By the way, if you see it with your eyes, you don't see it. "See it" means "to understand it." You look at anything right straight and say, "I don't see it," you mean you don't understand it. Something that's got a understanding that God has made His promise, and something has struck you that you believe it, that's understanding that God's promise is to you. Then something's going to happen. Then I don't care, nobody in the world can talk you out of it. You're on your road then. Nothing's going to stop you.” [Perseverant, SALEM OR, 62-0719E]

“Lean not to your own understanding. If you lean on your own understanding today when you're sick, maybe setting in a wheelchair, dying with cancer, heart trouble, and the doctor says you're going to die, if you lean to that understanding, you'll die. But don't lean to that understanding. Certainly not.” [Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding, Phoenix AZ, 65-0120]

“Now, real reverent, now you repeat this prayer after me. Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of Everlasting Life, Giver of every good gift, I now thank Thee for opening my understanding; I now believe, that in my heart, I am thoroughly convinced that Jesus Christ Thy Son is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I now accept Him as my Healer. I open my heart. I open the door of faith. I surrender all my faith to Thee. Be Lord of my faith. I receive You now.” [Door Of The Door, Newark NJ, 57-1212]

Our Bible Study Subject for December 2007: "Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law"
We pray that God will continue to bless you and your loved ones. Please remember us also before Him, that we will continue to be a blessing to you His Bride.
Brother Robert Wilson

Tune-in Broadcast
William Branham 24/7

You can tune-in to any of the four (4) broadcast streams below from our website
* Today’s Feature: Featured Sermon for the day
* Bible Study (For This Month): Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law
* Prayer-Healing Line:
Build up your Faith for your Healing
* End Time Gospel Music:
Reflecting of the End Time Message
Tune-in Sermón Resaltado: Featured Sermon for the dayBullet
This is ONLY a missionary tool for spreading the End Time Gospel, and also to help reach out to the last one, until the last one comes in.
Our motive and objective is to provide tools to support the ministry of the Bride of Christ “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:” (Ephesians 4:13)

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